Primula Flower Seeds

Primrose flowers bloom in early spring, offering a variety of form, size, and color. They are suitable for use in garden beds and borders as well as in containers, or for naturalizing areas of the lawn. In fact, when given the proper growing conditions, these vigorous plants will multiply each year, adding stunning colors to the landscape. Blooming often lasts throughout summer and in some areas, they will continue to delight the fall season with their outstanding colors. Most primrose flowers seen in gardens are Polyanthus hybrids, which range in color from white, cream and yellow to orange, red and pink. There are also purple and blue primrose flowers. These perennial plants prefer damp, woodland-like conditions.

Sow Primrose seeds in starter trays using a "peaty" potting mix. These seeds need light for germination, so barely cover with peat moss. For December and January blooms, sow in June and July. Keep seeds moist until (and after) germination Fairy Primroses do not like to dry out. In warm conditions, mist spray daily and stand the pot on moist pebbles. Begin to feed when the flower stalks start to develop, and continue to feed every 2 weeks until flowering has finished. Primula Malacoides care includes clipping the spent flowers to prolong bloom time.

LET726 Fairy Pink (Primula Malacoides Pink)
Sow these seeds to produce these sweet little pink flowers for the earliest spring blooms. Dating back to the early 1900s, Primula Malacoides have been a long-time favorite container plant, especially because they can be grown indoors and flower during the late winter and early spring. Fairy Primula establish easily from flower seeds, and they put on a wonderful show in the early spring garden as well, making a perfect border plant and a nice addition to spring bulbs.
Fairy primroses are some of the earliest-blooming flowers on the market, and thus are very popular in the spring garden. Fairy primrose is a perennial flowering plant that grows in USDA zones 8 through 10. It is a low-growing early bloomer, and is a longtime-favorite as a container plant. Grows about 8 inches tall.
  27mg pack ( about 250 tiny seeds ) $4.95
LET727 Fairy Lavender (Primula Malacoides Lavender)
Add these little gems to your garden, and start them from Fairy Primrose seeds! Primula Malacoides, which is also known as Fairy Primrose, blooms early in the season into lavender flowers which reach approximately 1/2 inch wide, on soft hairy stalks.
Fairy primroses are some of the earliest-blooming flowers on the market, and thus are very popular in the spring garden. Fairy primrose is a perennial flowering plant that grows in USDA zones 8 through 10. It is a low-growing early bloomer, and is a longtime-favorite as a container plant. Grows about 8 inches tall.
  18mg pack ( about 150 tiny seeds ) $4.95
LET728 Fairy White (Primula Malacoides White)
Who would have thought that these early blooming gems could be easily grown from Fairy Primrose seeds! They are one of the favorite early-blooming flowers that grow in frost-free zones as perennials and colder zones as annuals. This Fairy Primula is native to China where it inhabits moist areas at the edges of fields and forests. It was not introduced to the west until the end of the 19th century.
This sweet little Fairy Primrose grows 8 to 10 inches tall and forms neat clumps of flat, soft, downy leaves with undulating edges. The flowers are what make it a delight to the flower garden. Each rosette sends up a straight leafless stem with up to three tiered whorls of small blossoms with lobed petal tips. Each whorl can have up to a dozen flowers, which may be retained for weeks.
Fairy primrose is a perennial flowering plant that grows in USDA zones 8 through 10. It is a low-growing early bloomer, and is a longtime-favorite as a container plant. Grows about 8 inches tall.
  20mg pack ( about 150 tiny seeds ) $4.95
LET705 Primula Special Mix ( Primula malacoides )
Compact plants with dense open flower clusters just above the foliage, rainbow of color. Sow Primrose seeds indoors in late fall or early winter. Use starter trays and a peaty starter mix.
Grows only 8 inches tall. This Common Primrose (also known as English Primrose) is a flowering annual plant that grows in USDA zones 4 through 8.
 3mg pack ( about 50 tiny seeds ) $2.95

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