Full sun to partial sun.
Performs best in full sun in an evenly moist, moderately rich,
deep, well-drained soil that promotes deep root growth that
will assist in Winter hardiness, but is adaptable to various
soils and soil pHs.
Can be propagated by vegetative stem cuttings taken in Summer,
clump division, or seeds Mint Family, with few disease or pest
problems, but Winter dieback and hardiness can be a concern in
the colder areas of its range.
Can be used as landscape perennial, but commonly available as a
perennial herb, in container form.
Best if sheared back about one-third immediately following the
bloom period, with annual thinning of the number of stems on
mature, woody plants.
D1739 True Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia )
A beautiful aromatic perennial that is hardy to zone 5-9 and can
be raised in tubs in colder climates. The most fragrant
lavender. Beautiful lavender flowers on long stems and narrow
green leaves. Sow in fall or spring. When planted in the
garden, it will deter pests with its fragrance. When dried and
placed in closets and drawers with clothes, it will deter moths
and lend its wonderful fragrance to the clothes.
IP332 Blue River ( Lavandula angustifolium )
Absolutely one of our favorite fragrant flowers. Flowers show off in vibrant purple hues, the intensely fragrant flower spikes attracts droves of butterflies and bees. An easy to grow variety that is perfect for edging, herb gardens or containers. Brushing the foliage when working in the garden releases a soothing lavender scent.
Plant near sidewalks or entryways where the lovely aroma can be enjoyed. Compact, uniform, floriferous, intense deep blue spikes. Grows 14" tall, hardy to zone 4.
W247 Sancho Panza Spanish Lavender ( Lavandula Stoechas Sancho Panza )
Sancho Panza is a Spanish Lavender that can be grown as an annual or a perennial. It is winter hardy in USDA Zone 8 for wintering the plant outdoors. But, grow it in a container, and bring it into an enclosed porch or patio for zones that are colder.
Spanish Lavender herb plants have a dense, rounded, compact habit, and will be covered with blooms all summer long. It is cultivated for container use, and it is just the perfect size for a nice ornamental pot. Prefers full sun and moderately fertile soil that drains well. It is deer resistant, but the bees cannot leave it alone! The foliage is grayish green in color, and bloom spikes that are 4 - 5 inches have pine-cone-shaped blooms of dark purple. The blooms are highly scented.
3663 Bandera Pink ( Lavandula Stoechas )
Soft pink flags, deep rose flowers, high quality pinch-free plants in 12 weeks, first year. Grows about 9 inches tall, hardy to zone 5.
LET796 Chill Out Blue ( Lavandula angustifolium )
Intense blue violet, ultra compact, first year bloomer, highly fragrant, green leaf, pot plant, Primed Seed, hardy to zone 5.
HR154 Lavender Lady ( Lavandula angustifolia ssp. )
Plants flower in first season. Use for bedding plants, borders
in containers or in rock gardens. Delightful lavender
AW80 Lavender Vera ( Lavandula vera )
Sweetly fragrant blooms and evergreen blue-green foliage! The richest in essential oils, this is one of the most aromatic Lavender plants of them all. Reaching 24 to 36 inches high, it boasts 2 1/2 inch, linear, downy leaves on strong stems. The leaves first open white, then turn a pale gray-blue-green color. Stalks of tiny purple flowers grow up to 14 inches tall.
Lavender herb plants are prized worldwide for the gentle and soothing therapeutic properties. Lavandula Vera is one of the richest in essential oils, meaning more fragrance power both fresh and dried. Fresh Lavender flowers can be crystalized and used in candies and cakes; dried flowers are used in potpourris and sachets; oils are used in creams and perfumes. And these are only some of the more common uses - imagination can create endless more!
SF315 Vicenza Blue (
Lavandula angustifolium )
Fragrant and elegant, heat tolerant, first year bloomer, gray
green leaf, blooms all summer, Primed Seed. Grows 15" tall,
hardy to zone 4.
SF320 Bandera Purple ( Lavandula Stoechas )
Fleuroselect, compact, bushy, strongly branched, purple spikes, needs no pinch, high quality plants in 12 weeks with no overwintering. Grows about 9 inches tall, hardy to zone 5.
SF280 Ellagance Ice ( Lavandula angustifolium )
Also called Ellagance Snow. Grown readily from Lavender seeds, this white flowering herb plant is a stunning variety of English Lavender! Ellagance Snow Lavender plants measures 12 inches in height and will spread not quite as wide. This white Lavender has a dense, compact habit and loves a position in full sun and in well-draining soil.
If you have a sunny spot, this little white Lavender herb will not disappoint! Both the silvery green foliage and the delicate white blooms have a wonderful fragrance. It is irresistible to bees and butterflies, and just wait until the scent catches on the summer breezes! With a long bloom season, and a pretty display, this is a great addition. hardy to zone 4.
3579 Fringed French Lavender ( Lavender Dentata )
Blue flowers, glossy toothed blue-green lance leaf, unique rosemary-lavender aroma, grows 28" tall, hardy to zone 7.
BM42 Rosea Pink Lavender Lavender Angustifolia
'Rosea' is a pretty, dwarf, pale pink lavender that like
'Munstead' is easy to grow and produces plenty of flowers.
Hedges well and makes attractive borders. Grows 12 inches tall,
hardy to zone 4.
2713 Munstead ( Lavandula munstead )
The violet English Lavender has been a mainstay of herb gardens for many years. Despite its common name, it is not in fact native to England, but comes primarily from the Mediterranean region.
It was reportedly named English lavender because of its ability to grow well in the English climate.
This "true lavender" is commercially planted for harvesting its oils for use in perfumes.
It also grown for cutflowers, and it's atrraction for bees and butterflies. Cleaned seed, treated for fast,
uniform germination, grows 16 inches tall, hardy to zone 4.
3578 Pink Perfume ( Lavandula spica rosea )
New! Pastel rose pink, fragrant "eau de Cologne" foliage, for
garden or cut or dried . Grows 24" tall, hardy to zone 4.