Seeds for Ground Cover Plants

Tiny Seeds!
Many groundcove seeds are tiny, the photo shows sedum seeds sprinkled around a dime. These are typical of many types of small seeds, that is why we recomment starting groundcover seeds inside, you will probably have poor results starting them outside directly.

Important Note about starting Ground Cover Seeds: Ground Covers should be started as "plugs" inside in plug starting trays or regular pots and trays, and then transplanted outside as plugs in order to establish a ground cover.
We find that sowing seeds in a tray or pot very thickly, allowing the germinated seedlings to almost be solid afte they germinate, then taking a tablespoon or small scoop, we can scoop out small plugs and they do very well. This saves a lot of time and cost on plug trays and works well for small and large areas. If you come up with a better way, please share it with us.
Keep in mind that many of these seed varieties are tiny ( think petunia or tobacco seeds where there over a quarter of a million seeds per ounce ) and starting them in a tray under a dome or covering the pot with plastic to maintain moisture is the best practical way to get good germination.

Visit our webpage Seed Starting Mix to learn to make the best seed starting mix for plugs or you can usually find a good mix at your local gardening center. You should not try to direct sow seeds outside, you will receive very poor results this way, and we will not warrant the seeds if this method is used, we will only warrant seeds if they are started as plugs.

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DCM012 Miniclover® ( Trifolium pratense )
Miniclover® (Trifolium repens) is a perennial clover only growing to approximately 4 inches tall making it ideal for a lawn alternative or to mix with your current lawn grass. White clover takes nitrogen out of the air, bringing this most essential fertilizer "down-to-earth" by means of nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in nodes along the roots.
Of course, all at no cost to you, in terms either of money or of maintenance. Miniclover®, a very small leaved white clover, also produces stolons so that it can spread itself evenly over the ground. Adding just 2-5% of Miniclover® to the turf seed mixture will result in a much-improved lawn. It has all the benefits of regular clover just packed into smaller leaves. Miniclover's ability to pull nitrogen from the air and fix or convert it to a usable form by the plants makes it a great companion for turf grass varieties.
This is due to nitrogen fixation benefiting the turf grass plants as well producing a healthy, dense, and naturally fertilized lawn that will require very little fertilizer maintenance. The dense clover growth alongside the growth of the turf grass will force out existing weeds as well as prevent the establishment of new weeds. In addition Miniclover® is very tolerant to low mowing heights. Miniclover® is very low maintenance and it helps to carry this characteristic to what ever it may be planted with.

Miniclover® is adapted to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions. Miniclover® tolerates wet and partially shady conditions, as well as drought. However, it can only tolerate wet conditions as long as the area is not flooded for long periods.
The type of shade normally occurring in parks and on golf courses is not a problem for Miniclover®. Clover can also help aerate the soil, thus reducing concerns over soil compaction. Clover tolerates compacted soil better than lawn grass does. It has longer roots, enabling it to access water at deeper levels than most lawn grasses. If you're interested in cheap, low-maintenance alternatives to lawn grass, Miniclover® is the perfect solution and is easy to plant from bulk clover seeds. Add it to your existing lawn to improve overall lawn health or use as a complete lawn replacement.

If Miniclover® is not cut then the leaf size increases, the more it is cut then the smaller the leaf size. When Miniclover® is not mowed at all, the leaf size will be about 1/2 the size of White Dutch Clover. When it is mowed, new leaf heads form within a few days so it continually looks thick and lush. If it is not never mowed, it will get approximately 6 inches tall. If you mow it, it will want to quit growing just slightly taller than the height it was mowed at. For example, if you mow it at a height of 3 inches, it will head back out and quit growing at a height of approximately 4 inches. In other words, you can almost "train" its growing height with infrequent mowings. The turf is very dense, very lush, and very beautiful.

Mixed with grasses, Miniclover® grows around the grass plants and feeds them nitrogen. The nitrogen continues to be released into the soil during the growing season until the first night frosts occur. The nitrogen is therefore available when and where it is needed, and so there is no risk of leaching, nor is there a risk of fertilizer burning in the field. For turf managers, Miniclover® is the perfect permanent slow release N-fertilizer. It does not add any P or K, so if those nutrients are missing from your soil you many need to supplement them separately. Additionally, Miniclover® is semi-aggressive species, filling in gaps quickly. It competes well with weeds, thus reducing the need for herbicides.
Miniclover® is not as aggressive as White Dutch Clover. This type of clover can completely take over a lawn whereas Miniclover® will not do that. It is just aggressive enough to fill in bare spots where traditional grass may not repair for months.
As nitrogen is continually available during the growing season there is a reduced presence of disease like red thread, rusts and Fusarium. Miniclover® fertilizes the grass and helps to maintain its healthy appearance. In essence, adding Miniclover® to a lawn acts as a constant drip feed.
Miniclover® seeds are now pre-inoculated and coated. The coating material contains the inoculant to ensure your clover gets off to a great start. The coating material also helps retain moisture which improves the viability of each seedling. When Miniclover® or Microclover® is planted in warm temperatures and kept moist, you will have sprouts typically within 5 - 7 days.
Four ounce package will cover 500 square feet for overseeding existing lawn or 250 square feet of new planting for lawn alternative.

  Four Ounce Seed Pack $12.95
3675 Roof Garden Mix ( Sedum Mix )
You can create a green roof with Sedum seeds. Green roofs are becoming more and more popular in both rural and urban locations. They can be installed on flat roofs to roofs with a slope of up to 45 degrees. There are different ways of achieving a living roof. An extensive green roof is particularly low maintenance, generally planted with Sedum succulent plants and is designed to look after itself for most of the year. One of the reasons green roofs are becoming so popular is that they offer environmental benefits. Green roof seeds are easy to establish and with the increasing concern about the impact our development of the planet is having on the worldwide environment and the calling for sustainable development, green roofs offer a number of benefits over more traditional forms of roofing, helping to meet sustainable development objectives. Green roofs with sedum can:

Alleviate Flooding
Following a heavy rainfall a green roof will initially retain more rain than a conventional roof. This minimizes the initial heavy runoff, which can cause localized flooding and put pressure on the sewage system. The remaining water then drains off more slowly, allowing more rain to remain in the natural water cycle and less in the sewage system.

Noise Reduction
The soft layer of sedum blanket growing on a green roof has the affect of absorbing sound, as opposed to hard conventional roofs which can reflect it. In an already noisy urban environment this is certainly beneficial. The same layer improves the buildings sound insulation properties, reducing sound pollution within the building.

Thermal Insulation
The addition of a green roof layer to a property increases its thermal insulation properties, making it warmer in winter, cooler in summer and reducing energy costs.

Natural Habitat for Animals and Plants
Green roofs can help compensate for the loss of green surfaces, sacrificed to building developments. This helps to provide an environment for the development of wildlife, especially bird, plant and insect life, increasing the biodiversity in our towns and cities.

Improving Building Aesthetics
The clever use of a green roof can help a large and small buildings blend into a surrounding green landscape, minimizing the impact it has on the immediate environment. Green roofs can be used to soften ugly flat roofs on extensions, garages, sheds etc. helping them blend more easily into their surrounding environment. Where a building is located in a more urban landscape, the addition of a green roof can introduce a very welcome green interlude in a heavily built up area, where green spaces are few and far between, substituting in some way for the loss of a previous greener landscape.

Perennial Sedum plants have been one of the best choices for green roofs due to the fact that it is an extremely adaptable plant. Its special properties include:
Low Maintenance once established sedum forms a tightly knit sedum carpet, which allows little room for the development of weeds and can be left largely unattended. This makes it perfect for use on sedum roofs.
Low Growing sedum is a low growing plant, which generally reaches a height of 2 inches to 5 inches (up to 12 inches when in flower). It does not become overgrown and does not require regular cutting or pruning ideal when used on a sedum roof.
Colorful Hues by mixing a number of different varieties of sedum together as in this Sedum Roof Garden Mix, the sedum turf will have a beautiful mix of colors (greens, yellows, reds and purples) and textures. As an evergreen it continues to provide a changing display of color throughout the winter months. When used to create a sedum roof it will provide a beautifully changing display throughout the year.

  5,000 tiny seeds ( will cover about 100 square feet ) $12.95
TWT157 Oktoberfest ( Sedum acre oktoberfest )
If you want a drought tolerant, low-growing, hardy, creeping selection of Stonecrop, than these Sedum seeds are an excellent choice. Sedum Oktoberfest grows great in hot, dry sites with poor soil. Sedum ground cover plants are a fast-spreading evergreen which forms a low carpet of tiny succulent green leaves, smothered by star-shaped creamy-white flowers all summer long. Due to the fact that Oktoberfest ground cover plant is a fast grower, it is best to keep away from other low, slower growing plants or they may get smothered. Many people even use this Sedum plant as a lawn substitute as it tolerates moderate foot traffic once it is well-established.
Best suited for zones 4-9.
Sedum has tiny seeds which should be mixed with fine sand for an even sowing. For best results, sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost is expected. Use small pots or flats and sterile starter mix. Pre-moisten the starter mix and sow Sedum seeds on the surface. Press the seed into the moistened soil, and do not it. Keep the Stonecrop seeds moist but not saturated until they germinate.
Water from the underside of the pots or use a spray bottle and lightly mist the seeds. Plant the Sedum seedlings outdoors once sufficient growth has been made. Established plants can be divided every 3-4 years for best performance.
 TWT129 Bulk pack 1,000 tiny seeds ( covers 20 sq. ft. ) $12.95
TWT110 Oregon Stonecrop ( Sedum oreganum )
This is a versatile little perennial! Plants work well in rock gardens, containers, window boxes, and planters. This Sedum is commonly referred to as Oregon Stonecrop as it is a native in the Pacific Northwest, but it adapts to a wide range of regions and can grow in zones 5 - 8.
Features succulent foliage that forms little rosettes. In the fall, the foliage can turn shades of orange or red. The bright yellow flowers appear in early summer on stems. It is lovely spilling over the edge of rocks, or planted along walkways or in-between stepping stones. Grows about 2" tall.
  Bulk pack 1,000 seeds ( covers 20 sq. ft. ) $12.95
JB098 Irish Moss ( Sagina subulata )
Grow this luxurious, evergreen ground cover plant from seeds to ground cover in only 8 weeks. Mossy foliage grows just 1 to 2 inches tall, for lovely color between flagstones or spilling over rocks. Dense tufts of slender stems grow together to form a lush carpet of green. Small, star-shaped, white flowers cover this flowering ground cover plant from late spring until mid-summer.
The very tiny Irish Moss seeds create a moss-like, emerald-green foliage that forms a compact 1 to 2 inch tall carpet. This ground cover is excellent for planting between flagstones. Grown as a lawn substitute, it creates the effect of a moss-covered meadow. Irish Moss is very soft to walk on barefoot, and it has a slightly spongy feel to it. Hardy for zones 4-10.

Sow seeds in starter flats, press the tiny seeds into soil but do not cover. Kept at 64-72F, germination is in 14-21 days.
Transplant into the garden 6-9 inches apart. Seeds can be direct sown into the garden ( but best started inside ) or in-between stones. The seeds must be kept moist continuously. It will be adaptable to mostly sunny locations in cooler climates or partial shade in warmer climates. Irish Moss ground cover needs moisture retentive, gritty, well-drained soil. The plants are hardy above -30F degrees.

Important Note: These are very tiny seeds, even smaller than tobacco or petunia seeds. They are easily germinated by following instructions above, but they must be started inside and transplanted outside as "plugs". These will not germinate well outside, except in some instances where they are sowed between flagstones.

 Bulk pack 10,000 ( tiny seeds, covers 200 sq. ft. ) $24.95
New! 1A451 Irish Moss Pelleted Seeds
These pelleted seeds make for easy sowing and germination were smaller amounts of seeds are needed. Each pack contains over 150 pelleted seeds. Seeds are shipped in protective plastic vial.
  68mg pack ( over 150 pelleted seeds ) $3.95
8SER74 Daikon Radish
Daikon Radish is great for food plots, winter cattle forage and soil improvements and for the table! Daikon radishes look different than typical garden radishes. They have large, fast growing leaves and a long white root which looks similar to a pale carrot. Daikon can grow up to 20 inches long with a diameter of 4 inches. Their flavor is milder and less peppery than other radishes and can be eaten raw with a crisp and juicy texture. Or, if cooked, the taste is similar to turnip.
Deer eat both the green top and the radish itself. Daikon Radish is also used in soil improvements as well as cover crop. Daikon Radish is very aggressive and will germinate and thrive in most soils types around the world. Great for no till food plots!
One of the biggest benefits behind Daikon Radish is its potential as a source of forage for both deer and cattle. Because the Daikon Radish is so hardy, it can thrive in almost climate and will continue to thrive even as Winter temperatures set in. This makes Daikon Radish a popular form of cattle forage during the Winter months as well. During the Summer, it's just as popular a source of forage because of its aggressive growing tendencies, and how quickly it sprouts new leaves after being consumed.
Daikon Radish have been a popular as a form of sustenance for residents of Southeast Asia for thousands of years. Thanks to its mild taste, it has found new audiences across the world in more recent years. Daikon Radishes can be stored for weeks, even without their leaves, if they are stored in a cool place. In Japanese cuisine, they are often pickled. Obviously the large root leaves behind a significant cavity in the soil, making it an optimal option for breaking up soil, including heavy clays, for those who wish to plant new crop options in years to come. Studies have shown that this taproot leaves more than 6 to 10 inches of effect on soil compaction. The word "Daikon" actually translates to "big root" in Japanese!

Cooking with Daikon Radish: Noodles: Try shredding daikon into "noodles" and adding to soups, stir-fries, or as the base for pasta sauce. Use a vegetable peeler to shave the long root into thin strips, then quickly cook into stir-fries, etc.
Salad: Peel, then grate, julienne, dice, or slice to add crunch to your favorite salad. Many like to sprinkle mine with Ume Plum Vinegar when using raw.
Stew: A somewhat traditional option, try adding big chunks of dakion radish to hearty stews. Try a Beef Stew with Red Wine & Herbs or Beet Bourguignon.
Roasted Like any root vegetable, daikon is great roasted. Use a basic recipe, then branch out to Miso Maple Roasted Vegetables.
Slow cooked baking pan or slow cooker with carrots, onions, garlic, low-sodium seasonings, low-sodium vegetable broth, lean meat. Turn on low and let the juices and flavors start mixing for an all-in-one meal.

Health benefits: Boosting digestive health. Assists in detoxification — As a diuretic, daikon may help stimulate urination. Weight management — Daikon is a low-calorie and low-cholesterol vegetable, yet still high in fiber

  1 Ounce package $3.95
  1 pound package ( for 4,000 square feet ) $12.95
  5 pound package ( for one half acre ) $55.95
6002 Dichondra repens
This is a perennial ground cover plant which has a prostrate or creeping growth habit with circular leaves and entire margins that is grown from Dichondra seed.
It grows very close to the ground, (usually not over 2 inches tall) and is a warm season fast growing ground cover. It is adapted to warmer climates, but will retain its striking green color during winter temperatures as low as 20 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit with only slight leaf browning. Dichondra has broad, almost circular leaves (looks similar to clover) and when mowed low establishes a thick dense carpet look. Dichondra is now used in many ground cover situations where normal grasses may not do as well.
It has a bright green color and a very good feel underfoot. Dichondra is highly resistant to diseases and will grow in partial shade to full sun. Beautiful in landscaping areas of no maintenance where adapted, and does not need to be mowed.
When used in lawn situations it can be mowed for an even, smooth finish. Dichondra Repens is commonly called Kidney Weed, Dichondra Pony Foot, or Lawn Leaf. It grows so easily from ground cover seeds that it can be used as a lawn alternative to create a Dichondra Repens lawn.

Best for zones 7-11.

Click here for Detailed Growing Instructions for Dichondra

  40g pack of seeds, will cover 50 square feet. $4.95
DCM008 1 pound pack of seeds, will cover 500 square feet. $32.95
  DCM008 1 pound pack of seeds, will cover 500 square feet. $32.95
TCB037 Fiesta Gitana Mix Calendula
The Fiesta Gitana is a compact plant producing double flowers in a richly coloured mixture. Easy to grow, ideal for beginners. The brightly coloured flowers are cheerful in borders whatever the weather. Award of Garden Merit. Drought resistant. Calendula flowers are edible and ideal in salads. Grows about 12" tall.
  3.8g pack ( about 500 seeds ) $2.95
  1/2 Ounce Pack ( covers about 30 square feet ) $7.95
IM102 Snowbird ( Nolana paradoxa )
Snowbird is an annual that is known for it's profusion of blooms all summer long. Seeds can be started indoors and transplanted outside to create a wonderful edge along the flower border, or fill in a large area with ground cover plants. The plant has succulent stems and foliage and creeps allowing it to spread and fill an entire area nicely.
Flowers also look beautiful in containers or hanging baskets. The trailing nature of the Nolana plant allows it to spill over the sides. The flowers are white, ruffled and trumpet-shaped and perform beautifully all summer long. Give a sunny spot with very well-drained, moderately fertile soil. The plant requires little care and it drought resistant.
  360mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
TPF255 Forget-Me-Not ( Myosotis Sylvatica )
One of the all-time world favorites among wildflowers often used at funerals. Forget-me-nots received their name based on the romantic legend: a medieval knight, gathering blue flowers along a stream for his lady love, was suddenly swept away by flood waters. As he disappeared, he tossed the bouquet to his lady with the immortal words, "Forget me not."
Myosotis Sylvatica seeds will grow in all regions of North America and is very easy to establish. Blue Forget Me Not flowers will grow in sun or shade and will start to bloom early. In nature, this species grows wild in stream-beds and wet woodlands. So, in your garden, it prefers lots of moisture, and has good shade tolerance. Forget-me-not is low-growing and makes a nice ground cover plant as well as edging for the front of the border or even in containers.
How to grow Forget Me Not seeds: Myosotis Sylvatica seeds can be started either indoors or directly outside in a prepared seedbed. Indoors, in the late winter, sow Forget Me Not seeds in starter flats, and press the flower seeds into the soil and lightly cover. For directly sowing outdoors, prepare a seedbed by loosening the top several inches of soil and weeding. The Forget-Me-Not seeds can be sown when frosts are still possible. Thin the seedlings to 9 - 12 inches apart. Forget-me-not plants are liberal self-sowers. To encourage reseeding, leave spent flowers on the plant well until after they have faded. The Forget Me Not flower seeds will drop and produce more ground cover plants the next spring.
 3.5g pack ( about 4,000 seeds, covers 50 sq. ft. ) $5.95
SF288 White Yarrow ( Achillea millefolium )
White flowers, gray-green leaf, versatile for garden or herbal use. Best grown in lean, dry to medium, well-drained sandy loams in full sun. Plants do well in average garden soils and tolerate poor soils as long as drainage is good. Plants also tolerate hot, humid summers and drought. If grown ornamentally, plants are best sited in locations protected from strong winds.
Yarrow or milfoil is a leading backyard medicine plant. A ready first-aid treatment for wounds and nosebleeds, it has larger uses as a circulatory system remedy that both stops bleeding and moves stagnant blood, preventing and clearing blood clots. It tones the blood vessels and lowers high blood pressure. Yarrow is beneficial for a wide range of menstrual problems, and is a first-rate fever herb, used as a hot tea to induce sweating.
Yarrow is a famous wound and fever herb, yet today it can pass unnoticed except as a lawn weed. The legendary Achilles used yarrow as a field dressing for his soldiers’ wounds in the Trojan War, and the plant is named for him.
It's many uses include herbal plant, cottage gardens, wild gardens, meadows, prairies and naturalized areas. Good fresh cut or dried flower.
A perennial growing 24-36" tall, hardy for zones 3-9.
  12mg Package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
  250 seeds $5.95
 TWT215 2.5g pack ( covers about 250 square feet ) $12.95
SF157 Sweet Woodruff ( Galium Odoratum )
Zone 4-8. Also known as Our Lady's Lace, this low-growing perennial is versatile and grows well from seeds. Often used as a ground cover, plants have whorled leaves and small vanilla-scented white flowers in spring.
It does make an excellent ground cover plant due to its low-growing nature and spreading habit. Historically, the herb seeds were grown for an aromatic plant that was used as an air freshener and placed in linen closets.
Plants are also natural insect repellents and gardeners often grow them around ornamentals like roses to keep the pests away. As a medicinal herb, Sweet Woodruff was used to treat numerous ailments and was often used for the treatment of wounds.
Plants emit a strong odor of freshly mown hay when foliage is crushed or cut. Aromatic intensity of the foliage increases when dried, thus dried leaves are popularly used in sachets or potpourris.
Plants have also been used commercially in perfumes. Leaves are sometimes used to flavor teas and cold fruit drinks. Leaves are also used to make May wine, a punch made from white wine flavored with woodruff, orange and pineapple. Woodruff comes from Old English meaning wood that unravels, in probable reference to the creeping rootstock of the plant. Formerly known as Asperula odorata. Cannot ship to CN, MA, NY, PA, VT
Sweet Woodruff seeds germinate best after a period of cold temperatures. Some gardeners will dampen peat moss, mix the herb seeds into the peat moss and then place the peat moss/seed mixture in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 weeks before sowing. Others will sow the herb seeds in a starter tray, water, seal the tray, and place it in the refrigerator. Finally, the last method of sowing would be to directly sow the Sweet Woodruff seeds outdoors in a prepared seedbed in late winter or first of spring while frosts are still expected.
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TPF295 Crown Vetch ( Coronilla varia )
An extremely fast and aggressive plant, Crown vetch produces a quick ground cover for erosion control with white to pink flowers. This legume should be planted for erosion control in certain hard-to-reach areas such as steep, dry, rocky slopes and low fertility soils. It is best not to grow it in places where there are other plants established as it will crowd them out.
It has moderate shade tolerance, but high drought tolerance. Crown vetch is one of the easiest, fastest, economical and beautiful ways to cover bare ground. You will often see it blooming along the side or center divider of highways, particularly on steep banks or slopes. A superb way to prevent soil erosion, choke out weeds, and beautify the landscape with minimal effort or cost.
Crown vetch quickly spreads by sending out shoots above and below ground getting roots up to 12 inches deep in to time soil permitting. Plants produce billowy, green foliage growing around 20 inches tall with masses of white to pink blooms from June until frost. Dense flowers clustered atop the green foliage makes it an attractive display. Even though each bloom is only 1/2 inch wide, even a small planting creates nearly a solid carpet of pink all summer long!
Crown vetch is fairly slow to germinate; therefore, if planting at the end of summer or early fall allow 10 weeks for establishment before first hard frost date. A perennial for zones 4-10. Grows about 20 inches tall.
 12g pack ( about 2,500 seeds ( covers 30 sq. ft. ) $5.95
JB100 Green Carpet ( Herniaria glabra )
This lowing growing ground cover only reaches about 3 inches in height and forms a matforming green carpet for carpet-bedding, a lawn alternative, low growing container gardening, etc.
It is a soft to walk on, evergreen grass substitute for many people or the perfect ground cover. It can take quite a bit of foot traffic as it is almost as wear tolerant as grass. Its small, vibrant green glabrous foliage will get inconspicuous lime-green to white flowers on it, but they are barely visible and do not attract bees. Many people report never seeing Herniaria Glabra flower at all which makes it nice as there is no flower clean up.
Herniaria Glabra is a lovely bright green creeper which spreads effortlessly in all directions filling up to two feet per plant! It is not fussy about soil and will happily grow in poor soil and gravel.
This low growing ground cover plant of about 3 inches has one long tap root (as opposed to many surface roots like a Creeping Thyme) which makes it extremely drought tolerant. Green Carpet can grow in full sun or shady locations. Known to be nearly indestructible, it is an excellent choice for growing between flagstones, growing as a lawn substitute, or a ground cover. The tiny leaves create a dense evergreen carpet, becoming bronze or red colored in winter adding even more interest.
Does best in zones 6-10. Very tiny seeds,about the size of petunia seeds.
Start seeds inside as plugs is recommended. Surface sow seed, do not cover Soil Type: Well-drained, can be nutritionally poor soils, adaptable to various soils, pH 5.5 - 7.0.
Sowing Rate: 3 - 5 seeds per cell or approximately 500 seeds covers 10 square feet.
Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination.

Important Note: These are very tiny seeds, even smaller than tobacco or petunia seeds. They are easily germinated by following instructions above, but they must be started inside and transplanted outside as "plugs". These will not germinate well outside, except in some instances where they are sowed between flagstones. We cannot warrant thes seeds if sowed directly outside.
 450mg package ( about 7,500 tiny seeds ( covers 150 sq. ft. ) $24.95
SF307 Grandiflora Pink
You can't ask for a prettier ground cover plant for the hot, sunny garden. Moss Rose establishes easily from pink Portulaca seeds, and it's a good choice for hot, dry areas. It also works well along borders, beds and in hot rock gardens. Plants make a good hanging basket or window box plant with foliage and flowers spilling over the edges. The bright pink 1 inch wide flowers close in the afternoon and reopen in the morning.
15mg Package ( over 100 seeds ) $2.95
500 seeds $7.95
TWT169 Grandiflora Rose White Portulaca
These sun-loving plants are easy to start from seeds. Gardeners are rewarded by the Moss Rose flowers and the easy-to-grow, low maintenance ground cover plants that are so versatile and hardy. These little white blooms are incredibly sweet, and they will self-sow their own Moss Rose seeds for next year's display. White Portulaca flower seeds are greatly rewarding to grow!
 5,000 seeds ( covers 100 square feet ) $12.95
TWT170 Grandiflora Rose Pink Portulaca
You can't ask for a prettier ground cover plant for the hot, sunny garden. Moss Rose establishes easily from seeds, and it's a good choice for hot, dry areas. It also works well along borders, beds and in hot rock gardens. Plants make a good hanging basket or window box plant with foliage and flowers spilling over the edges. The bright pink 1 inch wide flowers close in the afternoon and reopen in the morning. Seeds are very tiny, but it germinates quickly and will soon be producing gorgeous blooms.
 5,000 seeds ( covers 100 square feet ) $12.95
Melton Fire ( Potentilla nepalensis )
JB076 Melton Fire ( Potentilla nepalensis )
Tricolor flowers of deep red, soft crimson, and vanilla on spreading plants, excellent container plant, grows about 16" tall. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Evergreen ground cover and border plant. Excellent cut flower. An almost perpetual flowering hybrid, this mounder produces its large bicolored strawberry-red ; lemon-yellow flowers all summer. Zones 4-9.
  25mg package ( about 125 seeds ) $8.95
Creeping Daisy ( Chrysanthemum Paludosum )
JB169 Creeping Daisy ( Chrysanthemum Paludosum )
Easy to grow from flower seeds and quick to flower with a spreading habit, these little Creeping Daisies are a great filler for garden beds, rock gardens, containers, and window boxes. Chrysanthemum Paludosum seeds produce a compact, low growing flowering plant that has 1 1/2 inch flowers. Deadheading and pinching help maintain the compact growth. Creeping Daisy plants typically only grow about 6 - 12 inches tall, but they will spread to 15 inches in no time. Chrysanthemum Paludosum does not waste anytime. After being sown from flower seeds, it blooms in about 12 weeks! Creeping Daisy ground cover is perfect for sunny sites and it's usually resistant to deer.
Butterflies love to visit these sweet little flowers! Chrysanthemums can be liberal self-sowers, and Creeping Daisy will drop its own flower seeds giving you brand new Creeping Daisy plants the following year. Creeping Daisy is technically a perennial, but only in frost free zones 9 and 10.
Creeping Daisy seeds can be sown directly outside in the spring after frost season is over. In a prepared seedbed that is weed free, so the flower seeds about 12 inches apart and press the Chrysanthemum seeds into the soil. Keep the seeds moist until germination occurs. Creeping Daisy care includes an application of all purpose fertilizer each month throughout the growing season and pinching back spent flowers to encourage continued blooming.
  500mg pack ( about 800-900 seeds ) $4.95
  1/4 ounce pack ( enough to cover 125 square feet ) $12.95
SF153 Ajuga repens
Also called Creeping Bugleweed, Creeping Carpet Bugle,Carpenter's Herb, this tough perennial is a nice creeping groundcover for problem areas. Bold blue massed color in spring; sun or shade. Grows 6 inches tall, hardy to zone 3.
It is noted for the striking range of foliage colors and textures. The rich foliage and spring flowers make this a popular choice for replacing turf grass, especially under trees and other areas where mowing (such as over roots) can be dangerous and areas where grass will not grow.
Best used for edging, as a ground cover, or beneath trees or larger shrubs, infrequent foot traffic is tolerated. Attracts butterflies, one of the few groundcovers that will grow under walnut trees.
You will need to start seeds inside, and transplant outside as "plugs".
Start seeds inside in small pots or cells, about 3 seeds per cell or pot. After germination, transplant outside, spacing about 9 inches apart. Normal germination time is about 21-28 days.
  75mg pack ( about 60 seeds ) $4.95
TWT207 Autumn Bride ( Heuchera villosa macrorrhizza )
This is a shade tolerant heuchera that may be grown in rock gardens, borders, open woodland gardens, rocky slopes or native plant areas. It is best planted in groups or massed.
Its fountains of tiny, bright white panicles are set off by velvety, rounded, light green leaves. Its low-mounding form makes it excellent for planting end masse to create ground cover. Drought tolerant and deer resistant.
Space plants approximately 12 in. to 16 in. apart for best results. For best results, grow in well-drained soil. Blooms in mid to late Summer. Reaches standard mature height of 18 in. to 24 in. Tiny seeds must be started indoors. Zones 3-8
  1mg pack ( about 50 tiny seeds ) $3.95
TWT124 Pussytoes White ( Antennaria dioica )
Antennaria seeds are simple to grow for an attractive perennial ground cover. This image from Heritage Perennials shows a ground cover plant that can survive hot, dry, full sun, and poor soil conditions. Not too many plants can do this, but Antennaria ground cover plants can and will. Pussytoes, another name for Antennaria Dioica, tolerates both dry and moist conditions, as long as excellent drainage is available. Antennaria Dioica Rubra, forms a very low, creeping mat of tiny, bright silvery-grey leaves with white flowers which will bloom towards the end of spring and last until the middle of summer.
Antennaria works great in many sunny or partial shade locations including: rock gardens, mass ground cover plantings, in between flagstones, or on top of rock walls. Simply plant the Antennaria seeds where you want a beautiful carpet of drought tolerant ground cover plants with red blooms. Antennaria seeds can be started indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the end of frost season and then transplanted outside once temperatures are consistently warm. For areas with long growing seasons, Antennaria ground cover seeds can be started directly outside in a prepared seedbed. Press the Pussytoes seeds into the soil but do not cover them, and maintain moisture until germination occurs. Antennaria plants can be divided and moved to other locations. To keep the Antennaria looking its best, cut or mow off flower stems after blooming.
Perennial, hardy for zones 5-9, grows 4 inches tall.
You will need to start seeds inside, and transplant outside as "plugs".
Start seeds inside in small pots or cells, about 10-12 seeds per cell or pot. After germination, transplant outside, spacing about 12 inches apart. Normal germination time is about 42-70 days.
  36mg pack ( about 1,000 seeds )$12.95
TWT203 Pink Punching Balls ( Polygonum Capitatum )
This beautiful flowering plant makes a low-growing, spreading ground cover. It has many common names: Pinkhead Smartweed, Pink Knotweed, Pink Clover, and Pink Fleece Flower.
It's many uses include containers, baskets, edging the front of the border or as ground cover plants. It looks especially lovely in raised beds or containers where it can spill over the edges. Pinkhead Smartweed is praised for its burgundy tinted foliage and small coral-pink round flower heads. It is a tough, easy-to-grow ground cover for sun or shade with a long bloom season.
Start seeds indoors in late winter for areas with a short growing season. Use quality seed starting soil and small pots. Press the ground cover seeds into the moistened soil and lightly cover. Maintain moisture until germination occurs. After danger of frost has passed, transplant the seedlings outdoors after hardening the ground cover plants for 10 days or more. For areas with a long growing season, start the ground cover seeds directly outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Prepare a weed-free seedbed and lightly cover the seeds with soil after broadcasting.
 1,000 seeds ( covers 20 sq. ft. ) $12.95
TGL063 California Bluebells ( Phacelia campanularia )
California Bluebell is native to the deserts of California thus making it very drought tolerant and it is known for its vibrant cobalt blue blooms. California Bluebell is one of the few wildflower seeds that can grow into a good cut flower. These are very easy to grow in hot sandy areas, excellent for rock gardens and problem areas where other plants will not grow as well.
California Bluebells are a beautiful self-sowing wildflower, naturally reseeding each year when seeds fall onto bare soil. This makes them a simple, low-maintenance choice for gardeners, letting you enjoy their stunning blue blooms year after year without replanting. It's an easy way to add lasting beauty to your garden with minimal effort.
California Bluebell is often grown in bee and butterfly gardens as well as xeriscape landscaping. Phacelia Campanularia is also known as Desert Bluebells, and the plant can grow in sandy soils and desert-like climates, but it is also adaptive to other climates.
It offers versatile uses, making them perfect for a variety of garden settings. Whether you’re planting them in borders, cottage gardens, rock gardens, or as part of a wildflower meadow, these vibrant blooms thrive in many environments. Their stunning flowers also make excellent cut flowers, adding beauty both outdoors and indoors.
 10g pack ( about 20,000 seeds ( covers about 300 sq. ft. ) $8.95
1A426 Purple Tansy ( Phacelia tanacetifolia )
Used as a soil improving green manure. An annual species. Phacelia is effective at preventing nitrogen leaching and suppressing weeds, due to its fast establishment.
Produces an abundant quantity of nectar which butterflies and bees find hard to resist, this is an excellent flower for planting alongside vegetable gardens to attract bees and benificial insects .A hardy annual, native to California but has naturalized throughout the western United States. The flowering portion of the stalk is curled, slowly unwinding to reveal lavender colored flowers at maturity. The stamens radiate outward, twice as long as the petals, giving the plant an unusual appearance. Prefers full sun in various soils.

Seedman Basic Info:
Grows about 12 to 24 inches tall, will germinate in about 15-60 days depending on soil and weather conditions, germinates best if soil temperature is in the 60-70°F range.
Cover seeds about 1/16" deep, blooms from April to July.

 7g pack ( over 1,000 seeds ) $4.95
JB177 Hens and Chicks ( Sempervivum Hybridum )
Commonly called Hens and Chicks these unique ground cover plants are mat-forming succulents that produce clusters of rosettes. These Sempervivum seeds produce foliages of varying shades of green, gray, and even reddish shades. This low-growing ground cover has parent rosettes that are called the "hens" and the smaller rosettes that grow from the parents are called the "chicks." Sempervivum ground cover plants are grown for the succulent foliage, but it does produce 12 inch flower stalks in the summer with blooms of pink and lavender.
Grow Sempervivum succulent plants in full sun to partial shade and in well-drained soil. In the South, Sempervivum Hens and Chicks can profit from partial shade. The rosettes die after flowering but are replaced by new rosettes on lateral runners. Sempervivum is an old-time favorite used in concrete planters on either side of the front entry or as a great ground cover plant. Great in window boxes or niches. They require little water or attention to thrive.
These outdoor succulents are known for their charming appearance and extreme durability. They resemble an unfurled rose with accenets of colors and can form dense mats that accent gardens and arrangements. Perennial for zones 3-10.
  31mg Package ( about 400-500 tiny seeds ) $8.95
D2242CD Sweet William ( Dianthus barbatus )
Spectacular, multi-colored blooms add beautiful color to the summer garden or meadow. Grows in sandy, clay or loamy soil conditions and grows to be about 12-24" tall, making it an extremely versatile variety. This variety is easy to grow and the colorful blooms make for fabulous summer bouquets.
Very sweet fragrant flowers have fringed petals of red, pink, purple or violet. Vase life of 7-10 days. Will bloom in as little as 70 days from seeds.
A perennial for zones 3-8.
  80mg pack ( about 40-50 seeds ) $2.95
 D2242CD BULK 8g pack ( about 1,000 seeds, covers 150 sq. ft. ) $6.95
Lamb's Ear
TWT153 Lamb's Ear ( Stachys Byzantina Lanata )
Start Lamb's Ear for a wonderful ground cover plant with masses of silvery, deer resistant velvet-textured leaves that stay crisp and look fresh all season. Flowers bloom on spikes that reach up to 16 inches and are lilac in color. The silvery foliage offers a cool accent for the bright greens and colors of the summer garden.
Lamb's Ear attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds with its purple flower spikes in late spring and early summer.
Lamb's Ear is very adaptive. It is drought tolerant enough for a rock garden setting, and it is also a good choice for growing in hot, humid summers where some plants can lose their form. Lamb's Ear ground cover makes a perfect companion plant for a rose garden.
Grow this hardy perennial flower in full sun to partial shade and in well-drained soil. It is a reliable performer that needs little care. Lamb's Ear uses include edging the border of the garden or as a general ground cover. It is a ready self-seeder, and also spreads by roots making it ideal for ground cover. A perennial for zones 4-8, grows about 16 inches tall.
 1,000 seeds $12.95
TWT201 Snowpeak ( Arabis alpina )
Arabis ground cover seed produces early spring blooms and a low-maintenance ground cover. It is cold-hardy to zone 4, though in the coldest areas it will need winter mulch protection for the roots. Rock Cress ground cover plants may need to be replaced every 3 - 4 years, or it can be refreshed by digging it up and dividing the plants. Arabis Alpina has a sweet fragrance and attracts bees.
Rock Cress perennial ground cover establishes well from ground cover seeds. It works well as a ground cover for slopes. It is fairly drought tolerant once it is established. Use Rock Cress on a ledge of rock or a stone wall. As it matures and spreads, it will cascade over the stones. Rock Cress has attractive silvery-green evergreen leaves which hug the ground, about 6 - 8 inches in height, occasionally jumping up to 10 inches. In climates with mild winters, the leaves of this flowering ground cover plant hold their looks into winter. Trim back the Arabis Alpina plant after blooming to keep it neat and tidy.
A perennial for zones 4-8.
  5,000 seed pack ( covers about 100 sq. ft. ) $12.95
W264 Copinkie ( Arabis caucasica )
Superb evergreen, compact, spreading 4-6 inch tall cushions are covered with thousands of fragrant rosy flowers in early spring. Winter hardy to zone 3.
You will need to start seeds inside, and transplant outside as "plugs".
Start seeds inside in small pots or cells, about 3-4 seeds per cell or pot. After germination, transplant outside, spacing about 8 inches apart. Normal germination time is about 21-28 days.
  15mg pack ( about 125 seeds ) $3.95
SF241 Snow cap ( Arabis caucasica )
Establishes well from seeds. It works well as a ground cover for slopes. It is fairly drought tolerant once it is established. Use on a ledge of rock or a stone wall. As it matures and spreads, it will cascade over the stones.
Has attractive silvery-green evergreen leaves which hug the ground, about 6 - 8 inches in height, occasionally jumping up to 10 inches. In climates with mild winters, the leaves of this flowering ground cover plant hold their looks into winter.
Trim back the plant after blooming to keep it neat and tidy. Perennial, hardy to zone 3, grows 6 inches tall.
Start seeds inside in small pots or cells, about 3-4 seeds per cell or pot. After germination, transplant outside, spacing about 8 inches apart. Normal germination time is about 21-28 days.
 105mg pack ( about 300 seeds ) $2.95
JB241 Purple Robe ( Saxifraga Arendsii )
An excellent groundcover that is compact, free-flowering, and easily raised from seed. These charming perennials quickly form an evergreen verdant mat. The surface-spreading mossy leaves are evergreen for year-round effect. When your spring bloomers are starting to fade, the dense mats of Purple Robe become covered with small carmine red, cup-shaped flowers held upright on ankle-high, strong stems.

Also, known as Mossy Saxifrage or Purple Robe ground cover, Saxifrages grow well in containers, beds, rock gardens, and anywhere a low-growing, spreading ground cover plant is desired. Mossy Saxifrage plants prefer well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade conditions. Purple Robe does not do well in the hot humid areas. It is both deer and rabbit resistant.
Grows about 6 inches tall, a perennial hardy for zones 4-9. Very tiny seeds! About the size of petunia seeds.

 35mg pack ( about 800-1,000 seeds, covers 20 sq. ft. ) $12.95
TWT202 Rose Robe ( Saxifraga Arendsii )
What a charming little ground cover plant for cooler climates! Saxifraga seeds readily establish, and this perennial does well edging a border, spilling over a wall, or in containers. Often called Moss Saxifraga or Mossy Saxifrage, it forms a low evergreen mound of bright green leaves that bear short stems of small cup-shaped rose-pink flowers.
Prefers cool growing conditions and does not tolerate drought or hot humid weather. In warmer zones, make sure it gets afternoon shade. Saxifraga care includes trimming back the stems once their flowers fade to neaten the ground cover plants, but no other trimming is needed during the year. Rose Saxifraga will self-seed but not to the point of crowding.

Grows about 6 inches tall, a perennial hardy for zones 4-9.
Very tiny seeds! About the size of petunia seeds.
 2,000 seeds ( covers 40 sq. ft. ) $18.95
JB090 Bellidiformis Mix ( (Dorotheanthus Bellidiformis Mix )
This showy, trailing plant is frost tender making it an annual in most areas of the United States. Livingstone Daisy Ice Plants are perfect for along the driveway, flowerbed, or mass plantings anywhere in full sun to create a low-growing, blooming ground cover.

This mix produces free-flowering, drought-tolerant, easy-to-care-for plants that thrive in the hot, dry soil that other plants simply will not tolerate. These bright colored daisies typically are 1 1/2 inches across with dozens of long, slender petals jammed around a black eye. They face straight up on plants that just reach 4 - 6 inches tall. You can not find an easier flowering ground cover plant to establish from ground cover seed.

 1g pack (about 2,300 very tiny seeds ( covers 50 sq. ft. ) $5.95
 Bulk 12g pack (about 27,000 very tiny seeds ( covers 600 sq. ft. ) $32.95
TWT109 Avalanche ( Arenaria montana )
Establish this evergreen, low-growing, vigorous perennial from seeds. Arenaria Montana is a treasured alpine or rock garden plant. It forms a low-growing evergreen cushion of dark green leaves, and it produces many white flowers during springtime. In sandy soils, this will root and spread slowly to form a patch.
Great for edging paths, between flagstones, in walls, a ground cover, or trough gardens. Plants prefer well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Divide these ground cover plants in spring or early fall.
Sow seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost. Transplant seedlings when danger of frost as passed. Arenaria ground cover plants are fairly drought tolerant once established. Sometimes they are used as a lawn substitute. Zones 3-8, grows about 4 inches tall.
 1,000 seeds ( covers 20 square feet ) $12.95
TWT141 Snow in Summer ( Cerastium tomentosum )
Cerastium tomentosum, known as snow-in-summer, is a short-lived, low-growing, mat-forming perennial which is typically massed in sunny locations as a ground cover. Tufts of narrow, gray-green leaves (each to 1" long and 1/4" wide) form a 6” tall foliage mat. Leaves are evergreen. In late spring, flower stems rise above the foliage mat (typically to 8-12”) carrying clusters of white blooms which form a snow-like carpet (hence the common name). Flowers (to 1” diameter) have 5 notched petals and are similar in appearance and closely related to several of the chickweeds.
Vigorous spreading groundcover for walls or rockery, white flowers, silver foliage, late spring. Perennial, best suited for zones 3-7.
Sow seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before setting out. Use small pots and sterile starter mix. Sow Cerastium seeds lightly on the surface of the starter mix, and press the seeds into the mix. This ground cover seed needs light to germinate. Keep the seeds moist until germination, harden the seedlings for 10-14 days before planting plants into their permanent location. Space plants about 8" apart.
  Bulk pack 5,000 seeds ( covers 100 sq. ft. ) $16.95
IP251 Kenilworth Ivy ( Cymbalaria muralis )
Eaisly grow this lovely ground cover from seed. With scalloped leaves, and pretty lilac colored blooms, Kenilworth Ivy makes a wonderful ground cover plant.
It performs well even in full shade, and it loves to cascade down a stone wall or spill over the sides of containers. The plant also makes charming hanging baskets. This trailing vine takes very little maintenance except for regular waterings, and being cut back and deadheaded before setting seeds.
It is a prolific self-sower, spreading its seeds all over the garden. To keep it more contained, deadheading is helpful. Kenilworth Ivy makes a very nice flowering ground cover plant. Ground cover plant that is also ideal for rockery. Perennial, hardy for zones 5-9, grows 4 inches tall.
Sow seeds indoors 10 weeks before the last frost is expected. Use starter trays, sow the ground cover seeds on the surface of sterile soil, gently pressing the seed into the soil.
Do not cover the seeds. They need light to germinate. After danger of frost has passed, transplant the young ground cover plants into the garden.
Average germination time is 14-24 days.
 30mg pack ( about 200 seeds ) $5.95
1A402 Baby Blue Eyes ( Nemophila insignis )
A hardy annual native to California, but is easily grown throughout the United States. The delicate, sky blue, cup shaped flowers continue to bloom throughout spring. Requires a light, sandy soil with moderate amounts of water.
Prefers partial shade, but in cooler climates can tolerate full sun. A charmer in wooden barrels and hanging baskets, wonderful flowerbed plant.
Also excellent for borders, rock gardens, hanging baskets. An enjoyable and easily grown variety from seed.
This low growing plant requires little maintenance. Does not transplant well.

Seedman Basic Info:
Grows 6-12 inches tall, will germinate in about 7-30 days depending on soil and weather conditions, does not germinate well in hot weather, germinates best if soil temperature is in the 55°F to 65°F range.
Cover seeds about 1/8" deep, blooms from March to May.

 4.5g pack ( about 2,000 seeds ) $4.95
W252 Very Berry ( Gaultheria procumbens )
With a little patience, you can grow this beautiful creeping ground cover from seeds. It is great for shady areas with acidic soil. It is low-growing, shrub-like and spreads to 24 inches wide by stolons.
In the summer it has sweet little bell-shaped flowers, and in the fall and winter, it has lovely red berries. This creeping wintergreen offers year round visual interest!
This aromatic little ground cover plant is not only attractive, but it also has a history of medicinal uses. It contains methyl salicylate, a medicine related to aspirin, and has been used in medicines for both internal and topical use.
Great for fall or winter pot. Grows 6 inches tall, hardy for zones 4-7, perennial.
Seeds germinate best after a cold treatment. It is recommended to refrigerate seeds 4-10 weeks as the cold temperature helps to break the dormancy of the seed. Remove seeds from the refrigerator and sow them directly in a prepared seedbed. Plants prefer somewhat acidic soil and soil that has lots of organic matter worked in.
 4mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
 VOS015 Bulk pack 1,000 ( covers 20 sq. ft. ) $24.25
SF332 Verbena Imagination
1993 AAS Flower Winner. Intense violet-blue or magenta flower colored blooms on fine lacy foliage. Rapidly spreading habit is perfect as a flowering ground cover on slopes. Ruggedly enduring for an annual. This verbena is strong; exhibiting superior garden performance, and enduring summer heat, drought or severe weather. An annual growing to 12 inches tall.
  50mg pack ( about 60 seeds ) $5.95
TWT172 Florist Mix Verbena
Verbena is a hardy annual plant that produces beautiful, colorful, blossoms of flowers. This fragrant annual seed mix does very well in hot and dry regions. Excellent for window boxes, borders, and rock gardens. There is no better spreading plant that blooms all season long than this verbena florist mix. Great for colorful show. An annual growing to 12 inches tall.
  1,000 seeds $12.95
TWT173 Spike Speedwell ( Veronica spicata )
What a strong bloomer! These lovely blue blooms are easily grown from seeds, and they will keep coming all summer long. Has a low, compact and mat-forming habit that makes it well-suited as a ground cover plant. Veronica flowers form on spikes, they are violet-blue and are highly attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. The Spike Speedwell plant is small in size making a wonderful container plant.
A hardy perennial that performs in sunny conditions and tolerates partial shade. It's not too picky about soil, but it does need to have good drainage. The plant requires a moderate amount of water, and it blooms best when the spent flower heads are trimmed back. It is fairly resistant to both deer and rabbits.
A perennial for zones 3-8, growing 4 to 6 inches tall.
 28mg pack ( about 625 seeds, covers about 15 sq. ft. ) $8.95
VOS002 Veronica Prostrata ( repens )
Did you know about this spectacular ground clover plant? Many gardeners are familiar with the tall growing Veronicas, but often they are not so familiar with this creeping Veronica ground cover plant. It grows easily from seeds and is commonly called Creeping Speedwell.
It is truly a low-growing ground cover plant that only reaches a height of 1 to 2 inches. In the spring and early summer it is adorned with masses of soft, light blue flowers. This plant will spread and flourish in your flower bed or work perfectly between stepping stones or in a rock garden. Veronica Repens is considered to be an alpine plant and can perform at elevations up to 7500 feet. It will tolerate light foot traffic and deer usually will avoid the little plants.
How To Grow: Sow seeds indoors 8 to 10 weeks before planting outside. Use a peaty starter mix and lightly sow the Creeping Speedwell seeds on the surface of the mix, and gently press the seed into the mix. Light is needed for germination, and keep the seed consistently moist. After frost season, seeds can also be directly sown outdoors ( note that germination can be much lower if direct planted, we recommend starting inside ). Prepare a weed free seed bed in a protected area, sow the seed on the surface and keep it moist. This is a very easy-to-care-for ground cover plant.
 Bulk pack 1,000 very tiny seeds ( covers 20 sq. ft. ) $21.95
SF237 French Stardust ( Leptosiphon )
This low-growing annual has fern-like foliage and hundreds of sweet little half inch star-shaped flowers that shine out from the foliage. The colors are mixed and bright in shades of rose, yellow, orange and cream.
Leptosiphon uses include edging the front of the flower bed, containers, edging a pathway, or as a ground cover.
Commonly known as False Baby Stars, this annual is lovely if it is allowed to spill over the edges of rocks or containers. It makes a carpet of color and is stunning!
Annual plant growing 4 inches tall.
Start inside in cells or sow seeds directly outside in a prepared seedbed after frost danger has passed. Press the seed into the soil and lightly cover. Perform best in full sun, and they prefer rich, well-draining soil.
  325mg pack ( about 1,000 tiny seeds ) $3.95
  Bulk pack 5,000 seeds ( covers 100 sq. ft. ) $15.95
3570 Creeping Zinnia ( Sanvitalia )
What a delightful flowering ground cover plant! So easy to grow from seeds, and what charm and beauty if offers all summer long.
It is a low-growing, mat-forming annual that spreads 12-18 inches making it ideal for a summer ground cover. The trailing little plants create a profusion of 3/4 inch semi-double orange flowers with dark centers. They look like mini-sunflowers! Best in zones 6-9.
Creeping Zinnia offers the most spectacular blooms when planted in full sun. It prefers light, sandy loam soils with good drainage. It performs the best in areas where summers are mild.
The plants are ideal for hanging baskets, all sorts of pots and planters, edging the front of the flower border and as a ground cover. Annual growing 6 inches tall.
For best results, sow seeds directly in the garden 1 - 2 weeks before last frost date. They also may be started indoors 4-6 weeks earlier; however, plants often do not transplant well into the garden.
Seeds started indoors directly into a hanging basket or container avoids the transplant problem. Sow seed on the surface of prepared soil, lightly sprinkle peat moss to help hold moisture in the seeds. Light is beneficial to germination.
Make sure that the ground cover seeds stay moist until germination occurs.
  48 pack ( about 70 seeds ) $2.95
 Bulk pack 2,000 seeds ( covers 40 sq. ft. ) $12.95
JB114 Viola labradorica purpurea
Commonly called Labrador violet, is a very low-growing perennial (1-3" high) which is typically utilized both for its small, attractive, heart-shaped, purple-tinged foliage (to 1 inch across) and its lavender-blue spring flowers. Flowers appear atop leafy stems in lat spring. Native to moist woods in the northern U.S., Canada and Greenland.
A plant of many uses, mass as a ground cover for small areas. Filler between stepping stones. Leave undisturbed and allow it to spread in native plant gardens or naturalized areas. Rock gardens.
Highly decorative dark foliage, a "Walk on" plant. Perennial, hardy to zone 3.
  65mg pack ( about 40-50 seeds ) $5.95
TWT064 Heather ( Calluna vulgaris )
Also known as Scotch heather, an evergreen ground cover or low shrub for sun, blooms during late summer in various shades of red or pink. Heather thrives in USDA zones 3 to 9. This low-growing shrub definitely demonstrates year-round beauty, whether from its abundant summer blooms or its ever-changing foliage. Heather works great for use in sun-soaked garden spots from the border to along the driveway.
Heathers grow in nutrient poor, well-draining, acidic soils, in a bright sunny location. Calluna vulgaris will do very poorly in alkaline soils. When planting in the ground, space out the plants about 24 inches apart. Plant out in early fall or spring.
At spring, pruning of the dead dry stems produces fresher looking plants, cut the old stems off close to the ground. It is recommended to mulch before the onset of winter to protect from damage caused by the cold temperatures and wind.
Heather seeds are very small and should be surface sown and the soil needs to remain moist, with watering best done from below if possible.
Grows to about 24-36 inches tall. Normally takes about 28-35 days to germinate in 50-72 degree soil.
 24mg ( about 1,000 very tiny seeds ) $12.95
1A401 Five Spot ( Nemophila maculata )
Excellent flowerbed plant. A hardy annual native to California, easily grown from seed throughout the United States. The flowers are an attractive white with vivid purple spots at the tip of each petal. A prolific bloomer all spring, with a low spreading habit. Prefers full sun to dappled shade in various soil conditions. A great item for hanging baskets.
Can be used in wooden barrels, containers of all types, as a groundcover, borders, rock gardens.

Seedman Basic Info:
Grows 6-12 inches tall, will germinate in about 7-30 days depending on soil and weather conditions, does not germinate well in hot weather, germinates best if soil temperature is in the 55°F to 65°F range.
Cover seeds about 1/8" deep, blooms from March to May.

 Bulk 1 ounce pack ( covers 75 sq. ft. ) $9.95
W261 Pink Starlets ( Petrohagia illyriaca )
This hardy perennial resemble creeping baby's breath. The foliage is a deep green with a slight grey overlay makes a nice contrast to the pale pink blooms that cover in huge numbers on this plant from late spring until Fall.
Drought and heat resistant and thrives on neglect, easy to grow and vigorous but not invasive. Can tolerate light foot traffic. Teeming 1" veined pink blossoms, great ground cover or edging, blooms first year. Perennial growing 12 inches tall, hardy for zones 5-9.
Perennial,hardy for zones 4-9, grows 6 inches tall.
Plant seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost is predicted. Use starter trays and sterile potting mix. Press the seeds into the soil but do not cover the seeds. Keep the ground cover seeds moist but not saturated until germination occurs.
Transplant outdoors, 12-18 inches a part when temperatures are warmed. Find a sunny location with sandy, sharp-draining soil. In the hottest climates, plants would do well with some afternoon shade.
 27mg pack ( about 150 seeds ) $4.95
TWT129 Spanish Stonecrop ( Sedum hispanicum )
If you are looking for a drought tolerant, low-growing, low-maintenance ground cover, this this is the one preferred by many. This plant has blue-green to gray-green, succulent foliage, and it only reaches a few inches in height.
As the weather warms, the foliage turns to a blue-grey color, and it has a soft feathery feel to it. In late spring to summer it has clusters of small whitish pink blooms.
It is a tough ground cover plant that tolerates some wear and tear such as light walking.
Commonly called Spanish Stonecrop, and although it is a sun lover in mild climates, this perennial prefers some afternoon shade in areas with extremely hot summers.
Porous well-drained soil is essential. Grow in coarse sandy or gravelly soil in a rock garden, trough, wall, or container, or use it as a small-scale ground cover on a slope or bank. In too much shade it slowly dwindles or is overtaken by neighboring plants.
Best suited for zones 4-9.
Sedum has tiny seeds which should be mixed with fine sand for an even sowing. For best results, sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost is expected. Use small pots or flats and sterile starter mix. Pre-moisten the starter mix and sow Sedum seeds on the surface. Press the seed into the moistened soil, and do not it. Keep the Stonecrop seeds moist but not saturated until they germinate.
Water from the underside of the pots or use a spray bottle and lightly mist the seeds. Plant the Sedum seedlings outdoors once sufficient growth has been made. Established plants can be divided every 3-4 years for best performance.
 TWT129 Bulk pack 1,000 tiny seeds ( covers 20 sq. ft. ) $12.95
TWT164 Aizoon ( Sedum aizoon )
This medium-sized perennial Sedum is versatile and a great addition to your beds and borders. Sedum Aizoon has a unique foliage that is adorned with bright yellow flowers. The blooms are large in comparison to the foliage and very showy. Sedum succulent plants do well leaning over the edge of rock walls, raised beds, rock gardens, or in mass planting. A perennial plant for zones 4-9, growing 12-16" tall.
 1,000 seeds $12.95
TWT134 Blue Spruce Sedum ( Sedum reflexum )
Vivid blue needle-leaf, spreads slowly to form excellent evergreen ground cover, yellow blooms in summer, perennial grows about 8" tall, hardy to zone 3.
 TWT134 2,500 tiny seeds ( covers 50 sq. ft. ) $24.95
JB227 White Stonecrop ( Sedum album )
A small but extremely tough plant for rock gardens, xeriscapes and green roofs. Not only heat resistant and drought tolerant, it is reliably hardy and provides interest year round. It is widely known as Jelly Bean Sedum, for the becoming shape of its leaves.
These leaves grow close together and form a dense carpet of plant material which spreads to cover a good-sized area. Dainty, airy white flowers bloom in midsummer. Foliage persists throughout the winter months, but turns red to bronze as temperatures become cooler.
A perennial for zones 3-9.
Sedum seeds should be started indoors and transplanted outdoors after germination. Indoor sowing can be done 6-8 weeks before last frost date. Use small pots or flats and sterile starter mix.
Pre-moisten the starter mix and sow 5-7 Stonecrop seeds per container. The seeds are exceptionally small, so only press the ground cover seed into the moistened soil, and do not cover the seed. Keep the seeds moist but not saturated until they germinate.
For outdoor sowing, wait until garden soil temperatures are 70°F. Select a site with well-draining soil. If necessary amend soil with organic matter. Loosen the top 1-2 inches of soil, remove any weeds, and gently broadcast the seeds over the soil.
Lightly press the seeds into the soil, and keep the seed continuously moist until germination. Normal germination time is 14-28 days. As a rule of thumb, 2,000 sedum seeds will cover a 40 square foot area as a ground cover.
  44mg pack ( about 2,000 seeds ) $10.95
TWT147 Czars Gold Sedum
Gold flowers, evergreen red stemmed carpet, excellent groundcover, perennial grows about 9" tall, hardy to zone 3.
 15mg pack ( about 1,000 very tiny seeds ) $9.95
TWT166 Stolon Stonecrop ( Sedum Stoloniferum )
Every garden has a space for this unique Sedum ground cover plant. Start Sedum Stoloniferum seeds for these pink, star-shaped flowers on trailing plants that spread by stolons. Due to this fact, this Sedum is commonly referred to as Stolon Stonecrop. Sedum Stonecrop is a succulent ground cover, and it holds moisture in its thick, fleshy leaves making it drought tolerant and hardy. This variety of Sedum ground cover grows up to 8 inches tall and can be grown in full sun or partial shade in dry, well-draining, even rocky soils. Stolon Stonecrop is fairly resistant to rabbits. A perennial plant for zones 6-9, growing 8" tall.
 1,000 tiny seeds $12.95
TWT056 Yellow Stonecrop ( Sedum ellacombianum )
This is one of the most favored perennial Sedum ground covers by both homeowners and landscapers alike. You should grow these for virtually a maintenance free, drought proof ground cover plant.
These plants will add distinction and beauty to any flower garden, rock garden, container, or planter box. They form a luxurious mound of dark green leaves that stay attractive 3 seasons of the year. As soon as summer arrives, hundreds of sunny yellow flowers will cover the attractive foliage. When Autumn approaches, the foliage takes on a soft pinkish hue.
For zones 4-9, grows about 4-6 inches tall.
  Bulk pack 1,000 seeds ( covers 20 sq. ft. ) $14.95
TWT135 Summer Glory ( Sedum spurium )
This sedum stonecrop grows 4-6 inches high. The leaves tint red in the fall and the blooms are dark pink star-like blossoms that will grow from early July to September.
A low growing succulent plant that thrives in well-drained soil but will grow in most soil types. It's perfect to grow in trouble areas. Deer resistant.
For zones 5-10.
 TWT135 Bulk pack 1,000 seeds ( covers 20 sq. ft. ) $18.95
SF245 Stonecrop Dragon's Blood ( Sedum spurium )
Dragon's Blood Sedum is an easy-to-grow herbaceous perennial ground cover which can be grown in a container or used in mass plantings. Sedum ground cover plants are exceptionally tolerant of heat and drought and also tolerate to cold and humidity.
Dragon's Blood Sedum is a fast growing ground cover with brilliant red flowers in late summer. It is a succulent with needle-like leaves that turn an orange-red color in fall. Dragon's Blood ground cover creates a dense mat 3 - 5 inches tall that spreads quickly. Dragon's Blood will tolerate poor, dry soil. Low growing Sedum is used for containers, borders, edging and as a dense spreading ground cover plant. A perennial, these plants are great in rock gardens as they will grow in shallow, poor soil and perform well. Dragon's Blood seeds can be sown indoors or directly outdoors ( but you will get best results by starting indoors and transplanting outside ). Indoor sowing can be done 6 - 8 weeks before last frost date. Use small pots or flats and sterile starter mix. Pre-moisten the starter mix and sow 5 - 7 Sedum ground cover seeds per container. The Sedum seeds are exceptionally small, so only press the seed into the moistened soil, and do not cover the seed. Keep the seeds moist but not saturated until they germinate. For outdoor sowing, wait until garden soil temperatures are 70 degrees or higher. Select a site with well-draining soil. If necessary amend soil organic matter. Loosen the top 1 - 2 inches of soil, remove any weeds, and gently broadcast the Dragon's Blood seeds over the soil. Lightly press the seeds into the soil, and keep the seed continuously moist until germination. Perennial growing 6" tall, hardy for zones 3-9.
  18mg pack ( about 500 tiny seeds ) $4.95
JB167 Stonecrop Many Species Mix ( Sedum var. mix )
A marvelous groundcover, red and yellow shades, mix of hardy creepers. Perennial growing 6 inches tall, hardy to zone 3.
  50mg pack ( about 1,000 tiny seeds ) $12.95
W246 Purple Carpet ( Sedum spurium )
Edge your walkways with these wonderful ground cover plants. This perennial is a versatile ground cover for rock gardens, planting in rock walls, around stones, green roofs, flower beds, or containers.
Has deep rose pink flowering clusters that will bloom from mid-summer until fall. Has very narrow paddle-shaped leaves that spiral around and form dense mats. The foliage may turn a brownish-red color in the autumn in full sun.
Plants forms a thick ground cover even the first year that it is grown from seeds.
For zones 5-9.
 21mg pack ( about 500 seeds )$3.95
IP369 Pimpernel ( Anagallis Arvensis Caerulea )
This unusual little plant is originally from Europe. Known as Blue Pimpernel, it has a spreading habit which makes it well-suited for edging a border, as a general ground cover plant, and in pots and hanging baskets. The Blue Pimpernel flower is open only when the sun shines. The habit of closing in dull weather and when rain is approaching has given the plant the name Poor Man's Weather-Glass.
This caerulea variety of Anagallis is not as famous as Scarlet Pimpernel, but you cannot go wrong with adding this blue version to your flower garden. The Blue Pimpernel plant establishes easily and quickly grows and spreads to produce nice ground cover plants.
How To Grow Blue Pimpernel: Sow Pimpernel seeds in peat pots and gently press the ground cover seed into soil and barely cover. Pimpernel seeds need light to germinate. You can also directly sow Anagallis Arvensis seeds after all danger of frost has passed in groups of 3-4 seeds spaced 12 inches apart. Thin to the strongest plant. If consumed, Pimpernel ground cover plants can be toxic to livestock and humans.
  12mg Pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
  250 seeds $7.95
JB261 Scarlet Pimpernel ( Anagallis Arvensis Scarlet )
One of our favorite, low-growing wild flowers. The scarlet flowers are star-like and dense. Because of this flower's habit of closing at dusk and before stormy weather, it has also been called Poor Man's Barometer. The abundant red flowers also remain closed in cloudy weather, opening only to the sun. Deer resistant. Grows about 6 inches tall, an annual plant for zones 5-10.
How To Grow Pimpernel: Sow Pimpernel seeds in peat pots and gently press the ground cover seed into soil and barely cover. Pimpernel seeds need light to germinate. You can also directly sow Anagallis Arvensis seeds after all danger of frost has passed in groups of 3-4 seeds spaced 12 inches apart. Thin to the strongest plant. If consumed, Pimpernel ground cover plants can be toxic to livestock and humans.
  125mg Pack ( about 300 seeds ) $4.95
SF122 Aromatic Lemon Thyme ( Thymus pulegioides )
Low creeper, well suited as ground cover. Perfumes the air when trodden upon. Helps to clear mucous congestion. Used in cooking. Aromatic low growing bush or creeping herbs, ideal for rockeries, borders, or along pathways. Pretty pink or purple blossoms are a favorite of honeybees. Culinary and medicinal value. Grow indoors or out in full sun.
The most fragrant type, thick mats of perfumed rose purple flowers. Lemony flavor used in cooking and cough remedies. Grows about 4" tall.
Also known as Broad-leaved thyme, it is a perennial evergreen plant, mostly used as edible plant and can be also used as fragrant ornamental plant, can grow in temperate, subtropical or mediterranean climate and growing in hardiness zone 5-10. Very tiny seeds!
 15mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
 Bulk 180mg pack ( about 1,000 seeds ) $12.95
 10,000 seeds $24.95
TPF039 Creeping Thyme ( Thymus serpyllum )
For Zones 5-8. This thyme is a creeping, woody based perennial which is primarily used as a ground cover. Numerous, thin, somewhat woody stems form a flat mat (2-3" tall) with tiny, rounded, glossy blue-green leaves (to 1/4"). Although leaves are aromatic, strength of scent varies according to season and habitat and leaves are usually not considered to be of culinary quality. Clusters of tiny, tubular, deep pink flowers appear in summer. Flowers are attractive to bees. Best as a small area ground cover or filler between stepping stones. Will sprawl over small rocks or over ledges in the rock garden
 350mg pack ( about 1,500 seeds ) $5.95
3532 Magic Carpet Thyme ( Thymus serpyllum )
If you have a stepping stone path or a flagstone patio, Magic Carpet is a great way to add lovely, low-growing thyme to the walkway and patio crevices. Creeping thyme ground cover is only 2 - 4 inches high, and it spreads and flowers for most of the summer.
Perfect for edging the flower border, rock gardens, walkways, patios and in containers. The plants are full of tiny lilac pink clusters of blooms that are attractive to butterflies. The groundcover is lemen-scented, and it is a maintenance free, hardy plant that will give years of beauty and enjoyment.
For zones 4-8.
Sow the seeds in starter trays indoors 6 weeks before the last expected frost. Press the Thyme seeds into the soil but do not cover them. Transplant the young seedlings into the garden 12 inches apart. After frost danger has passed, creeping thyme seeds can be directly seeded in a prepared seed bed that is weed free and has had the top several inches loosened and raked fine.
Outside: scatter the seeds and press them firmly into the soil. The ground cover seeds must be consistently kept moist. If weeds grow along with the thyme, it's best to hand pull them.
 5mg ( about 40-50 seeds per pack ) $2.95
 Bulk pack 1,000 seeds $24.95
HR229 English Thyme ( Thymus vulgaris )
Plant thyme in your herb garden, at the edge of a walk, along a short garden wall, or in containers. As a special garden treat, put a few along a walkway and between steps, and your footsteps will release its aroma.
It even makes a pretty patch of small ground cover. Growing thyme provides an anchor in an herb garden in areas where it is evergreen in winter. Thyme is also perfect for containers, either alone or in combination with plants that won't shade it out.
It is not only attractive in the perennial border or herb garden, but it also attracts birds, bees and butterflies to the garden as well. It is also commonly referred to as Garden Thyme or English Thyme.
This variety is often planted near vegetables to help control flea beetles and several cabbage pests.
A perennial for zones 4-9.
  75mg package ( 75-100 seeds ) $2.95
  1/4 Ounce package ( about 25,000 seeds ) $9.95
SF084 Roman Chamomile ( Chamaemelum nobile )
Roman Chamomile seeds produce a thick, evergreen perennial herb plant that is very versatile and lovely. Forms a 6 inch mat of sweetly scented, parsley-like, bright green foliage, and it produces tiny, white and yellow daisy-like blooms in the late spring. An herbal flowering carpet comes to life!
This herbal carpet can even be used as a lawn substitute. This species is grown for the famous British Chamomile lawns.
Roman Chamomile plants may deteriorate in very cold or wet winters, but they will most likely recover. Harvest chamomile flowers when they are first fully opened. Use them fresh or freeze them for later use. Another benefit is that the flowers are used in herbal teas and are said to have medicinal properties.
Often used as a ground cover, Roman Chamomile holds soil in place even on slopes, it spreads to fill in gaps, and it blocks out most weeds. It can be mowed (after flowering and set the mower on the highest setting), and it tolerates light foot traffic. This ground cover is unique, aromatic, attractive and is well-suited for covering large areas and can be started by sowing the herb seeds ( Sow on cultivated soil. Sowing Rate: Approximately 5,000 seeds covers 100 square feet. Average Germ Time: 7 - 10 days. Keep moist until germination. Depth: Surface sow, cover lightly with peat moss. )
Attracts honeybees and birds. Young leaves and flowers can be gathered to make a calming tea, both fresh and dried.
Grows well in zones 4-9.
 45mg pack ( about 500 seeds ) $2.95
 Bulk pack 5,000 seeds ( covers 100 sq. ft. ) $12.95
3615 Blue Fescue Varna ( Festuca cinerea glauca Varna )
It is easy to create low-growing clumps fro seed that can be spaced to form a very decorative ground cover. These ornamental grasses are also excellent for the front of the border, and the blue-green color complements colorful ornamentals. Blue Fescue has traditionally been viewed only as a clumping ornamental grass with a few plants spaced in a landscape bed, but Blue Fescue grass also mixes well with wildflowers and does not crowd them out.
The waxy leaf covering reduces transpiration so the plant can survive extended droughts and the stress of a drought only deepens the color of the ornamental grass. It is one of the shortest ornamental grasses available, with the foliage not exceeding 12 inches in height, so mowing is only needed to remove seed heads if desired. It has good winter color and looks green during this period.
It is very shade tolerant, often found in the dry shade of trees. Plant care includes cutting the plant back to 2 inches in the early spring. Trim flower heads to prevent self-sowing. This ornamental grass seems to prefer some neglect.
A perennial for zones 4-7.
  262mg pack ( about 150 seeds ) $2.95
8SER40 Red Clover ( Trifolium pratense )
Red clover is a perennial plant that grows pale mauve blooms on long, thin stems in late spring through midsummer. Red clover has a small-bush growing habit and reaches up to 2 feet in height and spread at maturity. Hardy in USDA Zones 3a through 8b, red clover thrives in full sun to partial daily shade in soil with a neutral pH, and can be planted in three seasons.
Whether sowing red clover seeds, planting young plants or digging and dividing mature plants, the goal is to plant when there will be the least amount of stress possible on the plant and/or roots during its establishment period. Sow red clover seeds onto tilled and moistened soil early in spring after the last frost has passed. Cover over the seeds with 1 to 2 inches of moist soil. Keep soil evenly moist but not wet, and you should see sprouts within 3 to 5 weeks. Red clover is an attractant to bees and butterflies, so planting early may beckon more of these visitors to the garden throughout the season.
1 pound will cover 1/10th of an acre.
  Each pack contains 1 Pound of seeds $12.95
DCM027 Vernal Alfalfa ( Medicago sativa )
Vernal alfalfa has been the standard of the industry for many years. It exhibits good winter hardiness, has moderate re-growth after cutting, is fine stemmed and has dark green leaves. Vernal alfalfa is used mostly for hay production in medium rotation applications. Vernal was developed by the University of Wisconsin and released in 1953.
Here are some of the outstanding features of Vernal alfalfa:
Produces high yields even on fields where root rots are a problem.
Uniquely winterhardy, a full season variety with the winterhardiness of varieties adapted to the far north.
Wide spectrum pest resistance decreases yield fade in later stand years.
Very high yield potential, top performer in University yield trials.
Resists stem nematode problems common to lighter soils.
Very fast recovery and very good frequent cutting tolerance.

1 pound will cover 1/15th of an acre.
 1 Pound of seeds $12.95
8SER73 White Dutch Clover ( Trifolium Repens )
A low growing perennial which can be sown into long season row crops during the season to provide a living mulch. Widely used for erosion control, ground cover, forage, and honey production.
Many homeowners include White Dutch clover in their lawn seed mixture because clover sprouts fast and grows so dependably that it's a valuable aid in getting a new lawn started. White dutch clover is the most popular clover seed for lawn alteratives, due to the fact it is cheaper than miniclover.
1 pound will cover 3,000 sqare feet.
  Each pack contains 1 Pound of seeds $14.50
TPF028 Candytuft( Iberis umbellata )
A very showy ground cover. A vigorous perennial ( grown as annual in cold areas ) growing 12-18" tall with mounds of white, pink or lilac flowers. Excellent border plant. Dense, lacy blooms of especially radiant white Tidy mound-former, 12" tall and up to 15" wide Spring bloomer, excellent with any-color spring bulbs Makes a terrific cover for a rock garden, a slope or a bank Avoided by deer; easy to grow.
  $2.75  Per 300mg Pack ( about 100 seeds )