Our Favorite Everlasting Flowers
Hardy Annual, Strawflower, or Everlasting, is an easy plant
to grow, with a wide range of colors. The true petals are found
in the center of each flower and they are surrounded by
colorful, straw-like bracts. The flowers bloom from summer to
early autumn. Harvest flowers for drying before they open fully
and hang them upside down in cool, dark place. Seeds need light
to germinate; plant in porous soil. They prosper during hot
summers, but high humidity or continual damp may cause stem
When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant and grow
on in cooler conditions. Gradually acclimatise to outdoor
conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of
frost 30cm (12in) apart in sun and ordinary well drained
Pick when foliage is quite dry and the flowers are well open,
tie in small bunches and hang upside down in a dry, well
ventilated place until dry.
TPF287 Immortelle Mix ( Xeranthemum Annuum )
If you enjoy cutting and preserving flowers, Xeranthemum Annuum seeds are a must for your garden. Often called Xeranthemum Everlasting Immortelle, these papery-textured, double daisy flowers are excellent for drying. Immortelle flowers are attractive, easily grown, and they are one of the most popular everlasting flowers available. Xeranthemum flowers are white, pink and violet and measure 1 1/2 inches across.
For the earliest blooms, start Xeranthemum seeds indoors in the late winter using small peat pots. For areas with a long growing season, Immortelle seeds can be sown directly outside in a prepared seedbed. Cover the Immortelle flower seed lightly with soil and keep moist. Once established, Immortelle is fairly drought tolerant. For drying, cut the flowers in the morning when the bloom is just beginning to open. Hang in bunches upside down in a well-ventilated room.
An annual plant growing 24" tall.
SF377 Apricot Peach Mix ( Bracteantha bractcata )
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements. Tall, well-branched plants produce double flowers 2–2 1/2" across. Also known as bracted strawflower. Ht. 36-40".
SF133 Sweet Everlasting ( Gnaphalium obtusifolium )
Sweet Everlasting, also known as Rabbit Tobacco, is silvery green due to the appressed hairs that cover its surface. The white flowers are clustered in quarter inch buds with many overlapping bracts. The tips of these buds are usually yellow or brownish. The bracts will eventually spread out and fall off when the seed ripens.
Sweet Everlasting’s fruit has a tuff of light brown hairs that will allow it to be carried off by the wind. The plant also gives off a wonderful maple syrup smell, making it a nice addition to any garden.
This plant is attractive to the Painted Lady Butterfly and the leaves are aromatic when crushed, making a nice potpourri component.
JB226 Paper Daisy ( Helipterum roseum )
This is a favorite everlasting for preserving. They produce blooms with yellow centers and papery petals in shades of red-rose. Helipterum flowers are excellent for cutting and drying. Common names for this flower are Paper Daisy and Everlasting Daisy. The 1 inch blooms dry and preserve well, keeping the color indefinitely. To keep the Helipterum plant full of blooms, keep the spent flowers cut back. The Paper Daisy plant will die back with the first frost. Grows about 20 inches tall, annual.
LET721 Rosy Mix Pierrot Paper Daisy ( Helipterum roseum )
This mix will produce blooms with yellow centers and papery petals in shades of white and rose. Helipterum flowers are excellent for cutting and drying. Common names for this flower are Paper Daisy and Everlasting Daisy. The 1 inch blooms dry and preserve well, keeping the color indefinitely. To keep the Helipterum plant full of blooms, keep the spent flowers cut back. The Paper Daisy plant will die back with the first frost. Grows about 20 inches tall, annual.
3686 Silvery Rose ( Bracteantha bractcata )
Profuse bloomers for fresh or dried arrangements.
Tall, well-branched plants produce double flowers 2-2 1/2" across. Blooms are pure to creamy-white and frosted with rose at the petal tips. Rose coloring is subtler on young blooms and darkens as they mature and open. Also known as bracted strawflower. Ht. 36-40".
SF212 Sultane Mix ( Bracteantha bractcata )
Tall, well-branched plants. Sultane Mix includes white, bright pink, silvery rose, salmon, yellow, orange, and copper-red colors for fresh-cut or dried flowers. Also known as strawflower and bracted strawflower. Ht. 36-40"
SF336 Winged Everlasting ( Ammobium Alatum Grandiflorum )
This is an excellent flower for the cutting garden that can be grown from seeds, and is very popular to cut, dry and use as an everlasting. As soon as the flowers open about half way, typically in mid-summer, they are cut, tied in small bunches, hung up-side-down and dried in warm, well-ventilated rooms.
The richly flowering plants grows approximately 28 inches tall. The flower heads are about 3/4 inch wide. Ammobium Alatum seeds can be sowed indoors in March - April, or outdoors in poor, well-drained soil in a sunny position after frost season is over. Ammobium flower seeds may be grown as a perennial in frost free zones. Winged Everlasting plants are native to Australia.
LET980 Purple-Red ( Bracteantha bractcata )
Strawflower is a terrific annual! It easily establishes from seeds, and produces lovely flowers from late spring until fall frosts. As an added bonus, the flowers can be cut and dried and made into dried floral arrangements. The flowers hold their color very well after drying giving the additional name for this flower of Everlasting Daisy.
Add a touch of color to your landscape with our delightful Helichrysum Paper Daisy varieties! To ensure vibrant blooms, plant your seeds in well-draining soil and a sunny spot. With these varieties, you get happiness and beauty! Ht. 36-40".
LET981 White ( Bracteantha bractcata )
Strawflower is a terrific annual! It easily establishes from seeds, and produces lovely flowers from late spring until fall frosts. As an added bonus, the flowers can be cut and dried and made into dried floral arrangements. The flowers hold their color very well after drying giving the additional name for this flower of Everlasting Daisy.
Add a touch of color to your landscape with our delightful Helichrysum Paper Daisy varieties! To ensure vibrant blooms, plant your seeds in well-draining soil and a sunny spot. With these varieties, you get happiness and beauty! Ht. 36-40".