Magnolia Tree Seeds

FDR108 Lily Magnolia ( Magnolia liliiflora )
This magnolia is a shrub, not a tree. Lily magnolia is a bushy, rounded deciduous shrub which gets up to 13 feet high with a spread about the same. The leaves are large, to 8 inches long and 4 inches wide. The goblet shaped fragrant flowers are pink to purplish, about 3 inches across and produced in spring and sporadically through the summer.

Lily magnolia is best used as a specimen shrub. Its smallish size makes it suitable for the home landscape.
USDA Zones 6-9. Magnolia liliiflora has been known to survive winter temperatures as low as -4°F. Some of the cultivars and hybrids are hardy to zone 5. Lily magnolia does poorly in hot, dry climates. Late frosts sometimes damage early flowers.

 5 seeds $3.95
FDR102 Southern Magnolia ( Magnolia grandiflora )
Southern magnolia is a large, broad-leafed evergreen tree that can grow 60-90 feet in height with a trunk up to 2-3 feet in diameter. It's trunk is typically straight and erect with spreading branches that form a dense, broadly pyramidal crown. The evergreen leaves are large 5-8 inches long, leathery and dark glossy green above with rusty, velveteen undersides. Southern magnolia has large, showy white flowers that are 8-12 inches in diameter. These have a pleasant fragrance and appear throughout the spring and summer. The fruits are reddish-brown conelike structures, 2-4 inches long, with bright red kidney shaped seeds that hang from little threads when fully mature in autumn.
A magnificent magnolia blossom stirs a lemony scent into the soft summer breezes.
This native American tree occurs on the coastal plain from North Carolina, south to central Florida, and west to east Texas.
This spectacular tree is beloved by gardeners and planted all over the world wherever it can be grown.
Requires full sun to partial shade. Southern magnolia is extremely drought tolerant. It does best, however, in rich, well-drained, acidic soils. Hardy for USDA Zones 7-9. The magnolia is used as a street tree, a free standing specimen, a framing tree, or shade tree. It has some limited use in the forest products trade where its wood is made into veneer for plywood and wooden crates to transport vegetables.
A distinctive evergreen tree with large, showy, fragrant flowers, the southern magnolia is the State Flower of Mississippi and Louisiana, and itself a southern tradition. Southern magnolia should be a part of every cultivated landscape in zones 7-9 that is large enough for a full-size tree.
 5 seeds $2.95
Image: By Bruce Marlin [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
FDR109 Cucumber Tree ( Magnolia acuminata )
Magnolia acuminata, commonly called the cucumber tree, cucumber magnolia or blue magnolia, is one of the largest magnolias, and one of the cold-hardiest. It is a large forest tree of the Eastern United States and Southern Ontario, Canada. It is a tree that tends to occur singly as scattered specimens, rather than in groves.
Unlike most magnolias, the flowers are not showy. They are typically small, yellow-green, and borne high in the tree in April through June. The leaves of Magnolia acuminata are pointed at the tip and provide it with its name - 'acuminate' means tapering to a fine point. The name Cucumber Tree refers to the unripe fruit, which is green and often shaped like a small cucumber.
One of the few magnolias that will serve as a shade or lawn tree. Needs a large space. Flowers are fragrant and foliage releases a slightly spicy fragrance when crushed.
Hardy for zones 3-8.
 5 seeds $2.95