Fennel Seeds

Useful gardening information
Fennel is a perennial that should be planted after the last frost of the winter. Seeds germinate when soil temperatures are between 50°F and 70°F. It takes up to 100 days to mature.

Fennel is relatively hardy and can be grown year round in zones 5-10. Grow as a perennial in colder zones.

Plant fennel in an area of the garden that receives full sun exposure and has loose, deep soil. Best to grow fennel away from other garden vegetables because it will cross pollinate, making for mixed flavor results, at best. Fennel grows back by itself each year, so dedicate a space in the garden to fennel if you plan to keep it going.

Fennel can be grown in large pots as well. It produces a long taproot and needs sufficient soil space to accommodate it, so containers are not always sufficient.

Links to useful information on the web:
How to grow fennel

Cooking with fennel

HR460 Florence Fennel ( Finocchio )
All parts of this herb are aromatic and delicious! The bulb, foliage, and herb seeds of the Fennel plant are widely used in many of the culinary traditions of the world. Sweet Fennel is widely cultivated, both in its native range and elsewhere, for its edible, strongly-flavored leaves and Fennel seeds. The flavor is similar to that of anise, though usually not so strong and more aromatic and sweeter.
All parts of Fennel herb plants are aromatic, imparting a sweet anise, or licorice, scent and flavor. Kids - or adults - who like black licorice will love chomping on the raw bulbs of fennel! Growing to 60 inches tall and 24 inches wide, Florence Fennel is topped by erect, hollow stems with pale yellow flower umbels.
Harvest can take place usually 100 days after sowing the Fennel seeds. Bulbs can be pulled and eaten as a vegetable or Florence Fennel seed can be collected as the umbels dry and turn brown in color. Cover the seed head with cloth or a bag, cut the stems and catch the herb seeds that are disturbed in the cloth or bag. The Fennel seeds pop out easily.
  Package of 500 seeds $5.95

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