True Lavender Seeds
D1739 True Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia )
A beautiful aromatic perennial that is hardy to zone 5-9 and can
be raised in tubs in colder climates. The most fragrant
lavender. Beautiful lavender flowers on long stems and narrow
green leaves. Sow in fall or spring. When planted in the
garden, it will deter pests with its fragrance. When dried and
placed in closets and drawers with clothes, it will deter moths
and lend its wonderful fragrance to the clothes.
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Lavender Culture
Full sun to partial sun.
Performs best in full sun in an evenly moist, moderately rich,
deep, well-drained soil that promotes deep root growth that
will assist in Winter hardiness, but is adaptable to various
soils and soil pHs.
Can be propagated by vegetative stem cuttings taken in Summer,
clump division, or seeds Mint Family, with few disease or pest
problems, but Winter dieback and hardiness can be a concern in
the colder areas of its range.
Can be used as landscape perennial, but commonly available as a
perennial herb, in container form.
Best if sheared back about one-third immediately following the
bloom period, with annual thinning of the number of stems on
mature, woody plants.