The following varieties are usually grown in the Fall and
Winter. Grown outside in the South, and under cover in Northern
Dwarf Siberian Kale
winter kale that produces large 24 inch rosettes of
delicious Kale after other types of greens have died
NB21 Giant Japanese Red Mustard
Brassica juncea. 45 days. Large, tender Purple/Red Japanese mustard leaves are thick, savoy type and pungent with white mid-rib. Leaves turn purple at low temps and plants are tolerant to cool fall weather. Sow early spring or late summer.
TCB044 Southern Giant Curled Mustard
Brassica juncea. Large, frilly light green leaves on sturdy, upright plants. Use young leaves in salads for a mild mustard flavor. A relatively long standing variety. Its flavor is best during cooler weather on less mature plants. Superb flavor. High in Vitamin A, B, and C. Excellent freezing and canning variety. A traditional Southern favorite. Approximately 40 days to maturity.
TCB045 Florida Broadleaf Mustard
Brassica juncea. Plant produces good yields of flavorful green mustard leaves. Excellent greens used in salads, sandwiches, or cooked. This variety bolts slower than other varieties. High in Vitamin A, B, and C. Excellent freezing and canning variety. A traditional Southern favorite. Grows 24" tall, produces in 45 days.
TCB043 Tendergreen Spinach Mustard
An early maturing flavorful nutritious vegetable. Leaves are mild flavored, smooth and dark green. Usually cooked as greens but can be used raw in salads like spinach. As easy to grow as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Approximately 40 days to maturity.