Rhubarb Seeds

Useful gardening information

Soak the seeds in water for a few hours before planting. Plant the seeds in a good seed starting mix. Seeds can be planted in peat pots for making transplanting them easier. Put pots in a sunny location. A heating cable will help speed the germination if the room temperature is below 70 degrees F.
Rhubarb seeds germinate quickly. Sometimes germinating in less than 10 days after planting. After germination and the seedling has a few sets of true leaves, place the seedlings outdoors (when temps are above 32 F) in a place that is protected from direct sun, wind, rain and freezing temps for about 10 days (be sure to keep them watered). After that, you can move them out to the garden

Informative articles found on the web:

How to cook Rhubarb
Rhubarb Recipes

VS420 Victoria
An ornamental garden plant that will come back year after year, because of it's attractive appeal, it is often grown in flower beds, saving space in the garden.
There are only a few varieties of vegetables that are considered all-time greats. These few products have qualities so universally sought after that they’re prized by gardeners everywhere. Near the top of this list is Victoria rhubarb.
This heirloom variety has all the high quality traits of which to judge a rhubarb plant from: large, fat stems, bright red skin, lack of stringiness, and a tart, apple-gooseberry flavor with a hint of lemon or grapefruit (depending on your soil). This universal vegetable can be used in jams, fruit tarts, soups, and sauces,. Rhubarb is probably one of the most adaptable garden crops you can grow. Another great thing about it is the fact it is a perennial coming back year after year and yielding harvests with little trouble and few pests. In many culinary circles Victoria rhubarb is the best cooking rhubarb, bar none due to its noticeably sweeter and milder taste and very tender stalks. Grows 24-36 inches tall, perennial plant for zones 3-8.
 750mg Package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95