page to learn about disease resistance codes, the difference between determinate and indeterminate, and lots of useful tomato growing information.
RTP019 Beefsteak
This is the original large,tasty tomato enjoyed for generations. Beefsteak tomatoes are always grown for their flavor and size for slicing and summer sandwiches. This variety produces large, meaty red fruit over a long season on indeterminate plants. Because it matures late compared to many other tomatoes, it will provide a fresh harvest in the latter part of the season. This is an old favorite beloved by gardeners in the Northeast and grown throughout the country.
These are the tomatoes that grandma grew, meaty and firm, perfect on sandwiches or served straight up with a pinch of salt. Large, ribbed fruits, 1-2 lbs. each, are produced on indeterminate vines. Solid, meaty and juicy tomatoes, an excellent slicer. 80 days.
RTP457 Bella Rosa
VFFAStTSWV. Plants produce high yields of large bright red tomatoes which are round, firm, and highly flavorful. A good balance of acid and sugar. A heat tolerant variety which does well in hot humid areas. Perfect for home gardens. Determinate. 10-12 ounce fruits. 75 days.
RTP975 Berkeley Tie-Dye Pink
Early beeksteak, orange with vivid green stripes, sweet slicer, adaptable to all climates, amazing flavor, indeterminate, 67 days.
RTP022 Betterboy Hybrid
With Betterboy, you get large yields of smooth skinned, large fruit. This has made it one of the most popular tomatoes grown in the US and as one of the all time best sellers. The fruit has excellent classic tomato flavor with just the right balance of acid and sugar. This is a great slicing tomato.
Huge, tasty, red tomatoes, many weighing 1 pound each. These large, delicious, bright red, high yielding fruits are borne in abundance starting midseason and continuing to frost. Good foliage protection prevents sun scald.
It is widely adapted throughout the country. Grow it in a tall cage or tie to a stake for support.The indeterminate vines are resistant to verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt (F), and nematodes (N). 75 days.
RTP023 Big Boy
This is a long time standard tomato for the garden. Large
delicious fruits are good for fresh eating or canning. Bears
abundance of fruits and does well in full sun. Indeterminate. 10-12 ounce fruits. 78 days.
RTP024 Big Beef Hybrid
One of our favorite tomatoes and always one of our best sellers. Grows just about anywhere with excellent disease resistance and great flavor. It will produce about twice the yields of most other giant beefsteaks. Large, average 10-12 oz., mostly blemish-free, globe-shaped red fruit.
And it is earlier too, 73 days from setting out transplants. Indeterminate. With earlier maturity and superior disease tolerance, Big Beef Hybrid bears at least double the number of extra-large, extra-meaty, extra-tasty fruits of other varieties in its class.
The fruits have better shape, color, and old-time tomato flavor, too! No wonder Big Beef won an AAS award!
These well-adapted, indeterminate plants are tolerant of, or resistant to, Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt races 1 and 2, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Root Knot Nematodes, and Stemphylium (Gray Leaf Spot).
RTP802 Big Rainbow
Huge fruit up to 2 lbs, delicious and sweet tasting. These
tomatoes are very striking sliced, as the yellow fruit have
neon red streaking though the flesh. An heirloom preserved by
members of Seed Savers Exchange. Indeterminate, 83 days.
RTP429 Big Zac
This prize winner was bred by Minnie Zaccaria, a New Jersey gardener who tirelessly
sought the perfect cross-pollination of two heirlooms, finally creating this enormous
tomato with fruits that repeatedly tip the scales at an amazing 4 to 6 lbs. We know that
you'll love it for its quality and its size. An excellent tomato in every respect - meaty and
delicious, very disease resistant, and true-growing each time it's planted. Furthermore, it
has impeccable ancestors, a beautiful, red heirloom beefsteak-type, and a large, pink
open-pollinated beefsteak heirloom. Indeterminate, 80 days.
RTP025 Black Brandywine
Great tasting near black 12-16 ounce fruits with superior flavor.
Indeterminate. 85 days.
RTP405 Black Cherry
Round, rich flavor, tall vigorous plant, indeterminate. 65 days.
RTP947 Black From Tula
Deep red-brown beefsteak, smooth, 10 oz, very tasty, sets well
even in heat, Russian heirloom, indeterminate, 75 days.
RTP459 Black Pineapple
One of the most interesting tomatoes we offer. The skin has shades of green, purple, orange, and yellow. Bright green flesh has bursts of red streaks that will definitely add intrigue to your vegetable platter. The lip smacking flavor starts out sweet and ends with the perfect amount of tang.
This unusual variety was developed by Pascal Moreau, a horticulturist from Belgium. Has a superb flavor that is outstanding, being both sweet and smokey with a hint of citrus. What's more, the sprawling indeterminate plant yields a tremendous amount of 1 ½ pound fruits. 85 days.
RTP460 Black Russian
Turns dark red-black when mature, rich old fashioned heirloom tomato flavor, indeterminate, 78 days.
RTP999 Bonny Best
A classic heirloom tomato that has been grown since the early 1900's. Used primarily for fresh eating, it was originally the staple variety for making ketchup. Makes one of the best homemade tomato soups you will ever have, tomato paste, sauce, and more. It is rich in flavor, acidic for a prolonged canning shelf life, and low on seeds and gel. A perfect tomato for anyone who is looking to produce more of their food from home. Grows very well in northern regions. Indeterminate. 8 ounce fruits. 85 days.
IP244 Brandyman Hybrid
F1, First hybrid Brandywine, up to 16 oz, luscious pink, fantastic flavor, strong disease resistance.
80 days Indeterminate.
RTP034 Brandywine (Amish Heirloom Variety)
Brandywine, which dates back to 1885, is the heirloom tomato standard. One taste and you'll be enchanted by its superb flavor and luscious shade of red-pink. The large, beefsteak-shaped fruits grow on unusually upright, potato-leaved plants. The fruits set one or two per cluster and ripen late, and are worth the wait.
Brandywine's qualities really shine when it develops an incredible fine, sweet flavor. 85 days. 1 pound or larger fruits. Indeterminate.
LET244 Brandywine Sudduth Strain ( Heirloom Variety )
This variety originally is from the Ben Quisenberry collection who reportedly obtained the seed from a Mrs. Doris Sudduth Hill who said that it had been in her family since about 1900. Where the Sudduth family obtained the seed is now lost to history. It was introduced into the SSE Yearbook in the late 1980s and quickly became the most popular heirloom tomato variety among seed savers.
Many gardeners consider this strain the best Brandywine with fruit that is superior in taste and smoothness. Its tomatoes are indeed special, 1 to 2 pound pink beefsteaks with the delectably complex, rich, sweet flavor that has made Brandywine famous. Indeterminate. 85 days.
RTP921 Brandywine Yellow
Heirloom type, yellow, potato leaf foliage, large 20 oz,
flavorful, indeterminate. 85 days.
RTP044 Bush Beefsteak
Large, sandwich size fruit with deep rich red color. Bushy plants. 8 ounce fruits. Determinate. 62 days.
RTP600 Bush Early Girl Hybrid
Extra-large, extra-early tomatoes grow on a true bush. The earlier, the better. These extra-large, extra-early tomatoes grow on a true bush. The 4" across tasty red fruits are much bigger than Early Girl and ripen just 2 days later. The 18" plants are amazingly compact and self-supporting, yet productive. Multiple disease resistances.
Determinate version of original. Slightly larger fruit on a productive bush plant only 18 inches tall. Ideal for container culture. Has demonstrated tolerance of verticillium wilt races 1 & 2, fusarium wilt, nematodes, and tobacco mosaic. 54 days.
IP330 Caiman F1 Tropical/Greenhouse
Caiman is one of the very best tropical and greenhouse varities, it produces a great tasting tomato with good shelf life. Widely used in the Tropics and Mexico, it will produce delicious tomatoes in the greenhouse or outside in the garden during the summer heat.
Shiny bright red eight to twelve ounce tomatoes grow in clusters of 4-6 on vigorous plants and hold well on the vine. Plants have short internodes and good fruit set even in hot weather. Recommended for the field or high tunnels. High resistance to MV, verticillium and fusarium races 0,1. Intermediate resistance to TSWV and root-knot nematodoes. Indeterminate. 90 days.
RTP994 Calypso
Aka Caribbean Tomato, a classic heirloom variety. Calypso Tomatoes grow best in humid climates, and do not do well in areas with short growing seasons, which is why it is also know as the Caribbean tomato. Features delicious round, 7 ounce red, slightly flattened, firm tomatoes with high yield and good disease resistance.
If you live in the southern United States or a warmer part of the world, Calypso is the perfect tomato for you!
RTP771 Chadwick's Cherry
Vines up to 5 feet. Excellent flavored cherry tomato with 1
ounce, sweet red fruits. Vigorous and disease resistant. 90
days. Indeterminate.
RTP986 Charger Hybrid ( Hot southern gardens )
Very good flavor with Southern adaptation. This is the one for late summer tomatoes in the hot south.
Large, 10-14 oz., red tomatoes are borne on high-yielding, medium-large plants. Very lightly ribbed tomatoes are firm and have very good flavor. Widely adaptable, with TYLCV and F3 resistance for the deep South. High resistance to alternaria stem canker, fusarium wilt races 0-2, and verticillium wilt; and intermediate resistance to gray leaf spot and tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Determinate. 78 days.
RTP984 Chef's Choice Bicolor Hybrid
2020 AAS Edible-Vegetable Winner. The first bicolor tomato in the Chef's Choice series is here! Indeterminate plants produce large 7-8 ounce flattened beefsteak fruits with beautiful pinkish-red internal stripes within a yellow flesh. The lovely stripes extend to the base of the outer fruit skins. These heirloom looking tomatoes are as sweet as they are beautiful with a better flavor and texture than the comparisons. Gardeners will enjoy earlier maturity and more uniform fruits that hold up all season long, producing well into September in the Heartland. As with all the colors in the Chef’s Choice series, each plant can produce about 30 fruits per season. Indeterminate, 70 days.
RTP471 Chello
Yellow Cherry, 1 oz, high yield, compact 24" plant plant for patio, determinate, 57 days.
RTP055 Cherokee Purple
An old Cherokee Indian heirloom, pre-1890 variety; beautiful deep dusky purple-pink color, superb sweet flavor, and very large sized fruit. Delicious fruits averaging 8-12 ounces. 90 days. Indeterminate.
3651 Cherry Falls
Vigorous cascader, 1" super tasty cherry colored fruits, produces continuously over long period, indeterminate, 60 days.
LET150 Cherry Fountain Red Hybrid
F1, Vigorous trailing plant, perfect for basket, 6" tall on top, trails up to 30", juicy red fruits for Vitamin C all season, indeterminate, 60 days.
RTP822 Cherry Roma
(75-80 days) Produces bountiful sets of 1" long, plum-shaped
fruits with a surprising flavor that's both sweet and spicy at
the same time. A real taste treat when eaten fresh, or dried to
enjoy all year long! Indeterminate.
IP365 Trip-L-Crop
Also known as Italian Tree. Grows extremely long and productive tomato! Huge yields on a 15 foot vine, needs a trellice, large 1-2 pound tomatoes, red, meaty and great canned. Vine doesn't really climb, but can reach 15 feet or more by season's end. An excellent heirloom greenhouse tomato. 85 days.
RTP061 Costoluto Genovese
An excellent performer in greenhouse and open air growing
conditions. 7 ounce ribbed, firm fleshed, sweet flavored
fruits. 90 days. Indeterminate.
RTP983 Country Taste
70 Days. (VFFT) Tomato lovers won't get enough of Country Taste, with its smooth, round, deep red fruits weighing up to 1 lb. Color is consistent from the skin straight through the center. Flesh is firm and juicy, packed with "real tomato" flavor. Produces high yields of beefsteak fruits that pay tribute to the old-time qualities of hearty, country-style tomatoes. One of the best varieties for fresh eating.
RTP927 Creole
Louisiana bred, mid-large, firm flesh, good flavor, suited to
hot humid areas, resists disease, indeterminate. 80 days.
RTP881 Crnkovic Yugoslavian
Original seeds brought in from Yugoslavia. Large beefsteak fruits have perfect shoulders and almost never crack. Great
full tomato flavor. Heavy yields. Indeterminate. 80-90 days from transplant. Up to 1 pound fruits.
RTP462 Currant Yellow
South American species, ½" yellow, long clusters, very sweet, intense tomato flavor, indeterminate, 70 days.
LET126 Delicious
An excellent slicer, with most fruits over 1 lb. and many to 2-3 lbs. A fruit of Delicious held the Guinness World Record for weight (7.75 lbs) for 28 years! Produces smooth and solid fruits that seldom crack, with small cavities, nearly solid meat, and excellent flavor. Developed from Beefsteak after 13 years of careful selection. Indeterminate, 77 days.
3554 Dixie Golden Giant
Huge 32 oz golden beefsteak, Amish heirloom, very sweet, indeterminate, 85 days.
RTP985 Dusky Cocktail
Cocktail size oval to round 2" fruits, dark brick brown, nearly brown interior, delightfully sweet, indeterminate, 70 days.
RTP997 Early Boy Bush
F1, Very early round, bright red, 5 oz, interior deep red and very juicy, ideal for patio pot, needs little staking, determinate, 46 days.
RTP079 Early Girl Hybrid
A longtime early favorite, Early Girl produces heavy yields of full-flavored, 4–6 oz. tomatoes that are great for grilling. One of the first varieties to ripen each year. Also prized for its performance as a "dry-farmed" tomato, owing to its extreme tolerance to drought and blossom end rot. Indeterminate. 52 days.
LET149 Fat Mama
Paste type heirloom, huge bright red plum, 3½ x 5", 10 oz, very sweet, indeterminate. 78 days.
RTP916 Floradade
The Floradade Tomato is a delicious, bright red variety that has a great ability to withstand heat and produce high yields! This variety was introduced by the University of Florida in 1976. This tomato plant produces smooth, 5-7 ounces sized tomatoes with slightly deep globes that have red with green shoulders. 77 days.
RTP990 Florida 91 Hybrid
A perfect tomato for hot climates, will set in very hot conditions. Large, sweet, 8 ounce deeply oblate fruits. A disease-resistant hybrid, plants yield a crop of round, sweet fruit ideal for slicing onto sandwiches and salads.
Maturing in the main season, Florida 91 is a hot-set tomato hybrid for the eastern United States. Its combination of a strong, healthy vine and exceptionally firm and smooth fruit can give growers a high yield potential. Determinate. 80 days.
RTP098 Gardener's Delight
German bred variety with long, grape like bunches of 3/4 inch
fruits that are very sweet. Will produce until frost. 72 days.
RTP995 German Giant
An old family heirloom, potato leaf plant produces an abundant crop of very large, 1-2 lbs. beautiful, deep-pink tomatoes that are similar to the famed Brandywine but matures earlier. Full of rich, complex, lusciously sweet flavors that you look for in a variety that is to be highlighted in your garden.
Vines produce plenty of (sixteen to twenty four) ounce tomatoes that are perfect for sandwiches. Fruits have great balance and are delicious.
The German Giant tomato is favored for being very juicy. Thought to be one of the four parent lines of Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter, German Johnson Tomatoes produce large, meaty fruit that's pretty enough for a farmer's market stand and your kitchen table. Indeterminate, 60-90 days.
LET128 Giant Belgian Pink
One of our most popular heirlooms. Huge, sweet fruits average 1 to 2 lbs. and have weighed in at nearly 5 lbs. Dark pink fruits have smooth blossom ends and a low-acid, mild flavor, so sweet that some growers use them to make wine. Solid meat and size means one slice per sandwich!
Tomatoes are very sweet, meaty, and turn dark pink when mature. A low-acidity tomato that is excellent for salads, sandwiches, and canning. The pink skin occurs as the result of clear skin over red flesh, while most red tomatoes have a yellow skin over red flesh. Indeterminate, 85 days.
LET325 Goliath Early
We love the Goliath series of tomatoe! Superb size, perfect shape, continuous production, luscious flavor and broad disease resistance of the marvelous original. The bonus is its exceptional earliness-it extends the growing season at the front end by a full week or more without sacrificing the things we love most about Goliath-- extra-large harvests of big, 8 oz. red, sweet fruits that are deep oblate to globe-shaped. A better yielder than most early varieties. Indeterminate. 58 days.
RTP872 Green Sausage
At last a banana-shaped paste tomato that is lime green and
yellow striped when ripe! The flavor is rich, tangy and sweet.
This will be a hot item for high-priced, groovy markets. So
cool when mixed with orange, white, yellow and red Striped
paste types. Short, bushy plants produce these 4" long fruit in
abundance. Determinate, 75 days.
3739 Homestead
80 days. Lycopersicon esculentum. Plant produces good yields of flavorful 8 oz red tomatoes. Excellent for salads, sandwiches, and canning. Plant does well in hot & humid conditions making it a perfect variety for Southern regions. Determinate. Disease Resistant
RTP422 Hot Spell
If you have unusually hot conditions, this is your best bet for a good harvest. Super heat resistant, highly flavorful, round, 7 oz, compact plant, determinate 68 days.
RTP428 Ice
Almost white, 1-1/2" cherry, indeterminate. 65 days.
RTP886 Ildi
Yellow grape, extra early, very sweet, highest yield, over 650
fruits per plant, long life on or off vine, indeterminate, 53
LET327 Independence Day
Be the first one in your neighborhood to have ripe tomatoes this year! If planted in early May, you can have ripe tomatoes by the Fourth of July. Round, 2 to 3 inch pink fruit have a great tomato flavor which is not always typical with other early varieties. Perfect for salads and for slicing. It continues to produce until early fall and in ideal conditions, up to first frost. Indeterminate, 55 days.
RTP439 Indigo Rose
The first high anthocyanin (a naturally occurring pigment that has been shown to fight disease in humans) tomato commercially available anywhere in the world. The high amount of anthocyanin creates quite a vibrant indigo on 2" round fruits.
The purple coloring occurs on the portion of the fruit that is exposed to light, while the shaded portion starts out green and turns deep red when mature. Inside, the flesh reveals the same red tone with a superbly balanced, multi-faceted tomato flavor. Allow fruits to mature completely for best flavor. Bred at Oregon State University. Heavy yielder. Indeterminate. 80 days.
LET129 Italian Heirloom
The Italian Heirloom Tomato is an old heirloom that is one of the most tasty tomatoes you will find, as it is just bursting with flavor! These bright red tomatoes can grow to over 1 pound per fruit! This productive variety will give you a continual harvest of these delicious fruits into fall. The Italian Heirloom is an excellent variety for cooking, eating fresh or canning. Indeterminate, 85 days.
RTP464 Italian Roma
Italian heirloom, 3-5 oz,meaty, few seeds, wonderful flavor, indeterminate, 90 days.
RTP858 Japanese Black Trifele
Attractive tomatoes are the shape and size of a Bartlett pear
with a beautiful purplish-brick color; the fruit are perfect
and smooth with no cracks. The flavor is absolutely sublime,
having all the richness of fine chocolate. 74 days, indeterminate.
RTP938 Manalucie
Univ of Florida bred, heat tolerant even over 90º, large 8 ounce red globes, resists disease, indeterminate, 80 days.
LET130 Marianna's Peace
An heirloom variety with old-fashioned tomato flavor. Pinkish-red, beefsteak-type, 1 to 2 pound fruits have thick red flesh, with a perfectly balanced sweet, yet acidic flavor. A potato-leaf variety that will produce good yields of fruits.
Plants yields beautiful, pinky-red slicing tomatoes with a sweet, slightly tangy, old-fashioned flavor that will make your mouth water. It is considered one of the very best tasting tomatoes, and after growing them the last few years, we totally agree! Indeterminate, 85 days.
LET260 Matts Wild Cherry
These small cherry tomatoes are packed with more taste than you can believe. 5/8- 3/4", deep red, round fruits have a tender, smooth texture, and loads of sweet, full flavor. High sugar content. Though the taste is superior, it doesn't yield as well as modern varieties, and the fruits are soft. Fantastic in salsa and for fresh eating. Some resistance to early blight and late blight. Indeterminate. 55 days.
RTP851 Mexico Midget (Currant)
Very prolific plants continue producing heavily throughout the
entire season. Round dark-crimson ½" fruits give an
incredible flash of rich tomato flavor, great for salads.
Indeterminate, 60-70 days from transplant.
LET954 Momotaro
Momotaro is one of the most popular tomato varieties in Japanese markets and for good reason. Its flavor is an intricate and harmonious combination of sweet and tangy that has won Momotaro several tomato tasting contests. The radiant pink slicers weigh 6–7 ounces. Momotaro is durable, heat tolerant, and crack resistant with good storability. Indeterminate.
F1 hybrid, heat tolerant, indeterminate, slicing tomato. Suitable for growing in garden plots, raised beds, and greenhouses. Resistant to Bacterial Wilt, Fusarium Wilt, Fusarium Wilt 1, Fusarium Wilt 2, Gray Leaf Spot, Root Knot Nematode, Tomato Mosaic Virus, and Verticillium Wilt. This hybrid is the dominant fresh market tomato grown in Japan. It is one of the most perfect, attractive, deliciously sweet tomatoes available. An early variety indeterminate vine-type, it is vigorous, has medium-sized leaves, a medium short internode, and 6-7 fruits per cluster. 70 days.
LET955 Moneymaker
A classic Heirloom "greenhouse" tomato, Moneymaker (as you might have guessed) has long been a popular cash crop for farmers, but is a favorite of home gardeners as well! Highly heat tolerant, Moneymaker is easy to grow and produces very red, 4-6 ounce fruits. Can grow up to 8', but can be controlled with pruning and/or staking. Highly heat tolerant, high yielding, suited for warm and humid climates, yields until frost; prefers full sun exposure. 75 days.
RTP972 Mortgage Lifter
This huge heirloom beefsteak can reach up to 4 pounds, but averages about 2 1/2 pounds and consistently wins taste-tests.
Developed in the 1930s by a gardener who planted the four biggest varieties he knew and crossed one with pollen from the other three. He did this for six seasons and created a variety that produced immense, tasty fruit. He sold the plants for $1 a piece and paid off his $6000 mortgage in 6 years. Indeterminate, 82 days.
LET131 Mrs Maxwell Big Italian
Given seed by a friend from Italy, Mrs. Maxwell of Mexico, Missouri grew and saved them year after year selecting the largest, earliest and most crack resistant, the results are this heirloom beauty! Vigorous potato leaved plants produce 1 to 2 lb., dark pink beefsteak fruits with incredible flavor. Excellent for using fresh or for canning and making tomato sauce. Indeterminate, 80 days.
LET132 Mushroom Basket
The Mushroom Basket is a large, uniquely shaped tomato with a delicious juicy sweet flavor, originating from Russia. Eye-catching beauties, these 8 to 16 ounce watermelon-pink tomatoes will grab lots of attention in the garden. Uniquely pleated fruits are firm, have few seeds and a deliciously sweet flavor. No matter how you slice it, its terrific in any dish. Heavy yielder.
Indeterminate, 70 days.
RTP192 Old German (Heirloom)
An old heirloom variety producing huge boat shaped fruits
weighing 2 pounds or so. Color is golden yellow with pink to
red stripes that varies from fruit to fruit. Excellent for
The plant produces good yields of 1-1/2 to 2 lb bi-colored yellow beefsteak tomatoes with red and pink stripes. It is one of the best slicing tomatoes on the market. They are delicious, beautiful, very sweet, meaty, juicy, and flavorful. Perfect for salads, garnishes, or culinary creations. The plant requires support, either staking or cages. A potato leaf variety. An excellent choice for home gardens. A Mennonite heirloom from Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, USA. Indeterminate, 75 days.
LET343 Paste Monster
A wonderful selection for those needing quantity and excellent taste. This delightful variety has the perfect balance of sugary sweetness and tangy acids. Gorgeous large, bright red fruits have a unique ruffled, boat shaped and weigh 8 to 10 oz. Solid, meaty flesh has good gel content and is excellent for canning, sauces or eating fresh. Heavy yielder. Crack resistant. Indeterminate. 89 days.
LET616 Patio Choice Red
Plants grow 24 to 30" producing trusses that cascade in hanging baskets. Compact plants produce generous amounts of 1/2 oz. cherry fruits, up to 200 fruits are possible. Juicy, delicious and perfect for snacking. Specifically bred for small spaces and container gardening. Plant both Red and Yellow for a dramatic effect. Determinate. 50-60 days.
RTP976 Patio Choice Yellow
2017 AAS Edible – Vegetable Winner.
Patio Choice Yellow is a new compact, determinate tomato developed specifically for small spaces and container gardens. This AAS Winner produces very large yields of 1/2 ounce bright yellow cherry tomatoes on short vines that grow only 18 inches tall.
This mild flavored cherry tomato sets over 100 fruit on compact plants which are perfect for urban or small space food gardeners. Consider using these beautiful tomatoes either fresh or in the oven or sun dried for a deliciously sweet treat. For even easier picking, plant in a hanging basket. 70 days.
LET332 Pineapple Pig
This is a wonderfully unique tomato for those who need a low acid tomato plant for their garden. Pineapple Pig tomatoes are large and plump, weighing up to 1 or 2 pounds, with a somewhat rounded, bumpy shape. The fruits ripen to a creamy yellow color with light green stripes or specks and a pale pink blush. The flesh is also yellow in color, often with a rosy tint or marbling, and offers a thick, meaty, and juicy texture. The flavor is mild and sweet with very low acidity and fruity undertones.
Although Pineapple Pig tomato plants are late to set fruit, they are a prolific indeterminate variety that will continue to grow and produce up until a frost. The plants are tall, often reaching 5 to 7 feet high, hence staking or caging is recommended to help prevent garden sprawl and support the heavy fruits.
Pineapple Pig tomatoes are best suited for raw applications because of their juicy-sweet flesh, and their large size and meaty texture lend well for slicing onto salads or sandwiches. Try adding chopped Pineapple Pig tomatoes to fresh salsa with red tomatoes and lime juice to add sweetness and balance the acidity. 75 days.
RTP960 Porter Improved
Also known a Porter Pride. Larger than a Porter but with same setting ability. Plants produce heavy yields of 3-4 oz red, very flavorful cherry tomatoes. Borne in clusters of 6. Does extremely well in high heat and low humidity. Crack and sunburn resistant. Excellent keeping quality. Perfect for snacks, salads, canning and making tomato juice and sauce. Indeterminate, 78 days.
RTP973 Rapunzel
Named for the fairy tale character, plants produce unique, long cascading trusses with up to 40 fruits. Very flavorful, bright red, 3/4 to 1 ounce cherry tomatoes make the perfect addition to salads and veggie trays. The long stems are quite impressive when picked fully loaded with tomatoes, which can be enjoyed individually as they ripen. So sweet, you'll be tempted to eat them straight-from-the-vine.
Indeterminate. 68-70 Days.
RTP996 Rutgers
This was the most popular tomato variety in the world before the era of mechanized farming began a change in breeding for durability over flavor. Dr. Lyman Schermerhorn of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station developed the famous Rutgers tomato in 1934, selecting all the best qualities from several different varieties. Rutgers turned out such a success that major companies such as Campbell, Heinz, and Hunt as well as many others commercially produced it for use in their products.
Its uniformity, thick flesh, and excellent flavor make this one of the best all purpose tomatoes. Its flavor, both for slicing and cooking, is still unequaled. Red fruits are slightly flattened. Tall vines, Fusarium resistance. 78 days.
RTP519 San Marzano
Excellent paste type for soups, sauces, canning and catsup. 3
inch by 2 inch bright red fruits hang in clusters. 80 days.
RTP293 Super Sweet 100
Bears hundreds of sweet one inch fruits high in vitamin C.
Bears till frost.
LET309 Sweetie Seedless
What a great new tomato! To obtain the absolute best flavor and fewest seeds, this fast maturing, very sweet variety must be grown away from other tomatoes. The Sweet Seedless Tomato is just like it name says, sweet with very few seeds! This juicy orange-red tomato variety is an extra tasty, very early tomato! Since this tomato has minimal seeds to digest, it offers a very outstanding taste. Since the Sweet Seedless does not store its sugars within its seeds, the sweetness is transferred to the flesh, making it extra tasty! Tomatoes may have some immature seeds. 7 ounce fruits, indeterminate, 65 days.
RTP993 Ten Fingers of Naples
Excellent paste-type, elongated, pointed, 5 to 6 inch meaty fruits weigh up to 3 ounces. Fruits are produced in long trusses, giving them a finger-like appearance. Flavor is sweet, rich and superior to many modern day varieties. Ideal for cooking, canning and preserving. A disease resistant heirloom from Naples, Italy. Heavy yielder.
Large paste tomato grows in bunches that, with imagination, look like hands with fat red fingers. Heavy yields of pointy-ended fruits up to 5 inches long have a rich, sweet taste. Ideal for canning and cooking into sauces. From Naples, Italy. Determinate. 75 days.
RTP787 The Dutchman
Introduced by the Legendary Merlin W. Gleckler of "Glecklers
Seedman" (Who was one of the first rare seed dealers). Their
1958 catalog states, "Here is an extremely old, large fruited
pink-skinned tomato. It is practically extinct as far as
securing seed. In fact it is doubtful if seed has ever been
sold by any seedsmen. Only by handing down by generations of
one family has this tomato existed." The pink-red fruit are
very large, up to 3 lbs and more! Very sweet. Indeterminat, 78 days.
RTP309 Tiny Tim
Bush type, 18" tall producing loads of excellent salad type
tomatoes. Indeterminate, 60 days.
LET715 Pancho F1 Tomatillo
Large, uniform fruits for easier salsa preparations. Impressive yield and fruit size for a semi-early tomatillo. Strong, vigorous plant develops a thick trunk to bear the fruit load. Round to apple-shaped fruit. Similar to Super Verde in size and yield, but produces rounder, more uniform fruits earlier and has a more open plant habit. Fruits are about twice the size of Toma Verde's.
IP130 Gigante Tomatillo
Wow! Giant 4" green globe tomatillos, useful in salsas combined with peppers, indeterminate, 99 days.
RTP863 Pineapple Tomatillo
70 days. This unique tomatillo is the only one that you will
snack on in the garden. The fruits have a pleasant taste very
similar to fresh pineapple. Eat them fresh and enjoy. Indeterminate.
RTP876 Sweet Purple Tomatillo
(Physalis subglabrata) Beautiful purple fruit, large size. Many
are a bright violet color throughout their flesh. Much sweeter
than the green types, it can be eaten right off the plant.
Turns purple when ripe, rare! Indeterminate, 72 days.
D9897 Tiny Sugar Lumps Tomato
A sprawling tomato plant best suited for hanging baskets and
containers. Will bear hundreds of sweet, delicious pea-size
tomatoes at a time. Fruits almost year round inside.
LET956 Tropic VFN ( Hot season, tropical variety )
Developed by University of Florida this exceptionally disease-resistant variety has excellent versatility as a garden, greenhouse, or market tomato. Sweet-flavored fruit averages 8-9 oz, is thick-walled, and tends to sit high on the vine under a protective cover of foliage. Recommended highly for the Mid-Atlantic and hot, humid, disease-prone areas, especially where blight is a problem.
RTP970 Tropic Boy Hybrid ( Hot season, tropical variety )
Tropic Boy is a hybrid tomato developed by Takii Seed Company in Japan. Plants are indeterminate and produce large size fruits, 220 grams in weight, with green shouldered and turn to red when matured. This variety is vigorous grower, 6-7 loculi and 5-6 fruits per cluster. Fruits have tough skin and firm meat and crack free, suitable for long distance shipping.The plant is high tolerant to Bacterial wilt, Fusarium, Nematode and Stemphylium attacks. Very good for tropical area productions. Indeterminate, 85 days.
LET716 Weisnicht Ukrainian
A Ukrainian heirloom that was brought to the US by Ukrainian immigrants. The tomatoes are hefty and can range from 8 ounces to over a pound in size. Irregular in shape with some ribbing. These tomatoes are meaty with very few seeds, but they are still juicy. They have an excellent intense and sweet flavor with a wonderful aftertaste. 82 days.
RTP988 Valencia
Sunny orange fruits with full tomato flavor.
Round, smooth fruits average 8-10 oz. Their meaty interiors have few seeds. This midseason tomato is among the best for flavor and texture. They are meaty and have a tangy flavor with very few seeds. Perfect for salads, slicing, garnishes, or culinary creations. It ripens earlier than many other orange varieties making it a good choice for gardeners with shorter seasons. Excellent choice for home gardens. A heirloom variety from Maine, USA. Indeterminate, 76 days.
RPT989 Very Cherry Cascade
Loads of sweet delicious fruits that will cascade from bakets and containers even inside during the winter if given warmth and bright light. Cherry type with great tomato flavor, cascading red fruits are delicious and decorative, for patio baskets and all types containers, 1 oz fruits in adbundance, well branched, high yield, sweet, determinate, 50 days.
JB243 Watermelon Beefsteak
An heirloom from the 1800's, with good-flavored fruits weighing 2 lbs. or more. Pink-skinned and very mild, with purplish-red flesh and an oblong shape.
The plant produces high yields of pink beefsteak tomatoes. They are very sweet, meaty, juicy, and flavorful. It has a rich old-fashioned tomato flavor. Perfect for salads, slicing, and sandwiches. A plant can produce up to 50 lbs of tomatoes. An excellent choice for home gardens.
Indeterminate, 75 days.
LET336 WayAhead
This early maturing plant produces good yields of 6 to 8 oz bright red tomatoes. They are very sweet, meaty, juicy, and flavorful. Perfect for salads, slicing, sandwiches, and making tomato juice. One of the best varieties for making tomato juice. They ripen early as it's name indicates, way ahead of other varieties. The seeds were saved from the most select plants that had premium quality straits. Also known as Jung's Wayahead Tomato, Hudson Valley Tomato, and Earliana Tomato. A potato leaf variety. Excellent choice for home gardens. An heirloom variety dating back to 1921. United States Department of Agriculture, PI 633493. Determinate. 63 days.
JCLIP Jumbo Trellis Clips
These jumbo plastic trellis clips are larger than standard tomato trellis clips and form a 1 inch circle around stem and trellis line or cage wire compared to a ¾ circle on most tomato trellis clips ( as shown in photo ). These have been so popular over the years that we now only offer this size and have discontinued the smaller size shown in photo.
These are very handy when you are using bamboo stakes or clipping larger pepper plant stems. Clips have side openings for ventilation and have a quick release feature that allows you to move them during the year as the plant grows. Use them year after year. Excellent for vine crops as well and staking any young plant.
Jim's Plant Growth Stimulator
Please note that this is not a plant food or fertilize, this is a combination of natural ingredients intended to improve plant growth. Many greenhouse growers and commercial farms use a combination of these ingredients in their growing process. We have been using this formula in our gardens, fields and greenhouses since 1992, and we use it on everything we grow. We would not make this available to our customers if we did not firmly believe that it does enhance the growth and health of plants that it is applied to.
To see the results for yourself, we advise using it on some plants and not on others and see the difference.
Note: We only ship this product to addresses inside the USA.
The following ingredients are used in making Jim's Plant Growth Stimulator:
Gibberellic Acid
Gibberellic Acid is a member of a type of plant hormone called Gibberellins, which regulate the growth rate of plants. It was first discovered in Japan, in 1935 as a result of the study of a condition
common in rice plants called "foolish seedling" disease, which caused the plants to grow much taller than normal. The effects of gibberellins weren't widely understood until years later.
Gibberellic Acid is EPA approved, and is commercially used to grow most fruits and vegetables we eat.
B1 Vitamins and Plant Hormones
We add a blend of plant vitamins and hormones to stimulate plant growth and allow the plant to absorb food
from the soil quicker and also assimilate micronutrients that they may not normally be able to absorb due to various soil conditions.
All plants benefit from micronutrients, so we've added a humic acid base with Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Sulfur (S) and Zinc (Zn) in our solution.
Other ingredients
We also add a natural detergent additive that causes the sprayed on solution to "stick" to the plant leaves until the solution is absorbed by the plant, this detergent also discourages insects from feeding on the leaves for a short time after the solution is applied.
Each 8 ounce bottle of JPG01 Plant Growth Stimulator makes 16 gallons spray-on solution, you can also use a drench and pour it around the base of the plant if you prefer. The bottle comes with a 1/2 ounce measuring spoon, simply mix a half ounce of plant growth stimulator with a gallon of water and spray onto the plants, or drench the soil around the plant. :
Spray plants weekly, best to apply in early morning/late evening. Start spraying when plants are young. Can be sprayed onto vegetable plants upto harvest. Mix 1/2 ounce stimulator with one gallon of water.
JPG01 Plant Growth Stimulator