D1788 Deerproof Flower Border Mix
A beautiful mix of annuals and perennials including yarrow,
pimpernel, coreopsis, foxglove, poppies, blanketflower sweet
alyssum and others that deer do not like. 2 ounce pack of seeds
will plant a 500 square ft. area.
LET709 Dwarf Tom Pouce White
No matter what your xeriscape landscape is like, a formal flower garden or smaller borders with wildflowers, these dwarf Cornflowers, with their pure white blooms, will add a charming presence. Also known as Bachelor's Buttons, the flower seed is easy to grow, and it quickly provides blooms that are excellent for cutting and drying as well.
Bachelor's Buttons are very attractive to both bees and butterflies, but deer leave the plants alone. Once the Centaurea Cyanus plants are established, they will produce a burst of flowers and then slow down their production. Grows 12-18 inches tall.
JB278 Mauve Queen Cleome ( Cleome hassleriana )
Hummingbirds love these nectar-rich flowers on this wonderful Spider Plant. Brilliant pink blooms that pollinators love and makes wonderful cutflowers. This beautiful Mauve Pink bloom is sure to be a crowning jewel in your garden, especially if you live in a hot, southern region!
A wonderful cottage garden plant, it mixes well with other tall flowers such as cosmos, snapdragons and zinnias. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds cleome requires little care and remains attractive in heat and drought. Resistant to deer and rabbits. Grows 36 inches tall.
AW89 Dynamic Duo Echinacea & Black Eyed Susan Mix
Pollinator attractor. Deer resistant. Thrives in bright, sunny growing areas.
Do you find yourself torn between purple coneflower and black-eyed susan's? Which will it be? Fret not, for we are here to save the day with our Dynamic Duo! Because two is better than one. This is a match made in the stars, so why keep them apart? For zones 3-9, grows up to 48" tall.
JB262 Honeywort ( Cerinthe major purpurascens )
This is a must have annual plant. It attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and pollinators. It is easy to grow and maintain and is fragrant. It can used in container gardening, fragrant gardens, and landscaping. It has gorgeous silvery blue-green leaves and pretty bell-shaped purple flowers, which are a magnet for bees. It makes a wonderful cut flower and self-seeds readily and is deer resistant. Grows about 24" tall and spreads 12-24 inches wide. From seed to bloom in about 14 weeks.
Honeywort produce beautiful plants with purple-blue flowers that bloom in the summer. The flowers have a unique shape and texture, with a tubular structure that flares out into five petals. One of the most striking features of honeywort's flowers is the color. The purple-blue hue is rich and vibrant and can vary in intensity depending on the light and growing conditions. The color is also enhanced by the glossy surface of the petals, which reflects light and creates a luminous effect.
JB204 Rose Balloon Flower ( Platycodon grandiflorus )
Has mid to dark green foliage which emerges in late spring. Balloon-like buds swell and burst into large, star-shaped, rose-colored flowers. They are great for borders of your garden or even in containers.
A very useful perennial in beds and borders and a favorite of young and old alike. Balloon Flowers establish readily from flower seed, and once they are established in the garden, they are a very hardy perennial that can withstand periods of drought.
Grows about 18 inches, a perennial for zones 3-9, deer resistant.
LET845 Sweet Goldenrod ( Solidago odora )
A stately plant for the fragrant garden. Sweet Goldenrod, part of the Aster (Asteraceae) family, is native to the North and South Eastern areas of the US. It is clump-forming and makes a nice fall addition to any dry, even sandy, garden because it does not spread aggressively as some other Goldenrods may. Also called Anise Scented Goldenrod, the nice-smelling leaves and dried flowers have been used to make tea. It is deer-resistant and attracts butterflies.
his species is primarily clump-forming and does not spread aggressively as do some of the other goldenrod species and hybrids.
Interesting goldenrod for native plant gardens. Also appropriate for borders, cottage gardens or butterfly gardens. May be grown in herb gardens.
Grows 2-4 feet tall, hardy for zones 4-9.
JB266 Japanese Arailia ( Fatsia japonica )
A very versatile plant for indoor and outdoor use. Large, exotic, rich green foliage adds an exciting and bold tropical look to landscapes and patios. Great in a shaded entryway or patio, or in a sheltered spot near a water garden or dipping pool. Perfect for outdoor containers or as a houseplant. Ideal for low light, urban settings. Winter flowers are followed by black ornamental berries. Evergreen. One of the most familiar house plants around. Its huge star shaped leaves will decorate any patio or hallway. It also makes a good yard plant if given lots of light. Zones 8A-11 outside.
JB105 Korean Mint ( Agastache rugosa )
Bring the bees and butterflies to your garden when you start Korean mint seeds and grow this wonderfully fragrant perennial Agastache herb plant. Agastache Rugosa has tall flower spikes that are full of mauve flowers that bloom at different times.
Korean Mint usually reaches 36 inches in height and it's popular with the insects with its liquorice-like scent. These flowers are also very nice for cutting and adding to fresh flower arrangements.
Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Korean Mint usually reaches 36 inches in height and it's popular with the insects with its liquorice-like scent. These flowers are also very nice for cutting and adding to fresh flower arrangements. Height: 36 inches. USDA Zones: 4-9. Deer resistant.
JB182 Queen Mix Cleome
This cleome flower seed mix is brilliant giving you a colorful display! Cleome is also drought, deer and rabbit resistant. Excellent cut flower. Also known as Spider Flower, the large 4 - 6 inch airy blooms are quite aromatic and an excellent addition to a cutting garden. Grows 36-42 inches tall.
JB076 Melton Fire ( Potentilla nepalensis )
Tricolor flowers of deep red, soft crimson, and vanilla on spreading plants, excellent container plant, grows about 16" tall. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Evergreen ground cover and border plant. Excellent cut flower. An almost perpetual flowering hybrid, this mounder produces its large bicolored strawberry-red ; lemon-yellow flowers all summer. Zones 4-9.
1A465 Oriole Mix
Beautiful Heirloom, double orange Zinnia Oriole provides splashes of vibrant orange hues to your garden, much like the songbird to which it owes its name. A fast growing variety whose rich range of color is often described as having an "iridescent" quality, Zinnia Oriole will not be overlooked in your garden.
Open pollinated, attracts pollinators, attracts hummingbirds, cut flower garden, deer resistant, easy to grow & maintain, fast growing. About 30 inches tall.
JB261 Scarlet Pimpernel ( Anagallis Arvensis Scarlet )
One of our favorite, low-growing wild flowers. The scarlet flowers are star-like and dense. Because of this flower's habit of closing at dusk and before stormy weather, it has also been called Poor Man's Barometer. The abundant red flowers also remain closed in cloudy weather, opening only to the sun. Deer resistant. Grows about 6 inches tall, an annual plant for zones 5-10.
How To Grow Pimpernel: Sow Pimpernel seeds in peat pots and gently press the ground cover seed into soil and barely cover. Pimpernel seeds need light to germinate. You can also directly sow Anagallis Arvensis seeds after all danger of frost has passed in groups of 3-4 seeds spaced 12 inches apart. Thin to the strongest plant. If consumed, Pimpernel ground cover plants can be toxic to livestock and humans.
TPF173 Lavender Hyssop ( Agastache foeniculum )
Attractive honey plant; produces abundant nectar which yields a light fragrant honey.
Strongly anise-scented, it is delightful for tea or as culinary seasoning.
Deer cannot stand the aromatic foliage.Beautiful, fragrant purple flowers growing 12-36" tall. Perennial. Zone 4-7.
Seed packs will contain many dormant seeds that may take until second second season to germinate, in addition to seeds that will germinate the first seaon, so be patient with them.
3221 Orange Buttterfly Milkweed ( Asclepias tuberosa )
Butterfly weed is a native perennial with flat-topped, orange or yellow flower clusters at the ends of its stems or in its leaf axils. From midsummer to autumn, it produces clusters of brightly colored flowers that attract insects, followed by fruit and showy seed. Plant in a border, meadow, butterfly garden, or wildflower garden.
Very bright orange or yellow flowers. U.S. native. This plant's milky white sap may irritate skin. Its stiff, thick branches may act as treillage to support weaker neighboring plants. Attracts bees and butterflies. At any given time you may see species of Monarch, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Cabbage White, Gray Hairstreak, Western Swallowtail, and many other butterfly varieties feeding on this plant.
Perennial for zones 3-9, grows about 28 inches tall. Cannot ship to HI
TPF079 Heavenly Mix ( Linaria maroccana )
Good resistance. Also known as Spurred Snapdragon, a hardy
annual growing to 24" tall with pink/yellow/violet flowers.
JB085 Cherokee Sunset Mix ( Rudbeckia hirta )
A beautiful Rudbeckia that attracts bees and butterflies, is deer resistant and makes great cutting flowers! Large, double flowers in a range of colors. 4–5" blooms of orange, golden yellow, bronze, chocolate, and various bicolors are produced all summer long. Provides a pleasing blend of autumn colors and late season flowering. Plants produce mostly double blooms and some singles and semidoubles. Also known as blackeyed Susan and gloriosa daisy. Tender perennial in Zones 9–10, best grown as an annual. AAS winner. Ht. 24–30".
JB241 Purple Robe ( Saxifraga Arendsii )
An excellent groundcover that is compact, free-flowering, and easily raised from seed. These charming perennials quickly form an evergreen verdant mat. The surface-spreading mossy leaves are evergreen for year-round effect.
When your spring bloomers are starting to fade, the dense mats of Purple Robe become covered with small carmine red, cup-shaped flowers held upright on ankle-high, strong stems.
Also, known as Mossy Saxifrage or Purple Robe ground cover, Saxifrages grow well in containers, beds, rock gardens, and anywhere a low-growing, spreading ground cover plant is desired. Mossy Saxifrage plants prefer well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade conditions. Purple Robe does not do well in the hot humid areas. It is both deer and rabbit resistant.
Grows about 6 inches tall, a perennial hardy for zones 4-9. Very tiny seeds! About the size of petunia seeds.
TWT202 Rose Robe ( Saxifraga Arendsii )
What a charming little ground cover plant for cooler climates! Saxifraga seeds readily establish, and this perennial does well edging a border, spilling over a wall, or in containers. Often called Moss Saxifraga or Mossy Saxifrage, it forms a low evergreen mound of bright green leaves that bear short stems of small cup-shaped rose-pink flowers.
Prefers cool growing conditions and does not tolerate drought or hot humid weather. In warmer zones, make sure it gets afternoon shade. Saxifraga care includes trimming back the stems once their flowers fade to neaten the ground cover plants, but no other trimming is needed during the year. Rose Saxifraga will self-seed but not to the point of crowding.
Grows about 6 inches tall, a perennial hardy for zones 4-9.
Very tiny seeds! About the size of petunia seeds.
Seeds for Deer Resistant Bushes, Shrubs and
TPF275 Texas Bluebonnet ( Lupinus texensis )
No wildflower is so well known as Texas Bluebonnet. It's easily grown from seeds, and it can transform a field of little interest into a colorful display of lovely blue wild flowers! The Texas Bluebonnet wildflower was adopted as the State Flower of Texas in 1901 and is most often seen in beautiful floral displays along road sides, in woodlands, and in pastures all over the state. They begin to bloom in March and are usually in full bloom by April. Though native to Texas, these wild flowers will grow in other areas and when planted in mass, the visual effect is stunning. A sea of blue is created!
Low growing but prolific blooming, Texas Bluebonnet requires some patience, but little maintenance, once established. The same toughness and tenacity that makes this little Lupine the perfect representation of the Lone Star state also makes it slow to germinate and bloom--but once it does you will not be disappointed!
Bluebonnet flowers are prolific bloomers in early spring and are known for attracting butterflies and a variety of bees, including honeybees.
How To Grow Texas Bluebonnet From Seed: It is recommended to soak Texas Bluebonnet seeds in tepid water over night before sowing outdoors. After soaking, sow the Texas Bluebonnet wildflower seed directly into prepared soil that is loosened and weed free. A late fall sowing is recommended.
To keep Texas Bluebonnet wildflowers year after year, allow the seed pods to form and drop their flower seeds. Texas Bluebonnet Lupine is moderately deer resistant and the flowers attract butterflies. An annual that will grow in zones 3-10.
D7880 Rocky Mountain Junifer ( Juniperus scopulorun )
Rocky Mountain juniper is an evergreen large shrub or small
tree to 50' tall, but usually much smaller. Specimens are
variable in habit, sometimes squat and shrubby, but usually
narrowly cone shaped. The trunk is short and stout, often
dividing near the ground. The branches are rather thick and
spreading to partly erect. Rocky Mountain juniper has reddish
bark that is stringy in narrow strips but does not exfoliate.
Most of the leaves are like overlapping scales, closely pressed
to the twigs. Juvenile leaves, usually only found on young
seedlings, are more like needles, and they spread away from the
twigs. The foliage is dense and pleasantly aromatic.
Trees may have male or female cones, but not both. The
fruits are fleshy berrylike spherical cones, about one-third
inch in diameter. They are bright blue with a whitish bloom and
sweet tasting, with thin skins. Rocky Mountain juniper is
closely related and quite similar to eastern redcedar, and was
once believed to be the same species. But eastern redcedar has
fruits that mature in a single season, whereas those of Rocky
Mountain juniper take two year to ripen. Also, eastern redcedar
had exfoliating bark. The two species hybridize where their
ranges overlap.
Location: Rocky Mountain juniper occurs in isolated and
scattered localities within a wide band from British Columbia
to North Dakota, and south to Arizona and New Mexico. It grows
from near sea level in the northern part of its range to more
than 8000' above sea level in the south. Rocky Mountain juniper
grows in alkaline soils on ridges, cliffs and rocky slopes,
sometimes in pure stands, but more often in association with
other mountain loving evergreens such as ponderosa pine, pinyon
pine and Douglas-fir.
Culture: Rocky Mountain juniper is a slow growing tree
(6-12" per year), but one that can live more than 300 years. In
cultivation it tolerates acidic to alkaline soils, and does
best in those that are loose and well drained. It is best
adapted to culture in western and northern North America.
Light: Seedlings and saplings can tolerate rather dense shade,
but Rocky Mountain junipers, even the smaller cultivars, need
full sun to grow to their full potentials.
Moisture: Rocky Mountain juniper is tolerant of drought, but
perhaps less so than the other junipers. It should be watered
before the soil becomes completely dry. This juniper does
poorly in humid climates, but does fine in hot, dry
Hardiness: USDA Zones 4 - 7.
Usage: Use any of the cultivars of Rocky Mountain juniper for
attractive foliage effects in all seasons. This evergreen is
useful as a screen, hedge or foundation plant. They make great
anchors or focal points for the ends of hedges or mixed
borders. Rocky Mountain juniper is a tidy, formal accent shrub
alone or in small groups.
Features: Although most cultivars are probably too formal for
naturalistic gardens, Rocky Mountain juniper is ideal for neat,
well-organized landscapes. Most cultivars require little or no
pruning and are relatively free of cultural problems, insects
and diseases. They tolerate heat and drought well.
D7884 Colorado Blue Spruce ( Picea pungens )
Native to southwestern United States and hardy to zone 3. It is
an evergreen tree with horizontal, stiff branches that tend to
go to the ground. Has a narrow, dense, conical shape and can
grow to 60' tall and spread up to 20'. Young cones are a
stricking viloet color when young, mature cones are cylindrical
and pointed at each end, up to 5" long and about 1" wide
turning to a medium brown at maturity.
Bark is a gray brown color. Very similar to the Black Hills
Spruce. One of the most famous spruces. Often used as a
Christmas tree as well because of its shape and fragrance. You
must see one in the wild to appreciate its full beauty.
Seeds for Deer Resistant Herb Plants
HR145 Hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis )
The Hyssop herb is an aromatic plant, and the young leaves are somewhat bitter and minty in flavor. A widely used culinary herb, both the flowers and leaves are used in salads although the leaves are much stronger in flavor. It is also used to flavor pork, chicken, soups, teas and stuffing.
Hyssop is also considered to be a medicinal herb, with the oil obtained from the leaves used to make herbal baths and facials.
Hyssop is an excellent bee plant. Legend has it that beekeepers rubbed their hives with hyssop and other herbs to encourage bees to stay. Hyssop also attracts hummingbirds and butterflies; claims that it keeps cabbage butterflies away from crops or repels flea beetles have not been substantiated.
A perennial hardy growing about 24" tall in zones 3 to 10.
3481 Lemon Catnip ( Nepeta cataria citriodora )
Lemon Catnip is a subspecies of the common catnip, the attraction to cats is the same. The difference lies, not only in the lemon scent but also the appearance. The plants are a bit smaller than common catnip and the foliage is a soft green rather than gray green. Tastes great in teas and has the same mild sedative effect. Blue blooms in summer attract honeybees.
Growing Lemon Catnip is a wonderful way to bring a lemony scent to your landscape or garden, and it's a reliable plant giving years of pleasure. Start these flower seeds indoors in late winter for transplanting out after frosts have passed.
A perennial best suited for zones 4-9.
JM202 Mexican Hat ( Ratibida columnaris )
A robust, drought tolerant annual to perennial variety native to the midwest and has naturalized throughout North America. The characteristic black, cone shaped heads are surrounded by drooping, fire red ray flowers with a splash of yellow accent. At maturity the upright branching stems may become woody. Prefers full sun in well drained soil. Outstanding in hot humid climates.
The Mexican Hat flower is a great source of nectar for beneficial insects, and the Ratibida plants are deer resistant.
Suggested Use: Prairies, roadsides, waste places, slopes. Miscellaneous: An excellent variety for cut flower arrangements lasting 5 to 10 days . Flower resembles a colorful Mexican sombrero, hence the name. Mexican Hat.
Good for zones 3-9, will grow 12-36 inches tall depending on conditions.
HR154 Lavender Lady ( Lavandula angustifolia )
Plants flower in first season. Use for bedding plants, borders
in containers or in rock gardens. Delightful lavender
AW80 Lavender Vera ( Lavandula vera )
Sweetly fragrant blooms and evergreen blue-green foliage! The richest in essential oils, this is one of the most aromatic Lavender plants of them all. Reaching 24 to 36 inches high, it boasts 2 1/2 inch, linear, downy leaves on strong stems. The leaves first open white, then turn a pale gray-blue-green color. Stalks of tiny purple flowers grow up to 14 inches tall.
Lavender herb plants are prized worldwide for the gentle and soothing therapeutic properties. Lavandula Vera is one of the richest in essential oils, meaning more fragrance power both fresh and dried. Fresh Lavender flowers can be crystalized and used in candies and cakes; dried flowers are used in potpourris and sachets; oils are used in creams and perfumes. And these are only some of the more common uses - imagination can create endless more!
HR167 Lemon Mint ( Monarda citriodora )
A wonderful annual that attracts beneficial insects. Monarda Citriodora is commonly called Lemon Bee Balm, Lemon Mint, and Purple Horsemint. As the name suggests, it is an herb in the mint family. Lavender-to-pink, tuft-like, whorled flower heads attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The Lemon Mint herb plant blooms from spring into late summer. Often late in the season the scent is described as resembling oregano more than lemon. Plants will grow about 36" tall.
HR209 Spearmint ( Mentha spicata )
Sweetly aromatic, Spearmint, can be used in both cooking and in potpourri and other fragrant decorative items. Spearmint herb is used to make mint jellies and sauces and of course, tea! Spearmint also has medicinal benefits as well. It is a wonderful addition for the garden that can easily be started with seeds.
Spearmint has strong flavor and fragrance that is released with simple bruising. It's the best mint variety for hot and cold drinks. Toss bruised leaves into ice water for a refreshing summer drink or add to iced tea. Spearmint is favored for flavoring beverages such as mojito. Also know as Yerba Buena. Spreading plant is great for containers. Tolerates light frost.
A perennial plant for zones 4-9, and can be grown in containers.
HR141 Horehound ( Marrubium vulgare )
Did you eat Horehound candy when you were a child? You may not have known it, but your parents were actually giving you "medicine"! Candy made from the herb Horehound was often given as a cough drop to sooth deep chest coughs.
Grow the Horehound herb plants in any well-drained soil in full sun. Keep cutting back for new flushes of growth and extended harvests. The leaves and flowers lose their flavor quickly, so snip them into smaller pieces to dry on screens. When dry, crumble and store in jars. Cut the flowers and harvest it heavily each season as this plant is a liberal self-sower, dropping its own Horehound seeds and spreading.
A perennial plant for zones 4-8, growing 18-24" tall.
H811 Oregano, True Greek ( Origanum heracleoticum )
1-2' tall. Hardy to zone 5. This is the strongest flavored of
all the oregano varieties with a strong, earthy aroma. A rapid
spreader with white flowers. Used in Italian dishes, tomato
sauce, pizza, fish and salad dressing. Sow in spring, summer or
early fall. Hardy and easy to transplant.
HR180 Pennyroyal ( Mentha pulegium )
A strong but pleasantly scented plant used to repel insects and
protect linens. Makes a beautiful ground cover.
Ground pennyroyal is one of the most
effective tick deterrents available.
As a flea deterrent, dried pennyroyal leaves can be scattered around pet's bedding area.
As a pest repellent, crushed pennyroyal stems stuck in your hat and pockets really will repel gnats and mosquitoes. Dog owners often see their dogs rolling in pennyroyal patches, and dog instincts can usually be trusted.
A perennial plant for zones 6-9, but can also be grown inside.
HR183 Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis )
Grow Rosemary from herb seeds to create a lovely garden or container herb plant that is highly resistant to deer, drought and pests. This tough little garden gem is one of the most ornamental plants for the herb garden. Aromatic leaves and stems used to flavor meats and sauces. Excellent for potpourri.
A perennial outside in zones 7-10, but often grown inside as a kitchen herb.
HR187 Rue ( Ruta graveolens )
Effective deer deterrent plant, they cannot tolerate the bitter flavor. As a medicinal herb, Garden Rue herb has been used to rid the body of worms. It is antispasmodic and used to treat intestinal cramps. As a culinary herb, fresh leaves are used to flavor meats, cheese, and eggs. It has a rather bitter taste that goes well with acidic flavors and is used in pickling.
HR195 Sage ( Salvia officinalis )
Here's an easy-to-grow from herb seeds addition to the garden that deer do not like! The Sage herb has fragrant gray-green leaves and attractive mauve flower spikes in early summer. It is highly attractive to birds, bees and butterflies. Sage has a long history of medicinal and culinary uses.
It is also a very attractive, evergreen perennial that produces mauve colored flowers during the blooming season. It is an excellent ground cover for edging sidewalks or garden pathways where its attractive foliage and flowers can be appreciated. Many people also dry sage for creating aromatic wreaths and dried flower arrangements. It's such a versatile plant, growing in a rock garden or bordering an herb garden and so easy to start from seeds.
Containing naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals, the herb sage is best known as a culinary spice that adds flavor to poultry dishes. However, sage has been used for hundreds of years in folk medicine to treat a variety of different ailments. Most commonly drunk as a tea, sage herb is good for the nerves, digestive system and for balancing estrogen levels in women.
HR123 Catnip ( Nepeta cataria )
A very easy to grow plant for pots, baskets and gardens.
Catnip is a perennial herb from the mint family. It has a square, hairy stalk with typically gray green colored heart shaped leaves that have scalloped edges. Flowers grow in spikes, reaching 1/2 inch in length.
It is best known for its ability to get cats high.
Native to Europe and Asia, catnip became naturalised in North America and Canada after being introduced by the colonists in the 1600s. The name Nepeta is believed to have come from the town of Nepete in Italy, and Cataria is thought to have come from the Latin word for cat.
The active ingredient that causes a high in cats is an essential oil called nepetalactone, which can be found in the leaves and stems of the plant.
Because cats affected by catnip roll on the floor, which mimics a female in estrus, it has been suggested that the plant acts as an aphrodisiac, but this is unlikely, as males react the same way as females. What is probable is the cat is reacting to similar feel good pheromones released during sexual courtship/activity. However, non sexual behaviour including playing, chasing, and hunting can also be observed.
Around 50 to 66% of cats are affected by catnip, and to differing degrees. Kittens younger than eight weeks old aren't able to enjoy its effect; in fact, they show an aversion to it. The response to catnip is mediated through the olfactory system. When nepetalactone enters the cat's nasal passages, it binds to olfactory receptors located at the olfactory epithelium. This stimulates sensory neurons, which trigger neurons in the olfactory bulb to send signals to the brain. The response to catnip is inherited as an autosomal dominant gene, which means the gene only needs to be passed on from one parent.
It's not just domesticated cats who enjoy the effects of catnip; many other wild species of cats also enjoy it. Cats can smell 1 part per billion in the air. Males and females, fertile or desexed there appears to be no one group more readily affected by catnip than another.
A typical response includes sniffing, chewing, licking, head shaking, and chin, cheek, and body rubbing (in that order). Additional responses may include stretching, drooling, jumping, licking, aggression, and hyperactivity. Sniffing that produces the high; it is believed that cats eat catnip to bruise the catnip, thereby releasing more of the nepetalactone. The high produced will usually last between five and ten minutes, followed by a one hour refractory period.
Interestingly, researchers say that nepetalactone is about ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET, which is the active ingredient in most insect repellents. It was also discovered that catnip repels cockroaches! Plants aren't alone in containing nepetalactone; some insects and ants also contain it. It's been speculated that this protects them from other insects.
Rats and mice are also believed to have a strong dislike of catnip and will avoid places where it grows.
Is catnip harmful to cats? Catnip is not harmful to your cat. They won't overdose on it. Most cats know when they've had enough and will refuse any further offers.
A perennial best suited for zones 4-9.
HR199 Soapwort ( Saponaria ocymoides )
A beautiful trailing plant with lovely rose-pink blooms in the
Spring. Also a source of homemade soap for generations. The plant grows about 12" tall and makes a very nice deer and rabbit resistant groundcover.
A perennial for zones 3-9, can also be container grown.
HR250 Winter Savory ( Satureja montana )
Winter Savory is a must-have herb for the herb garden. It is a woody perennial with dark green, shiny, pinnate leaves and it has a stiff texture. It is an evergreen and has small white flowers in the summer.
Plants can be pruned to form a low-growing aromatic hedge for the herb garden. It prefers a location in full sun and average well-drained soil. Once it is established, the plant does not require a lot of water. Plants do well in containers. The plants are also very attractive to beneficial insects.
HR219 Tansy ( Tanacetum vulgare )
Today, the medicinal properties formerly attributed to Tansy have been largely discredited, although it is still in use as an effective insect repellent and can be an asset in the garden as a companion plant for cucumbers, squash, roses and some berries to help keep the plants pest-free.
A perennial plant for zones 3-9. Cannot ship to MN,
HR229 English Thyme ( Thymus vulgaris )
Plant thyme in your herb garden, at the edge of a walk, along a short garden wall, or in containers. As a special garden treat, put a few along a walkway and between steps, and your footsteps will release its aroma.
It even makes a pretty patch of small ground cover. Growing thyme provides an anchor in an herb garden in areas where it is evergreen in winter. Thyme is also perfect for containers, either alone or in combination with plants that won't shade it out.
It is not only attractive in the perennial border or herb garden, but it also attracts birds, bees and butterflies to the garden as well. It is also commonly referred to as Garden Thyme or English Thyme.
This variety is often planted near vegetables to help control flea beetles and several cabbage pests.
A perennial for zones 4-9.