Scabiosa ( Pin Cushion Flower ) Seeds

Looking for a new addition to the flower garden? Try scabiosa, also known as pincushion flower. This easy-care plant works well nearly anywhere and its interesting flowers are a stunning sight to behold. They are especially attractive to butterflies.
This plant is suitable for bed and border plantings or in containers. The long stems and flowering season also makes it ideal for use in cutting gardens.
Useful gardening information
Their overall care is minimal, with exception to watering during unusually dry conditions, as rainfall is normally adequate in meeting their needs. Water once a week when there is no rain and twice a week during drought-like conditions.
With adequate growing conditions and soil, pincushion flowers require little, if any, fertilizer.
Caring for pincushion plants does involve some upkeep, however. Deadheading spent blooms is necessary to keep the plants flowering and also improves their appearance. Pruning can be performed as well, especially with perennial plantings. Cuts should be made just above a leaf joint, or the stems can be cut back to the bottom leaves in fall.

Links to useful information on the web:

Image: Cillas, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
AW91 Ping Pong Scabiosa ( Scabiosa stellata )
A great cutting and dry material plant that is grown for it's unique seedpods. It has glamorous cream and pale blue flowers followed by the most amazing seed heads. It is easy to grow and each plant produces masses of flowers. You can cut the flowers for arrangements but this variety is grown for it's seed heads which can be used fresh or dried. Sometimes called Paper Moons or Star Flowers, the dried seed heads of Ping Pong Scabious are brilliant in everlasting arrangements.
Growing from the base of the plant on long stems, attractive pale blue flowers are followed by translucent papery, cone shaped bracts which accompany the mature seed. They are clustered together to suggest a delicate, lightweight geodesic sphere. An annual plant growing about 30 inches tall.
  10 seeds $2.95
LET939 Snow Maiden ( Scabiosa atropurpurea )
Fully double pincushion flowers, snow white, great bridal color. Honey-scented pincushion blooms and decorative beaded buds are the perfect vase flower. Grow in the cutting garden and meadow gardens where butterflies will be frequent visitors. Annual, grows about 32 inches tall.
 28mg package ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95

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