Vietnamese Mint Seeds

Lemon scented flavor with a suggestion of mint. It is eaten raw in a variety of soups and meat dishes. Also found on herb plates.
It also has medicinal uses. It is used in tea for soothing properties and leaves used in steam baths for better skin.
Useful gardening information
Start seeds inside 6 weeks before last frost date (or 8 weeks before expected transplanting date). Keep soil warm until emergence. Seeds will not germinate in cool soil and planting out too early may affect plant vigor. Harden off plants carefully before transplanting. Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Transplant in late spring/summer (soil temperatures at least above 60°F). Keep soil moist. Harvest leaves and stem tips at as soon as 30 days after transplanting. Grows well in open field and containers.
3461 Vietnamese Mint, Kinh Gioi
A very unique herb, called Kinh Gioi in Vietnam and also often called Vietnamese Balm or Vietnamese Mint in the West. Plants produce bright green saw-edged leaves with lemony scent flavor. Young leaves are used in fish and chicken dishes, salads, soups and tea drinks. It has been reported that Vietnamese also drink tea made by boiling water with fresh or dried leaves for medicinal uses. Plants grow very well in a sunny and warm area. Young leaves and tips can be harvested 30 days after transplanting. Plants grow to about 20 inches in average. This variety produces many branches. Very productive. Good variety for open field planting and container growing.
  $4.95 per 20mg pack ( about 125 seeds per pack )

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