Plants for attracting Bees, Butterflies and Hummingbirds

Every gardener should do their part to encourage bees and butterflies to visit their garden. We have listed a few flowers below that are recognized as bee, butterfly and hummingbird favorites.:

Honeywort ( Cerinthe major purpurascens ))
JB262 Honeywort ( Cerinthe major purpurascens )
This is a must have annual plant. It attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and pollinators. It is easy to grow and maintain and is fragrant. It can used in container gardening, fragrant gardens, and landscaping. It has gorgeous silvery blue-green leaves and pretty bell-shaped purple flowers, which are a magnet for bees. It makes a wonderful cut flower and self-seeds readily and is deer resistant. Grows about 24" tall and spreads 12-24 inches wide. From seed to bloom in about 14 weeks.
Honeywort produce beautiful plants with purple-blue flowers that bloom in the summer. The flowers have a unique shape and texture, with a tubular structure that flares out into five petals. One of the most striking features of honeywort's flowers is the color. The purple-blue hue is rich and vibrant and can vary in intensity depending on the light and growing conditions. The color is also enhanced by the glossy surface of the petals, which reflects light and creates a luminous effect.
10 seeds $3.95
JB142 Summer Berries Mix ( Achillea millefolium )
What a cheery mix for the summer border! Grow this mix from Yarrow seeds and enjoy colors of salmon, yellow, white, pink, cherry red, and cream. Yarrow Summer Berries is the most beautiful and long-lasting Yarrow, and it's splendid for fresh and dried arrangements plus long-lasting garden color that bees and butterflies love.
Throughout the centuries, Achillea herbs were useful for medical purposes. The herb seeds were grown for the plants' medicinal properties in the treatment of bleeding and wounds. Achillea Yarrow is a perennial, native to the United States and is happy to thrive in those infertile, untended garden spots. These Yarrow flowers bloom in just 4 months after being planted from Yarrow seeds, and they bloom through summer and fall especially if the spent flowers are deadheaded.
A perennial for zones 3-10, grows 12-18 inches tall.
  18mg package ( about 100 seeds ) $3.95
LET979 Viper's Bugloss ( Echium Plantagineum Blue Bedder )
If you want a plant that is rich in nectar and that attracts beneficial insects, start Echium seeds and marvel at how well-loved these plants are. Commonly called Viper's Bugloss, Echium is one of the best flowers for bees and is a source of wonderful honey.
Native to the Mediterranean, Echium Blue Bedder plants have masses of bright blue, upturned, bell-like flowers in clusters along branching stems covered with bristly grey hairs. The plants are easy, resilient and not fussy about soil. Annual growing 16" tall.
  334mg package ( about 75 seeds ) $3.95
AW87 Perfume Deep Purple Flowering Tobacco ( Nicotiana x sandarae )
2006 AAS Bedding Plant Winner, hummingbirds love this plant! Pelleted seeds for easy germination.
Perfume Deep Purple flowers are shaped like stars. The stars shine at night and this is when Perfume Deep Purple begins its performance. The unique quality is the strong fragrance which scents the air in the evening. The fragrance is not wasted during the day when many people are working. The nightly release of the perfume will entice gardeners to relax and linger in their gardens. Consider Perfume Deep Purple as natural aromatherapy. The rich, lavish deep purple flower color is another unique trait, distinct from other nicotianas. Perfume Deep Purple is easily grown from seed, young green bedding plants or flowering pot plants. Nicotiana, named for Jean Nicot, who introduced tobacco to the French Court, needs a sunny location and is perfectly adaptable to container culture.
Perfume Deep Purple does not require pinching, pruning or deadheading to maintain a crown of starry blooms all summer. Quite heat tolerant, plants need minimal maintenance. Only water and fertile soil are needed for Perfume Deep Purple to bloom profusely all summer. Grow stars in your garden this summer – plant Perfume Deep Purple. Grows only 16-20 inches tall. Annual.
  75mg package ( about 45-50 pelleted seeds ) $3.95
Blue Sea Holly ( Eryngium planum )
SF330 Blue Sea Holly ( Eryngium planum )
Unique and stately, Eryngium Planum, commonly called Sea Holly, has been grown from flower seeds in America since the 1800's. Almost all Eryngium make excellent cut flowers as well as flowers used for drying. The flowers keep their beautiful blue color after drying indoors. Harvest flowers when the entire flower heads and bracts turn blue.
Sea Holly self-sows readily by dropping its flower seeds on the ground, but it is not invasive. If the Sea Holly seeds are started indoors, transplant the seedlings where you want them to grow when they are quite small. The Eryngium plants have taproots, so they won't transplant well once mature. Sea Holly plants attract bees and butterflies, and they are a great plant for a low water garden. Eryngium seeds can be started directly outside in the spring after frost season has passed. Grows about 48" tall, hardy to zone 4.
125mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
LET845 Sweet Goldenrod ( Solidago odora )
A stately plant for the fragrant garden. Sweet Goldenrod, part of the Aster (Asteraceae) family, is native to the North and South Eastern areas of the US. It is clump-forming and makes a nice fall addition to any dry, even sandy, garden because it does not spread aggressively as some other Goldenrods may. Also called Anise Scented Goldenrod, the nice-smelling leaves and dried flowers have been used to make tea. It is deer-resistant and attracts butterflies.
his species is primarily clump-forming and does not spread aggressively as do some of the other goldenrod species and hybrids.
Interesting goldenrod for native plant gardens. Also appropriate for borders, cottage gardens or butterfly gardens. May be grown in herb gardens. Grows 2-4 feet tall, hardy for zones 4-9.
  49mg package ( about 175 seeds ) $2.95
JB176 Pride of Madeira ( Echium fastuosum )
This wonderful plant gets it's name from being native to Madeira and is part of the Boraginaceae family. Echium fastuosum is big, bold and beautiful. This half-hardy biennial is a showy, evergreen, perennial plant that can reach up to 5-8 ft tall and 6-10 feet wide. It is a large picturesque plant with coarse heavy branches and an excellent foliage plant. Spike like clusters of bluish purple flowers standout above the foliage in the spring.
Use Echium against walls and at the back of flower borders or on slopes for a dramatic effect. Pride of Madeira makes a bold addition to any xeric landscape. In their natural habitat they grow on windswept limestone outcrops. The striking blooms make it attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. This Echium has evergreen lanceolate leaves, which are about 8 inches long. The narrow, hairy, gray-green colored leaves form round irregular mounds at the ends of the stems. The gorgeous purple-blue flowers have petals with a typical white line, and they appear on broad cylindrical to egg shaped inflorescences of 2 feet long, in spring.
Once Pride of Madeira has completed its flowering, it leaves only the green spires that should be removed and the entire plant cut back hard before winter. Hardiness zones: 9-11. Echium fastuosum is a stunning sun lover for coastal windy gardens, that can withstand negative temperatures down to 26°F. Note that the leaves and the stems may prove slightly skin irritant, so handle them with care. This Echium requires a well-drained ground and is quite happy where soils are dry and poor. Light pruning will keep Pride of Madeira bushy. Cut off flower spikes as they fade in order to promote newer growth. If you choose not to remove the spent flowers, the life span of the plant will be shortened. However, Echium will reseed, producing a flush of fresh new plants. Little or no water is required in mild-summer climates and only weekly watering is required in hotter areas.
 75mg pack ( about 20-25 seeds ) $3.95
D9551 Golden Queen Frilled Double
Large, beautifully frilled flowers of canary yellow. A showpiece in any garden, it boasts some of the largest and showiest blooms spring through fall. The blooms will face upwards and will produce a double (sometimes triple) trumpet. Each plant can have several blooms open at any given time. Although some Datura are without fragrance, this particular plant produces flowers with a delicate aroma that permeates the air at night. Their round, spiny seed pods burst open when ripe.
A half hardy annual growing to about 3-5 ft in height. This is a lovely plant bearing large, double golden-yellow trumpet flowers. Lots and lots of petal area. A magnificent new selection from seeds.
Very attractive to butterflies, hummingbirds and sphinx moths.
 10 seeds $2.95
 25 seeds $5.95
Blue Steel ( Perovskia atriplicifolia )
JB091 Blue Steel ( Perovskia atriplicifolia )
Shorter, bulkier version of Taiga, this perovskia's Silvery green foliage contrasts w/tiny blue flowers. Also known as Russian Sage, this is a perennial staple, and now there are seed produced varieties! Sky blue flower spikes beautifully set off slivery green foliage. Hardy in zone 5 and higher, Russian Sage is both heat and drought tolerant, perfect for landscaping and accent plants! Perennial zone 5-9.
  Package of 10 seeds $4.95
Easter Bonnet Mix Alyssum
JB188 Sweet Alyssum ( Lobularia benthamii )
What wonderful, honey-scented lacy white flowers that bloom quickly from flower seeds sown outside in early spring. The dense clusters of tiny snow-white flowers bloom continuously throughout the growing season if the spent blossoms are trimmed back. A compact, rapid growing variety which is drought tolerant and heat resistant and is excellent in containers or along the front of the flower bed. Sweet Alyssum can be used in a flower bed, container, hanging basket, or a window box and will attract many beneficial insects. Lobularia Maritima has been used medicinally to treat colds, coughs, abdominal pain, and rabies. Grows 6-8" tall.
With its sweet fragrance, Sweet Alyssum attracts bees, butterflies and many other beneficial insects such as lady bugs.
 125mg pack ( about 800 seeds ) $3.95
 1 Ounce Pack ( covers 1,000 sq. ft. ) $24.95
Sparkler Blush Cleome
JB186 Rocky Mountain Beeplant ( Cleome Serrulata )
This drought tolerant native grows quickly from flower seeds, blooms heavily, and then dies off with the first heavy frost. The good news is Cleome plants are good self-seeders. This means it will drop its flowers seeds as it is dying off and those flowers seeds will often germinate the following spring if they make good contact with the soil.
Native Americans used the foliage, stems, seeds and flowers of Cleome plants as important pot herbs. This Cleome plant is rich in nectar and bees adore the blooms giving it the common name of Rocky Mountain Bee Plant. Grows 24-48 inches tall.
 320mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
LET786 Xantippe Celosia ( Celosia cristata )
Xantippe has 2 1/2" to 3" long and 3/4" wide spear shaped flowers comprised of hundreds of composite florets above substantive, dark blue/green foliage. It starts pale pink and matures to silver. It is a terrific filler for bouquets and nice and full in the garden.
This Celosia has a beautiful colour that varies from white/cream to pink. Also perfect to use as cut flower and as bee and butterfy attractor. Deer resistant. Tender annual. Height: 24-30 inches.
  39mg pack ( about 40-45 seeds ) $3.95
D9929 Pink Dandelion ( Taraxacum pseudoroseum )
Pink Dandelion has a pink with apricot-colored center, rare. Said to be slightly less bitter than the common white variety. Vigorous plants with deep green leaves. Attractive for butterflies and other pollinators. Suitable for natural landscaping. Use for low maintenance plantings. Suitable for pot and planter. Easy to grow.
If you are growing dandelions, why not grow this unique, decorative variety that can be used as a medicinal plant, culinary herb, groundcover or as a honey-bee food plant. A perennial plant for zones 3-8.
 32mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
TWT281 Dutchman's Pipe ( Aristolochia durior )
Annual. A fast-growing vine excellent for screening purposes; it will quickly create a dense screen and shade. The huge 8-10 in. wide, heart-shaped leaves are dark green with a coarse texture.
Dutchman's Pipe is a very vigorous native vine. It will create a thick green screen in a short period of time making it ideal for covering a fence, wall or strong trellis. It can grow to 30 feet tall in some cases.
It has large, dark green, heart-shaped leaves and very interesting flowers that are shaped like a small pipe. They are a few inches long and are a mahogony-cream color.
This vine plays an important role in the life of native Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies. The flowers provide nectar for the butterflies, and the leaves are an important food source for the caterpillars. The vigorous growth of this vine makes it easy to share the leaves with these beautiful insects.
This native plant grows best in moist, well-drained soil, in full to partial sun. It can reach heights of 30 feet tall. It is a good plant for having few pest or disease problems, and as a bonus it withstands urban pollution quite well.
For zones 4-8.
 300mg pack ( about 15 seeds ) $4.95
D2242CD Sweet William ( Dianthus barbatus )
Spectacular, multi-colored blooms add beautiful color to the summer garden or meadow. Grows in sandy, clay or loamy soil conditions and grows to be about 12-24" tall, making it an extremely versatile variety. This variety is easy to grow and the colorful blooms make for fabulous summer bouquets.
Very sweet fragrant flowers have fringed petals of red, pink, purple or violet. Vase life of 7-10 days. Will bloom in as little as 70 days from seeds.
A perennial for zones 3-8.
  80mg pack ( about 40-50 seeds ) $2.95
 D2242CD BULK 8g pack ( about 1,000 seeds, covers 150 sq. ft. ) $6.95
Bee Balm Panorama Mix
2249 Bee Balm Panorama Mix ( Monarda didyma )
Popular, multi-purpose perennial. Semidouble blooms in shades of lavender, salmon, magenta, and pale to bright pinks are useful as cut and edible flowers. Additionally, Monarda attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to the garden.
Edible Flowers: Add petals to salads, sprinkle over mild fish, use in fruit salads, or to garnish desserts and drinks. Flavor is minty and spicy.Also known as beebalm, Oswego tea, and scarlet beebalm.
Medicinal: Aerial parts in infusions to improve digestion. Leaves and blooms contain thymol-related antibiotic-antiseptic compounds. Perennial in Zones 4-9. Ht. 36-44"
  15mg Package ( about 40 seeds ) $2.95
JB180 Eastern Red Columbine ( Aquilegia Canadensis )
Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden. Native to much of the United States, Eastern Red Columbine is a charming plant with attractive foliage and showy flowers. Establishing from Columbine flower seeds, this plant grows up to 24 - 36 inches tall, with blue-green leaves growing at the base and along the stems. The Eastern Red Columbine has uniquely shaped bell-like red flowers with a contrasting yellow corolla. Grows 24-36 inches tall, a perennial for zones 3-9.
  140mg package ( about 125 seeds ) $2.95
JB179 Nora Barlow Pink ( Aquilegia Vulgaris )
The hummingbirds and butterflies love this Columbine, but usually both deer and rabbits leave it along. Columbines also make excellent flowers for cutting.
Enjoy this unique variety with its long-lasting blooms. Aquilegia Vulgaris Nora Barlow is marked by spurless, fully double pink blooms which look like small dahlias. This variety is one of the few Columbines with double flowers and no spurs. Once Nora Barlow begins blooming, expect small clusters of pink flowers for 4 - 6 weeks. The flowers either face outwards or are nodding. Grows 24-30 inches tall, a perennial for zones 3-9.
  145mg package ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
JB196 Caerulea Mix Aquilegia
Highly attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies, this easy-to-grow mix is a wonderful addition to the summer border. Growing readily from Columbine flower seed, this Columbine mix features large, 4 inch flowers. The foliage is also very special with its fancy-lobed, dusky blue-green leaves. Grows 24-36 inches tall, a perennial for zones 3-9.
  175mg package ( about 75 seeds ) $2.95
Lamb's Ear
TWT153 Lamb's Ear ( Stachys Byzantina Lanata )
Start Lamb's Ear for a wonderful ground cover plant with masses of silvery, deer resistant velvet-textured leaves that stay crisp and look fresh all season. Flowers bloom on spikes that reach up to 16 inches and are lilac in color. The silvery foliage offers a cool accent for the bright greens and colors of the summer garden.
Lamb's Ear attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds with its purple flower spikes in late spring and early summer.
Lamb's Ear is very adaptive. It is drought tolerant enough for a rock garden setting, and it is also a good choice for growing in hot, humid summers where some plants can lose their form. Lamb's Ear ground cover makes a perfect companion plant for a rose garden.
Grow this hardy perennial flower in full sun to partial shade and in well-drained soil. It is a reliable performer that needs little care. Lamb's Ear uses include edging the border of the garden or as a general ground cover. It is a ready self-seeder, and also spreads by roots making it ideal for ground cover. A perennial for zones 4-8, grows about 16 inches tall.
 1,000 seeds $12.95
LET719 Vesuvius Lychnis ( Lychnis Arkwrightii )
Grow this attractive plant and have both gorgeous orange-red blooms and purple colored foliage. The combination is striking! This flowering Lychnis plant commands attention when it's in bloom during the summer months, and hummingbirds cannot stay away from the brightly colored flowers! Commonly, this perennial is called Arkwright's Campion.
This Arkwright's Campion plant grows 16 - 20 inches tall, with erect stems and is hardy in zones 3 - 10 in normal environmental conditions. Arkwright's Campion flowers are a brilliant orange-scarlet color like molten lava flowing from the volcano, Mt. Vesuvius (hence the name), and they are simple in form with 5 deeply notched petals measuring 1 1/4 - 2 inches across.
Sow Lychnis seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the last frost is expected. Use well-draining starter soil. Sow the Lychnis seeds on the surface, lightly covered. Keep seed continuously moist until germination. Some gardeners will cover with plastic wrap to keep humidity high. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost. Lychnis care includes watering deeply throughout the growing season, mulching around the base to keep the roots cool, and deadheading spent blooms to prolong the blooming season. Let the last blooms go to seed so that Lychnis can re-seed itself. If re-seeding is not desired, cut the stems back down to basal growth after blooming. Perennial for zones 3-10.
 80mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $3.95
TPF244 Tetra Mix Snapdragon
Robust, scented flowers in an abundance of colors bring back memories of old-fashioned annual cutting gardens. This is a semi-dwarf snapdragon, which grows from 18-24" high, enlivens garden beds and borders, as well as bouquets and offers a delightful fragrance. This is a great butterfly and bee attractor! Snapdragons have been a garden favorite since the 1700s. Originating in the Mediterranean region, this flower gets its name from its unusual blossoms that look like a dragon's head; the "mouth" even opens when squeezed. In medieval times, snapdragons often guarded the gates of castles because of a belief that they offered protection. Victorian women received bouquets of this flower with delight, since this meant a coming proposal; they also made infusions of the plant for cosmetic purposes.
Thomas Jefferson grew snapdragon plant seeds in his famous experimental garden, the first American to document their growth. In addition to being decorative in the garden, snapdragon blossoms are edible and can be used as a garnish for elegant desserts.
 Large 2g pack ( over 2,000 seeds will cover a 150 sq. ft. patch ) $4.95
JB253 Catmint ( Nepeta mussinii )
This popular plant forms a low-growing mound of fragrant foliage with spikes of 12 inch violet-blue flowers. The drought tolerant plant is very easy to grow from flower seed, and if the seeds are sown early in the season, it will bloom the first year. It is a perennial that blooms like an annual. The foliage is vigorous and spreads to a width of 10 - 12 inches. Catmint plants work well as a general ground cover, accent plant, pathway edger, xeriscape rock garden specimen, or in the herb garden. Like catnip, Nepeta Catmint attracts cats, and its flowers furnish nectar for hummingbirds and bees.
A perennial best suited for zones 3-9.
  85mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
LET946 Lighthouse Red ( Salvia splendens )
Voluptuous shrublike bush type, season long display, best weather tolerance, best landscaping type. Tall, bushy plants display long-lasting color in the garden. Ideal for low-maintenance landscapes and large patio containers. Heat resistant and ideal for containers. Grows 24" tall. Attracts pollinators, especially hummingbirds! and is deer and rabbit resistant.
 72mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
LET947 St Johns Fire ( Salvia splendens )
This compact and heavy blooming plant only grows 10 to 12 inches tall and blooms from June until fall frosts. It has scarlet flower spikes and dark green leaves. Thrives in full sun, and makes a great border plant. Easy to grow from seed and is a hummingbird favorite!
 138mg pack ( about 30 seeds ) $3.95
LET948 Vista Rose ( Salvia splendens )
Features masses of beautiful spikes of rose flowers rising above the foliage from late spring to early fall, and is compact, only growing 10 to 12 inches tall. The Vista variety is one of the brightest kinds of Salvia on the market this will bloom in late spring and early summer. A hummingbird favorite!
 118mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
JB198 Summer Jewel White ( Salvia coccinea )
2015 AAS Bedding Plant Winner. A third color in the popular Summer Jewel™ series, white brings a much-needed color to compact salvias. This dwarf sized, compact plant has a prolific bloom count throughout the summer. As a bonus, the blooms appear almost two weeks earlier than other white salvias used as comparisons. Judges noted how the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds loved the larger flowers, making it perfect for a pollinator garden. Because of the compactness and number of flowers, Summer Jewel™ White is great for large landscaped areas, as well as containers and small beds.
Commercial growers now have an excellent compact white salvia coccinea and will appreciate the earliness, uniformity, and excellent pack performance. Grows only 18 inches tall.
 18mg pack ( about 20-25 seeds ) $3.95
LET590 Summer Jewel Pink ( Salvia coccinea )
2012 AAS Bedding Plant Winner. Sister to AAS Winner Salvia Summer Jewel™ White, this dwarf-sized compact plant has a prolific bloom count throughout the growing season. As a bonus, the blooms appear almost two weeks earlier than other pink salvias used as comparisons. And of course, the hummingbirds love pink, just as much as they do white!
Commercial growers now have an excellent compact white salvia coccinea and will appreciate the earliness, uniformity, and excellent pack performance. Grows only 18 inches tall.
 35mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
LET718 Summer Jewel Red ( Salvia coccinea )
2016 AAS Flower Winner. The fourth AAS Winner in the Summer Jewel™ series of popular AAS Salvia Winners is the newest in color, Summer Jewel™ Lavender. The unique flower color of dusty lavender purple is a delight in the garden and flower containers as well as a major attractor of pollinators including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. An extra bonus is how much the Goldfinch loves these flower seeds in the fall. It’s a photo-ready moment when these complementary colors of gold and lavender connect! The early blooming, stable, compact uniform growth and continuous flowering of this plant are additional positives to this plant.
 35mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
JB122 Cherry Blossom ( Salvia coccinea )
Exquisitely pink color, a first for salvia! Well-branched annual to 24 inches. Salmon-pink and white bicolor trumpet shaped flowers form in tiers along 6-8 inch stems. Nicely fragrant blooms all summer. Also known as Coral Nymph Hummingbird Sage, for a good reason, as it attracts hummingbirds and butterflies like a magnet!
 65mg pack ( about 65 seeds ) $4.95
Meadow Blazing Star
JB079 Meadow Blazing Star ( Liatris ligulistylus )
Considered one of, if not the best Monarch Butterfly attractors. The beautiful purple blossoms of this Liatris should be your first choice for attracting Monarch and other butterflies to sunny, medium-soil sites in late summer. It's not uncommon to see dozens of Monarchs nectaring on a stand of Meadow Blazing Star. It blooms primarily in August, just when the Monarchs are preparing for their long migration south; a synchronization that has evolved over hundreds of years, and a good example of how native plants and pollinators are deeply dependent on one another.
These upright plants can reach 5' in rich soils; in a garden setting you may want to stake them. The height of this Liatris make it an easy target for Monarchs and other butterflies and birds to feed. Blossoms often appear all at once along stems and last for many weeks late summer. Birds find the seeds appealing later in the year.
A perennial best suited for zones 3-7.
  60mg Package ( about 40 seeds ) $3.95
JM201 Garden Mix Spider Plant
Hummingbirds will love this addition to your garden.
The common name of spider flower comes from the appearance of the long, thread-like stamens of the individual flowers and the elongate seedpods that develop below the blooming flowers. It has been a garden favorite since the 1800's.
Tall, handsome, mixed-colored cleome seeds in search of a garden needing a dramatic-looking, easy going back border flower! These Cleome grow 3 to 5 feet tall and produce vivacious 5-6 inch blooms in rose red, white and violet. Heady profusion of bell-shaped clusters perched on sturdy 3–4 stalks. Delicate new 1" blooms appear each afternoon, nicely counterpointed by lavish, dense, dark foliage.
  2.5g pack ( about 1,000 seeds ) $3.95
JM224 Tidal Wave Hot Pink Spreading Hybrid
Hot tropical color all over compact, very versatile plants transforms the garden or container into a summer paradise. The blooms range from 2½ to 4 inches across, and boast some of the brightest, richest pink tones ever seen on a petunia.
Hedge, vine or impressive groundcover – Tidal Wave does it all! The tallest and most vigorous of the Wave petunia family, Tidal Wave plants super-size colour into big spaces.
Excellent landscape performer with terrific recovery from rain. The plants resist lodging, so they won’t fall open and expose a bare centre like other petunias can.
Height, spread and spacing: Growth habit is based on how closely plants are placed – the closer the spacing, the taller the plants. Spaced a minimum of 12 inches apart, Tidal Wave petunias form a dense, mounded hedge, 16 to 22 inches tall. Grown in a restricted space with support, they grow an extra 2 to 3 feet upward, like a vine.
Spaced up to 24 inches apart in the garden, the plants make a floriferous groundcover, spreading up to 5 feet across per plant.
 10 pelleted seeds $4.95
LET307 Tidal Wave Velour Red Spreading Hybrid
Attracts Bees, Heat Tolerant, Low Maintenance. Mountains of color in big gardens and containers! The biggest petunia series in the Ride The Wave family, Tidal Wave grows and grows and grows into an awesome, flower-filled hedge! These award-winning plants serve as excellent "screens" for unsightly air conditioners or to adorn wooden fences. They also work well in large planters. Space them 24 in. (60 cm) apart and watch them spread into an unbelievable groundcover!
Excellent landscape performer with terrific recovery from rain. The plants resist lodging, so they won’t fall open and expose a bare centre like other petunias can.
Height, spread and spacing: Growth habit is based on how closely plants are placed – the closer the spacing, the taller the plants. Spaced a minimum of 12 inches apart, Tidal Wave petunias form a dense, mounded hedge, 16 to 22 inches tall. Grown in a restricted space with support, they grow an extra 2 to 3 feet upward, like a vine.
Spaced up to 24 inches apart in the garden, the plants make a floriferous groundcover, spreading up to 5 feet across per plant.
 10 pelleted seeds $4.95
JB164 Sea Pink ( Armeria Maritima Splendens )
An outside flowerbed perennial that also makes a great houseplant. Also known as Sea Thrift. Sea has pink flower clusters that resemble little pom-poms. The foliage is grass-like and forms low clumps. Armeria is known as a low-maintenance perennial and is also commonly called Sea Pink.
An excellent cutflower. Attracts bees and butterflies. As an ornamental plant, Sea Thrift has already been used in our gardens for a long time. Because of the habitat requirements, it is well-suitable for rockeries, nature-near gardens, heather gardens or beach gardens. If it feels good, it sows itself and appears in many locations.
Armeria Maritima is tolerant of dry, poor and even salty soils. Armeria Sea Pink grows readily from flower seed, and does well in full sun and well-drained soil. It is very drought tolerant and an excellent choice for rock gardens.
Height: 8-10 inches. USDA Zones: 3 - 9
 72mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
JB153 Crimson Bottlebrush ( Callistemon citrinus )
Crimson bottlebrush is a fabulous specimen tree or shrub for a bright, sunny area. It may be used for a tropical effect in a pool side planting, or surrounded by white rock, against a light colored wall. Wherever it is placed, it should be visible either from the street or from the house so that it can be properly admired.
This is an extremely easy plant to grow. It has few pests, requires little maintenance and is drought tolerant once established. Best of all, the bright red, distinctive flowers are irresistible to hummingbirds!
The leaves are narrow, lance shaped, and leathery, with a distinctly citrus aroma. The bright red fuzzy looking flowers are composed mostly of stamens. These are arranged radially around the stem tips in plump clusters like the bristles on one of those brushes used to clean the inside of bottles.
Flowers attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees.
Hardy for zones 8-11. Can be grown in containers in cooler zones.
 350mg pack ( about 1,000 or more very tiny seeds ) $5.95
JB245 White Armeria ( Armeria Maritima Splendens )
Features pure white flowers growing from a dark green, grassy type foliage. They are so neat and attractive! Armeria plants tolerate drought and salt well and will grow in dry soils; however, it prefers soil that are well-drained, loamy, sandy or clay. Armeria Maritima is known as a low-maintenance perennial, and they're easy to grow from flower seeds.
A good cutflower. Attracts bees and butterflies. A versatile little flower that can be planted in containers, the rock garden or the front of the border. Height: 6 inches. USDA Zones: 3 - 7
 15mg pack ( about 20-25 seeds ) $2.95
LET477 Very White ( Gomphrena globosa )
Globe Amaranth is easy-to-grow in the sun-drenched garden when starting from Gomphrena seed. This plant is wonderfully resistant to both heat and drought, keeping its blooms and its fresh foliage looking neat and colorful through the worst heat of summer. A mass planting is a fabulous sight especially when mixed with the other color varieties that come from Gomphrena seeds! Ht. 18–24".
 350mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
Serena White Angelonia
TPF253 Serena White Angelonia ( Angelonia angustifolia )
Serena® is the first variety available from seed for the home gardener. It is a bit shorter than other Angelonias, the 10 to 12 inch stems sport long rows of splendid 3/4-inch blooms that open gradually over several weeks, giving you bright color all summer. Stems may grow taller, up to 18 inches in the south. And this is a well-branched plant growing 12 to 14 inches wide, with more flowering stems than you'd expect from such a compact plant.
Use as you would Salvia in the hot, dry garden. It doesn't need to be deadheaded after bloom, fresh flowering stems simply arise to replace the old ones and it really attracts bees. Although it's quite drought tolerant, it also fares well in moist soils. And at just a foot high, it's ideal for containers.
Sow these pelleted seeds at about 74 degrees F. They'll sprout in less than a week, at which time you can grow them on at any soil temperature between 68 and 80 degrees F. Transplant into the sunny garden when they have at least 2 sets of true leaves and all danger of frost is past. They bloom 13 to 14 weeks from sowing.
Pelleted seeds for easy sowing.
 10 pelleted seeds $3.95
JB183 Hot Biscuits ( Amaranthus cruentus )
Wow, what an incredibly unique and attractive annual that can be established so easily from Amaranthus seeds! As shown in this image from Auburn University, Hot Biscuits Amaranthus plants are topped with clusters of ginger orange or cinnamon colored flowers. The deep green foliage is equally as beautiful as the flower clusters.
Many Amaranthus species have been used as a food source in Central America as early as 4000 BC. While Amaranthus Cruentus is no longer a staple food, it is still grown and sold as a health food in many areas of the world.
Hot Biscuits can grow up to 48 inches in height, and will bloom from early summer to fall. Flowers are used as a cut flower and are long-lasting in the vase.
Amaranthus plants have such gorgeous foliage and flowers that some gardeners will create a hedge or border with the plants. Hot Biscuits also attracts bees and butterflies!
 85mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $3.95
LET420 Green Thumb ( Amaranthus Hypochondriacus )
This is a smaller Amaranthus plant growing 18-24 inches tall. It establishes nicely from seed. Green Thumb is a hardy annual, and it makes an excellent bedding plant. It prefers a sunny dry spot with well-drained soil.
This Amaranthus is suitable for flower beds and does well in borders. The apple-green color goes well with most other colors and is a useful plant for filling in gaps in borders. It also is suitable for cutting and works well in arrangements.
 175mg pack ( about 250 seeds ) $2.95
LET421 Pygmy Torch ( Amaranthus Hypochondriacus )
Amaranthus Pygmy Torch is excellent for cutting and drying. It has beautiful 12 inch spikes of crimson flowers all summer. It is a very early bloomer and easy to grow from flower seed. Growing only about 12 inches tall, Pygmy Torch has an upright shape. It has oval green foliage. It produces flowers during early summer and autumn that are spikes in shape and crimson in color. It requires a moist, rich and well-drained soil, preferring full sun, and a position in a border, or it works well in a container.
 170mg pack ( about 250 seeds ) $2.95
JB265 Early Splendor ( Amaranthus Tricolor )
Growing to 24 inches tall, this variety of Amaranthus grows in full sun to part shade, and looks terrific grown in clusters or in borders as a contrast with other foliage plants. Amaranthus Early Splendor flower seeds are fast to establish and upward growth is quick. Amaranthus Tricolor is actually considered a vegetable in some aspects and can be eaten much like spinach.
This spectacular foliage plant excels in heat and humidity, and provides color very early in the summer as soon as temperatures get warm clear up until frost season begins.
Early Splendor has gorgeous chocolate colored leaves that are topped with brilliant crimson. You can enjoy the Amaranthus plant in your flower garden, but it also makes a great cut flower for indoor flower arrangements.
 175mg pack ( about 250 seeds ) $2.95
SF335 Crocosmia ( Crocosmia Paniculata Hybrida )
Crocosmia are a popular and attractive flowering plant. Native to South Africa, Crocosmia are members of the Iris family and are easy to grow from flower seeds. Crocosmia plants grow two feet tall in a season. Tube shaped flower colors include red, yellow, orange-yellow, and orange with splotches. Crocosmia flowers bloom from July through October.
Crocosmia grow well in the flower garden and in containers on patios or decks. You should experience few problems with your Crocosmia. Use insecticide or fungicide, only if a problem occurs. Crocosmia are tough when it come to winter temperatures tolerating temperatures down to USDA Zone 5.
 80mg pack ( about 20 seeds ) $2.95
Sinuata Orange ( Dimorphotheca aurantiaca )
JB192 Sinuata Orange ( Dimorphotheca aurantiaca )
The striking daisy-shaped flowers attract butterflies into the garden. Bees also love this flowering plant as they collect the nectar from the flowers. The plants are easily grown from flower seeds, and it is an annual that grows up to 12 inches tall.
They leaves are slender, spoon-shaped, reaching up to 3 inches long. The stems are reddish in color and are often covered by the masses of leaves around them. Features remarkably big orange flowers that have orange centers. They need full sun to open and they always face the sun.
Grows about 12 inches tall, a perennial for zones 3-10.
  179mg package ( about 75 seeds ) $3.95
Jupiter's Beard
TWT150 Jupiter's Beard ( Centranthus Ruber Coccineus Mix )
Jupiter’s Beard is a showy, ever-blooming perennial with a summer-long display of flowers. Centranthus is a tough and drought-resistant (xeric) plant, that is easily grown and a butterfly favorite.
If you enjoy attracting wildlife to your landscape, starting Jupiter's Beard seeds is a sure way to have lots of these beautiful flowers that attract hummingbirds, butterflies and bees. This Centranthus Jupiter's Beard seed mix will have a beautiful display of blooms in shades of reds, rose, and white. Growing Jupiter's Beard from seed is very rewarding! You'll have flowers to enjoy in the garden and for cutting as well.
Jupiter's Beard care includes deadheading to keep the plant flowering later in the season as well as to keep the plant from self-sowing. Jupiter's Beard is also called Keys to Heaven, and the flower seeds can be started either indoors or directly outside. Perennial for zones 4-9, grows 24-32 inches tall.
 320mg pack ( about 150 seeds ) $4.95
Goblin ( Gaillardia aristata Goblin Kobold )
TWT114 Goblin ( Gaillardia aristata Goblin Kobold )
Goblin is a dwarf variety blanketflower that works well at the front of the border and does great in pots. It blooms all summer long with scarlet-red flowers edged in yellow. It's a first-year flowering perennial. Blanket Flowers are one of the longest-blooming perennials, well suited to hot sunny sites. This selection forms a low mound of olive-green leaves, bearing large flame red daisies, each petal tipped with golden yellow.
It is easy to grow and drought tolerant. The colorful flowers attract butterflies and beneficial insects. It is also known as 'Kobold', and 'Dwarf Goblin' Indian Blanket Flower. Deer resistant.
A tough, heat-loving perennial with dazzling red and bright gold blooms. The large bi-colored flowers cover the compact foliage mounds for months on end. Use in borders, adjacent to pathways, or spot into rock gardens. A perfect addition to patio containers for summer color. An herbaceous perennial. For zones 3-10.
 70mg pack ( about 30-40 seeds ) $4.95
LET405 Sky and Ice ( Osteospermum )
These plants make an eye catching summer display in an open border, as ground cover or in containers. Flowers can be single or semi-double. 'Sky & Ice' has ice blue flowers with dark blue centres. The petals are steely blue on the reverse. Good cut flower. Grows about 12 inches tall.
  10 seeds $4.95
JB221 Akila Daisy White ( Osteospermum )
2014 AAS Bedding Plant Winner. White osteospermums are not unique but a clear white osteo with a yellow center is a novelty, plus, it’s easily grown from seed. Akila® Daisy White is a tidy, uniform plant with open flowers that produces non-stop blooms all summer long.
Even southern judges praised Akila’s ability to keep blooming in the heat and they also showed more drought tolerance than other osteos.
Akila is also the recipient of the Fleuroselect Gold Medal award for performance in European trials. Grows about 12 inches tall.
  10 seeds $4.95
TWT201 Snowpeak ( Arabis alpina )
Arabis ground cover seed produces early spring blooms and a low-maintenance ground cover. It is cold-hardy to zone 4, though in the coldest areas it will need winter mulch protection for the roots. Rock Cress ground cover plants may need to be replaced every 3 - 4 years, or it can be refreshed by digging it up and dividing the plants. Arabis Alpina has a sweet fragrance and attracts bees.
Rock Cress perennial ground cover establishes well from ground cover seeds. It works well as a ground cover for slopes. It is fairly drought tolerant once it is established. Use Rock Cress on a ledge of rock or a stone wall. As it matures and spreads, it will cascade over the stones. Rock Cress has attractive silvery-green evergreen leaves which hug the ground, about 6 - 8 inches in height, occasionally jumping up to 10 inches. In climates with mild winters, the leaves of this flowering ground cover plant hold their looks into winter. Trim back the Arabis Alpina plant after blooming to keep it neat and tidy.
A perennial for zones 4-8.
  5,000 seed pack ( covers about 100 sq. ft. ) $12.95
SF292 Achillea Cassis ( A. millefolium )
Clusters of cherry-red flowers over a bushy mound of fern-like, mid-green leaves. Excellent for dried flower arrangements. A great garden plant for cutflowers and attracting bees and butterflies.
Drought tolerant for xeriscaping/waterwise design. For natural landscaping. Attractive for butterflies and other pollinators. Deer resistant. A second flowering after deadheading is possible at good locations.
Fleuroselect, will flower first year, prolific stems and deep cerise red flower umbels, for garden or cut flowers, grows 25" tall, hardy to zone 4.
 5mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
JM202 Mexican Hat ( Ratibida columnaris )
A robust, drought tolerant annual to perennial variety native to the midwest and has naturalized throughout North America. The characteristic black, cone shaped heads are surrounded by drooping, fire red ray flowers with a splash of yellow accent. At maturity the upright branching stems may become woody. Prefers full sun in well drained soil. Outstanding in hot humid climates.
The Mexican Hat flower is a great source of nectar for beneficial insects, and the Ratibida plants are deer resistant.
Suggested Use: Prairies, roadsides, waste places, slopes. Miscellaneous: An excellent variety for cut flower arrangements lasting 5 to 10 days . Flower resembles a colorful Mexican sombrero, hence the name. Mexican Hat.
Good for zones 3-9, will grow 12-36 inches tall depending on conditions.
  4g pack ( several thousand seeds, will cover 100 square feet ) $3.95
LET380 Grey-headed Coneflower ( Ratibida pinnata )
Here is a great meadow flower that is easily propagated by Ratibida seeds. The Yellow Coneflower plant is a tall perennial that features attractive blooms that have yellow petals drooping downward, and the petals are arranged around a grayish-brown central cone. Also known as Prairie Coneflower, these lovely blooms attract butterflies, and as the cone dries, the seeds are eaten by songbirds. Very attractive and showy! Yellow Coneflowers also makes great cut flowers.
A perennial for zones 3-10, grows 36-60" tall.
  245mg pack ( about 250 seeds ) $2.95
Humming Bird Tree
Image: Viky.nandha, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
JB110 Hummingbird Tree ( Sesbania Grandiflora )
Seen from a distance, the Hummingbird Tree's clusters of bright red flowers resemble a group of fluttering hummingbirds hovering around your tree. Hummingbird Trees can produce blooms in varying hues of red, white and pink, and this red-flowering variety will pack a unique and colorful look in your home or yard.
It is also known as the Vegetable Hummingbird Tree as it's leaves, flowers, and fruits can all be consumed. You cam enjoy them raw, or toss them into soups, stews, and stir fry dishes for extra nutritional value. It also has medicinal uses, beloved in Southeast Asia for teas and salves.
This is a somewhat tropical plant best suited for zones 9-11 outside, but it does very well inside in containers, and blooms well in pots and tubs. Will grow 40 feet tall in warm zones, but will limit it's size inside to the size container it is grown in.
It has fern-like fronds in a vibrant green color. Bright red flowers are followed by green fruit pods that grow up to 23 inches long, complementing the tree’s droopy canopy look. This beautiful tree will attract hummingbirds and pollinators, and its timber can even be used for woodworking. As a fully grown tree, it provides excellent shade for seating areas or low-growing plants at its base.
  5 seeds $3.95
  25 seeds $9.95
JB117 Korean Kousa Dogwood ( Cornus kousa )
A wonderful dogwood with so many uses and benefits, it has beautiful spring blossoms, great fall color, edible fruit that is showy and ornamental, and attractive bark. It can be grown as a lawn specimen, as a patio plant or sidewalk plant.
Kousa dogwood is an excellent small specimen tree for small lawns. Two outstanding characteristics are the four-petaled, white flowers that appear above the foliage in June and reddish-purple fall color. In the Midwest, this is a hardier substitute for the acid-loving flowering dogwood. The shallow root system will benefit with a layer of mulch to maintain a cool root environment.
Kousa Dogwoods are very showy for a long period of time as the flower bracts are showy longer than most flowers. They'll give you up to a month of display. The flowers precede the red fruit, which looks like a raspberry. Some people make jellies, jams and wine from the round red berries, or, leave the red colored fruit for birds! They'll be happy to snap them up for you without any fuss or muss.
best suited for zones 5-8.

Note: These seeds need to be cold stratified before sowing. We recommend using the Seedman's Cold Stratification Kits for cold stratification.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
TRZ123 Nannyberry ( Viburnum lentago )
A versatile native shrub with excellent year-round interest, and many uses. It features showy white flowers in May and burgundy leaf color in autumn with dark blue edible berries. A large upright shrub, it spreads by roots to form colonies and makes an excellent privacy screen or hedgerow. It can be maintained as a small tree by pruning stems and removing the suckers at the base. Adaptable to a wide range of soils, this native viburnum is found in low moist woods or near stream banks, but will tolerate drier sites. Very shade tolerant in nature, it grows larger in open sunny areas.
Viburnums offer excellent support for birds and pollinators, and serve as host plants to numerous butterflies and moths. They tend to flower profusely whether or not pollination occurs. However, poor fruiting will happen if there is only one Viburnum available, so try to grow at least two somewhat close together. The edible berries can be used to make jams and jellies.
It can grow 15 to 20 feet tall and should be spaced about 15 feet apart. Hardy for zones 2-8.
  10 seeds $3.95
  25 seeds $7.95
Cypress Vine Mix
SF372 Cypress Vine Mix ( Ipomoea Pennata Mix )
A favorite of gardeners, this annual is related to Morning Glories. It grows as easily from Cypress Vine flower seed and as quickly as Morning Glories, but it also offers some additional features. Cypress Vines have a wonderful, feathery foliage that adds interest and texture. Morning Glories have lovely heart-shaped leaves, but they tend to blend in to each other and not stand out much. Not so with Cypress Vine foliage. It's attractive and interesting even when not in bloom. This Cypress Vine flower seed mix will grow blooms that are white, bright red, and rose, and they are produced in mass! They stay opened all day which is great for the hummingbirds who absolutely love their nectar. In fact, the Ipomoea vine also is commonly called Hummingbird Vine and Star Glory.
Cypress Vine plants grow well in full sun or partial shade. They are not picky about the quality of soil, but it does need to have good drainage. Once the Cypress Vine Star Glory plant is established well, it can withstand periods of drought. However, it will grow faster and have more blooms with regular water. Deadheading the spent blooms will encourage a prolonged bloom season. Blooms will usually start the first of summer and continue until fall. In some frost free areas, Cypress Vine will grow as a perennial.
 175mg ( about 15 seeds ) $3.95
JB148 Red Hot Poker ( Knipofia uvaria )
his stately perennial flower is also known as Torch Lily. Kniphofia Torch Lily is native to South Africa, and it provides a dramatic display of multi-colored flower spikes that will reach 36 - 48 inches in height on top of long, dagger like leaves. The Torch Lily flower will start bright red, turn orange and mature to yellow. Hummingbirds love this plant with its tubular florets!
Red Hot Poker, with its sweet nectar and bright orange flowers will attract bees and butterflies, and will bring in many different birds to your garden!
A perennial for zones 5-10, will grow 36-48 inches tall.
 185mg pack ( about 50-60 seeds ) $2.95
JB181 Orange Monarch of the Veldt ( Venidium Fastuosum Orange )
Grow Venidium seeds for a brilliant display of color all summer and fall. The Venidium flower is in the aster family, and it goes by the common names of Monarch of the Veldt and Cape Daisy. Orange Cape Daisy has silvery-green foliage and large, intensely colored blooms. Native to South Africa and Nambia, and it is cultivated as an ornamental plant for its prized flowers. Cape Daisy flowers are excellent for cutting. Mix Cape Daisy flowers into the border or plant around the vegetable garden, as they are very attractive to beneficial insects and pollinators.
Start seeds indoors in late winter for the earliest blooms. For areas with a longer bloom season, prepare a weed free seedbed outdoors, and sow the seeds directly once frost danger has passed. Thin the seedlings to 12 inches apart. Venidium orange flowers are easy to grow and maintain. Provide full sun, regular water, fertile, well-draining soil, and these flowers will not disappoint you. Care includes deadheading the spent blooms to promote continual flowering. May grow as a perennial in zones 10 and 11.
  325mg pack ( about 400 seeds ) $2.95
JB136 Sensation Mix Flowering Tobacco ( Nicotinia )
The most fragrant flowering tobacco is also the most colorful. Fragrant annual with mixed color blooms over a long season. Easy to grow pollinator attractor with summer blooms, also known as Jasmine Tobacco. Hummingbirds, bees and butterflies love this plant! Thrives in full sun or partially shaded areas grows 30" tall, blooms in 7 weeks from seed. Space plants 12-18 inches apart.
  325mg Package ( about 2,000 seeds ) $3.95
JB086 Admiration Large Flowered ( Viola Cornuta )
Perfect for cutting, Viola Admiration has dark, rich violet blue flowers and long stems. Nothing is sweeter in the vase than Violas! They are commonly called Horned Violets or Tufted Pansies, and they attract bees, butterflies and birds. You can grow Horned Violet Admiration in containers, hanging baskets, or plant the flower seeds directly in your flower garden. Once established, the Viola plants will often become naturalized and will re-seed themselves. Viola care includes trimming the plants back in the heat of summer to neaten the appearance and promote continued blooming.
  125mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $4.95
Broken Colors Four O Clocks
TST190 Broken Colors Four O Clocks ( Mirabilis )
Broken Colors Four O’Clock has bi-colored and mottled flowers in shades of pink, red, rose, white, and yellow. This old-time garden favorite gets its common name from its late afternoon to early morning bloom time. It is a tender perennial that forms tubers, and flowers are fragrant and trumpet-shaped. Attracts birds and butterflies. Plants are easy to grow and thrive almost anywhere, reseeding readily.
A single plant produces myriad 1- to 2-inch trumpet-shaped blooms in all combinations of raspberry, lemon-yellow, orange-golden, and frosty-white. Grows from 12 to 36 inches tall.
 9g pack ( about 100 seeds )$4.95
SF397 Fragrant Butterfly Bush ( Buddleia Davidii )
This is a wonderful shrub with large, fragrant, colorful flowers that attract a flutter of butterflies into your summer garden. Butterfly Bushes are extremely easy to grow and any average gardener will have success with these plants.
From midsummer until frost, butterfly bush earns its name as hordes of winged beauties flit from flower to flower in search of nectar.
Fragrant, shades of pink, purple, white, first year flowers in summer, the cornerstone of a butterfly garden. Perennial to zone 5. Grows about 4 feet tall.
  6mg Package ( about 150 tiny seeds ) $5.95
Blue Woodruff
TWT167 Blue Woodruff ( Asperula azurea )
Loved by bees and butterflies, these are great for mixed summer borders and cut flowers. Remove dead heads to prolong flowering. Masses of charming fragrant lavender blue flowers, easy to grow culture, sun or part shade, blooms early, grows only 10" tall. An annual relative of sweet woodruff, this freely blooming plant is a treasure. Lavender flowers, like clusters of tiny trumpets, bloom all summer long with little care. The narrow, light green leaves are whorled about the stems and the plant mounds gracefully. Easily grown in pots.
 125mg Package ( about 75 seeds ) $4.95
1A410 Foxglove Mix ( Digitalis Purpurea Excelsior Mix )
This mix is perfect for the cottage garden or bordering the back of the perennial garden. These tall stately beauties easily establish from Foxglove seeds. This biennial or short-lived perennial produces spires of large tubular flowers that are enchanting vertical accents in the sun or partial shade garden. The flowers are in colors that include cream, pink, purple, yellow and white. They bloom in late spring or early summer and if the main spike is cut, side shoots will develop and flower until September. Foxgloves look wonderful in a woodland setting, and they attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Foxglove is a source of digitalis prescribed by doctors to strengthen the heart and regulate its beat. Extremely poisonous! Enjoy, but do not eat!

Seedman Basic Info:
Grows about 24 to 48 inches tall, will germinate in about 20-40 days depending on soil and weather conditions, germinates best if soil temperature is in the 50-60 degree range.
Surface sow,do not cover seeds, blooms from June to September.

 500mg pack ( about 1,000 seeds ) $4.95
Red Yucca
Image: Fritz Hochstätter, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, via Wikimedia Commons
JB163 Red Yucca ( Hesperaloe parviflora )
Also known as red yucca, hummingbird yucca, redflower false yucca and samandoque, is a plant that is native to Chihuahuan desert of west Texas east and south into central and south Texas and northeastern Mexico around Coahuila.
Hesperaloe parviflora has narrow evergreen leaves with a fringe of white threadlike hairs along their edges and grows in clumps 3–6 feet high and wide. Red or yellow tubular flowers are borne on branching flower stalks (inflorescences) up to 5 feet tall from late spring to mid-summer.
This species has become popular in xeriscape landscape design for public and private gardens in California and the Southwestern United States. The plant's qualities include drought tolerance, heat resistance, low maintenance needs, hummingbird attracting flowers, and an architectural form. It also is a spineless alternative to Agave and Yucca horticultural species.
Hardy to well below 0°F some say as low as -20°F (USDA zone 5). It is a good clean plant for desert and succulent gardens, planted in masses or used in pots.
  10 seeds $3.95
JB166 Soaptree ( Yucca elata )
This ornamental Yucca gets it's name from the soapy material in the roots and trunks of this species that has been used as a soap substitute. It has great ornamental appeal, is deer resistant, and attracts hummingbirds, butterflies and bees.
Cattle relish the young flower stalks, and chopped trunks and leaves serve as emergency food during droughts. Indians ate the flower buds, flowers, and young flower stalks of this and other yuccas, either raw or boiled.
Yucca elata is a common, widespread and quite distinctive species, growing tall and eventually branching, forming tree-like plants up to 15 feet high, resembling the Joshua tree through generally smaller, with longer leaves and fewer branches. Ranges of the two overlap in southwest Utah and northwest Arizona, but the soaptree yucca is more common further east, in the grasslands and foothills of central and southeast Arizona, and the flat plains of New Mexico.
Leaves are pale or bright green in color, thin and flexible, up to half an inch across (slightly wider in the middle) and between 10 and 35 inches long. The edges are white, as are the short terminal spines and the long, curly filaments that grow most densely towards the center. Plants are old before they branch, hence most specimens have only one stem; the (usual) maximum number observed is seven. Dead leaves hang back against the stem and remain there for many years. Flower clusters are borne on stems rising 2 or 3 feet above the leaves. Flowers are pendant, globular or bell-shaped.
Hardy to zero degrees, also makes a great container plant when young.
Zones 6-10.
Package of 10 seeds $3.95
Tahoka Daisy
1A431 Tahoka Daisy ( Machaeranthera tanacetifolia )
A hardy upright to sprawling annual native to the mid-western United States. This variety is easy to recognize by the dense, compact leaves which are deeply divided into many narrow segments. The flowers are a beautiful lavender, blue, purple with bright yellow centers, each at the top of a leafy stem. Cheery yellow centers make this a pleasing and showy flower that blooms earlier than the large aster family. Thriving nearly anywhere, this is a beautiful and easy plant to grow!
Excellent plant for borders, roadsides, xeriscapes, rock gardens.
Adaptable to a variety of garden conditions, it is drought-tolerant when established and an excellent choice for xeric gardens, natural or prairie gardens, meadows, hillsides, or hard to maintain areas. The plant often reseeds and grow in following years. You will enjoy its cheerful beauty and the way it attracts bees and butterflies.
For zones 3-10.

Seedman Basic Info:
Grows about 12 to 18 inches tall, will germinate in about 15-45 days depending on soil and weather conditions, germinates best if soil temperature is in the 56-65°F range.
Cover seeds about 1/8" deep, blooms from May to September.

 3g pack ( about 1,000 seeds ) $4.95
Dwarf Snow White Hollyhock
LET801 Dwarf Snow White Hollyhock ( Malva moschata alba )
Enjoy a different look for a colorful hollyhock plant! Also known as Musk Mallow, this white blooming perennial is grown from seeds, and is a more compact, shrubby plant. It still is a wonderful performer with masses of glistening snow white flowers measuring 2 inches across. Reaching 16-24 inches tall and the same for width, this compact white Malva plant will still bring in the butterflies and hummingbirds and give a wonderful display. Use it in a container or plant it in front of the taller varieties of hollyhocks and enjoy!
  70mg package ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
Purple Coneflower
TPF113 Purple Coneflower ( Echinacea purpurea )
Echinacea purpuea is one of the great butterfly magnets of the native perennial garden. Coneflowers are easy to grow in average to dry, well drained soils. Flowers with large orange gold spiky centers and strong reflexed rose pink petals appear in July and August. Very drought tolerant.Easy to grow, used medicinally.
Plants are heat and drought tolerant, and blooms are used for cut and dried flower arrangements. The drug Echinacea, used to boost the immune system, comes from this genus. Divide clumps when they become overcrowded (about every 4 years). Plants usually rebloom without deadheading, however prompt removal of spent flowers improves general appearance. Freely self-seeds if at least some of the seed heads are left in place. Best suited for zones 4-9.
  1 ounce pack ( covers 250 sq. ft. ) $9.95
Texas Bluebonnet
TPF275 Texas Bluebonnet ( Lupinus texensis )
No wildflower is so well known as Texas Bluebonnet. It's easily grown from seeds, and it can transform a field of little interest into a colorful display of lovely blue wild flowers! The Texas Bluebonnet wildflower was adopted as the State Flower of Texas in 1901 and is most often seen in beautiful floral displays along road sides, in woodlands, and in pastures all over the state. They begin to bloom in March and are usually in full bloom by April. Though native to Texas, these wild flowers will grow in other areas and when planted in mass, the visual effect is stunning. A sea of blue is created!
Low growing but prolific blooming, Texas Bluebonnet requires some patience, but little maintenance, once established. The same toughness and tenacity that makes this little Lupine the perfect representation of the Lone Star state also makes it slow to germinate and bloom--but once it does you will not be disappointed!
Bluebonnet flowers are prolific bloomers in early spring and are known for attracting butterflies and a variety of bees, including honeybees.
How To Grow Texas Bluebonnet From Seed: It is recommended to soak Texas Bluebonnet seeds in tepid water over night before sowing outdoors. After soaking, sow the Texas Bluebonnet wildflower seed directly into prepared soil that is loosened and weed free. A late fall sowing is recommended. To keep Texas Bluebonnet wildflowers year after year, allow the seed pods to form and drop their flower seeds. Texas Bluebonnet Lupine is moderately deer resistant and the flowers attract butterflies. An annual that will grow in zones 3-10.
 3g Package ( about 100 seeds, will cover about 10 sq. ft. ) $2.95
Angel Wings Mix ( Schizanthus )
JB286 Angel Wings Mix ( Schizanthus )
Bees and butterflies love these flowers! Very showy annuals also known as "Butterfly Flower" or "Poor Man's Orchid." This truly lovely plant hails originally from the South American country of Chile. Although not a well-known flowering annual, you're sure to fall in love with it when you see its remarkable flowers.
Schizanthus can be slow to germinate but you will be rewarded with a dazzling display of vibrant colours in reds, pinks, blues and lavenders all with a central golden eye. This strain is more compact and less lax in habit than most, and ideal for pot growing.
Butterfly Flowers are ideal for mass planting, spots of color in the flower border or in containers. Schizanthus plants are showy and exotic looking adding lots of beauty wherever they are grown.
Seed are not difficult to establish. Start the seed indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the end of frost season. Lightly cover the flower seeds with soil. It's recommended to cover the starter trays with plastic to help hold moisture in. Water from underneath. Once seedlings emerge, remove the plastic. The Schizanthus plants can be transplanted once they have their 2nd set of true leaves. They prefer a full sun to partial shade setting.
  8mg pack ( about 40-50 seeds ) $2.95
Texas Paintbrush
Image: Yamaplos, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET525 Texas Paintbrush ( Castilleja indivisa )
Bees and butterflies love the beautiful wildflower! Indian paintbrush is an important nectar source for hummingbirds and insects, including butterflies, bees, and others. An upright, hairy annual, perennial or biennial herb native to Texas with single erect stems and a slender taproot. The terminal red-orange flower color is a misconception. Actually the flower is tiny, creamy white to pale yellow, encircled by the red-orange leaf-like bracts. The seeds are very small and should be sown directly on the soil surface. Adapted to well-drained areas in full sun. Not the easiest variety to cultivate, but the lure of such magnificent flowers certainly compensates for the effort.
Suggested Use: Gardens, roadsides, open meadows, mixtures. Creates ribbons of color for miles along Texas highways in the spring.
The Chippewa Indians are know the use Indian Paintbrush as a medicine to treat rheumatism and as a bath rinse to make their hair glossy. Both applications are useful due to it's selenium content.
  18mg pack ( about 350 seeds ) $2.95
Cherry Brandy ( Rudbeckia hirta )
SF293 Cherry Brandy ( Rudbeckia hirta )
A stunning introduction in shades of luscious cherry-red, ranging from bright solids to subtle bicolors with deep red centers.
Creates plenty of drama without overpowering companion plantings and cut flower arrangements. Plants are heat tolerant and prolific, producing masses of color from late June until early frost.
Will flower at 12" when grown in pots, but becomes truly statuesque in the garden.
First red wine-colored Rudbeckia from seed. Compact plants are outstanding in the garden or in large containers. Combine Cherry Brandy's 3–4" flowers with rudbeckia of other colors, or do a dramatic mass planting for red blooms all summer. Also known as blackeyed Susan and gloriosa daisy. Tender perennial in Zones 9–10. Ht. 20–24".
  18mg Package ( about 20 seeds ) $3.95
JB085 Cherokee Sunset Mix ( Rudbeckia hirta )
A beautiful Rudbeckia that attracts bees and butterflies, is deer resistant and makes great cutting flowers! Large, double flowers in a range of colors. 4–5" blooms of orange, golden yellow, bronze, chocolate, and various bicolors are produced all summer long. Provides a pleasing blend of autumn colors and late season flowering. Plants produce mostly double blooms and some singles and semidoubles. Also known as blackeyed Susan and gloriosa daisy. Tender perennial in Zones 9–10, best grown as an annual. AAS winner. Ht. 24–30".
14mg package ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
Common Black-Eyed Susan
IP114 Common Black-Eyed Susan ( Rudbeckia hirta )
This familiar, yet gorgeous golden yellow wild flower is often seen growing in large colonies along highways, in fields, and in many natural settings. Black-Eyed Susan easily establishes from seeds, and it produces clumping, stiff, upright plants that are short-lived. Black Eyed Susan is native to the eastern United States and is probably the most common of all American wildflowers. They have the characteristic dark brown, domed center which is surrounded by bright, golden yellow petals. Black-Eyed Susan thrives in most soils, in full sun, and they forgive neglect.
Grows perfectly in gardens, in borders and in flower beds, and it is a great summer time bloomer. Butterflies of many species are attracted to its bright blooms. It grows in all regions of North America in any soil from sand to clay, but it must have full sun. Black-eyed Susan care includes deadheading to prolong the bloom season, but the plants will re-seed themselves readily if you leave a few blooms to go to seed.
  25mg pack ( over 100 seeds ) $2.95
  1,000 seeds $6.95
Image:Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
JB083 Mullein ( Verbascum thapsus )
Grown for centuries for it's many uses. Also known as Aaron’s Rod, Great Mullein, Common Mullein and Velvet Plant. A biennial to 6 feet, native to Eurasia but naturalized worldwide. Striking yellow flower stalks rise from a woolly leaf base in the second year. Good remedy for coughs, hoarseness and bronchitis. All plant parts can be used to produce yellow, bronze and grey dyes. Easy to grow, can be grown in containers, for zones 4-9.
It is a spectacular tall plant great as a border backdrop or in a naturalized setting. Attracts bee's and butterflies has well known medicinal properties. Flowers early spring through late summer Cannot ship to CO, HI, SD
 45mg Package of about 200 seeds $2.95
Goldeneye ( Bidens humilis )
SF299 Goldeneye ( Bidens humilis )
Also known as Spanish Needles. Basket plant with fern like foliage and bright yellow flowers.Ideal for an unusual hanging basket, patio container or anywhere you would like a plant to trail or tumble is this fine prostrate Bidens. With attractive, much-divided foliage, it bears over a very long period.
Fleuroselect, Single flower, brilliant gold, butterfly attractor, fine for basket or container or tumbling over low wall, this is a very versatile plant. Annual growing 12" tall.
  15mg Pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
  100 seeds $9.95
The Bride ( Gaura lindheimeri )
Image: Wouter Hagens / Public domain
D9908 The Bride ( Gaura lindheimeri )
Also known as Whirling Butterflies. Single 1" white flowers, maturing to pink, summer, graceful in garden or cut, grows 36" tall, hardy to zone 3, perennial.
Perfect for growing in a cottage garden or informal herbaceous border. Its growth habit makes it particularly useful for filling in gaps in the border and linking other planting groups together. It has a long flowering season that lasts from early summer well into autumn.
Excellent plant for attracting bees. The flowers are pollen rich over a long period.

300mg pack ( about 20-25 seeds ) $2.95

100 seeds $8.95
3492 Pink Pop ( Agastache astromontana )
3492 Pink Pop ( Agastache astromontana )
A flower plant for all types of gardens, this super-long blooming perennial will delight you with bouquets of fragrant, lavender pink flower spikes from midsummer through early fall.
Butterflies and hummingbirds find this plant hard to resist! The abundant flowers are presented atop very well-branched stems lined with small, aromatic, grey-green leaves. The plants are very uniform and compact with a terrific upright habit.
This plant is perfect for growing in rock gardens, flower borders, cottage gardens, herb gardens, butterfly gardens, and large containers. Pink Pop is a very tidy Agastache, staying in a rounded 18 inch mound. It has tall soft pink spikes that are very attractive to hummingbirds. It will bloom June-Oct with deadheading. The foliage has a spicy scent and the flowers are also spicy flavored, making them useful as garnish in salads.
It needs good drainage and prefers full sun, although will do well in hot areas with a bit of afternoon shade. This variety is seed grown, so dead heading early will assure that the plant doesn't self sow. It is a vigorous rebloomer if deadheaded.
Long flowering pink spikes, flowers summer first year, well branched, fragrant ( delightful old time flower garden fragrance ), for pot or garden. Flowers in 12 weeks. Grows about 14" tall. Good cutflower and potpourri plant. Perennial plant hardy to zone 6.
  2mg package ( about 20 or more seeds ) $2.95
  100 seeds $9.95
Joe Pye Weed ( Eutrochium maculatum )
SF323 Joe Pye Weed ( Eutrochium maculatum )
Joe Pye Weed is a very tall plant, up to 6' in the best sun/soil conditions, but strong stems support the flowering plant so it rarely needs to be staked. These attractive stems are almost the same color as the dusty rose-colored flowers, which will bloom for many weeks in July and August, becoming absolute magnets for dozens of species of butterflies.
Also called Spotted Joe Pye Weed, it is best planted in full to almost-full sun and rich, moist soils. It will spread so should be planted with caution in small landscape situations.
A perennial best suited for zones 3-8. Needs cold stratification before germinating.
  2mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
Korean Mint
JB105 Korean Mint ( Agastache rugosa )
Bring the bees and butterflies to your garden when you start Korean mint seeds and grow this wonderfully fragrant perennial Agastache herb plant. Agastache Rugosa has tall flower spikes that are full of mauve flowers that bloom at different times.
Korean Mint usually reaches 36 inches in height and it's popular with the insects with its liquorice-like scent. These flowers are also very nice for cutting and adding to fresh flower arrangements.
Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Korean Mint usually reaches 36 inches in height and it's popular with the insects with its liquorice-like scent. These flowers are also very nice for cutting and adding to fresh flower arrangements. Height: 36 inches. USDA Zones: 4-9. Deer resistant.
  18mg Package ( about 50 seeds ) $3.95
Firethorn ( Pyracantha coccinea )
Image: By Supermicio [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], from Wikimedia Commons
3182 Firethorn ( Pyracantha coccinea )
A plant of many uses: Impenetrable shrub for informal hedges, hedgerows. dense screens or property lines. Also effective when massed to cover slopes. Group in shrub borders. May be sheared as a hedge, but severe pruning performed after flowering will adversely affect fruit production. Espaliers trained on wall or fence. Best planted in areas where the thorns will not present a problem.
Birds love the fruit. They are greatly favored by Black Birds and Cedar Waxwings, which have been know to strip a tree of all its berries.
Here is a link to a great web page about Firethorn and includes a recipe for Pyracantha Jelly.

Firethorn is a large, evergreen shrub that is cherished for its spectacular fall and winter display of scarlet fruits and ability to withstand dry and droughty conditions. Shooting long lanky stems in all directions, firethorn typically grows into a tangled mound up to 10 feet in height and 12 feet wide. It is armed with sharp thorns that hide among the dark,glossy green leaves.

Clusters (corymbs) of small white flowers appear in spring. These are up to 2 inches across and are borne close together creating the appearance of nearly solid surface of flowers. In fall the 1/4 inch berries begin to ripen, their color mellowing from green to shades of red, orange, or yellow. These persist through winter and into early spring depending on climate and appetite of the local bird population. Under bright sunny conditions the berries are plentiful but expect smaller crops in shadier situations. The color of both leaves and berries tends to be darker in cooler climates.

Culture: Not particular about soil and requires little or no supplemental fertilization.
Light: Full sun preferred but will grow in partial to fairly heavy shade. Flowering and fruiting will not be as heavy.
Moisture: Moist to very dry, well drained soil. Hardiness: Zones 5 - 9.
Usage: Pyracantha is often used as an espalier. Held flat against a wall, it can be shaped quite creatively. Because of its fast growth rate, sprawling, spreading habit, and ease of care, it can be used on slopes to great advantage requiring little maintenance or care. The wide-reaching stems may be pruned back as needed during warm weather as the shrub blooms on old wood. Even consider using it as an informal hedge! This will require some trimming and shaping for the first few years but the effort will produce impressively beautiful and secure (thorny) hedges.

Landscapers love the firethorns for their fast rate of growth and ability to withstand drought and neglect. The shrubs ruggedness and disease and pest resistance makes this plant a very popular item in commercial landscapes.

  Package of 100 seeds $2.95
  Package of 500 seeds $8.95
Silk Tree ( Albizia julibrissin )
D1160 Silk Tree ( Albizia julibrissin )
A fast-growing, small to medium sized, deciduous tree that typically grows in a vase shape to 20-40’ tall with a spreading, often umbrella-like crown. It is native to Asia (Iran to Japan). It has been widely planted in the U. S. as an ornamental and has escaped cultivation and naturalized in many areas of the southeastern U. S. and California. It is noted for its bipinnate compound dark green leaves up to 20” long. Leaves have a fern-like appearance. Fluffy, pink, powder puff flowerheads cover the tree with a long summer bloom. Flowers are fragrant and attractive to bees. Flowers give way to flat bean-like seed pods which persist into winter. Sensitive leaflets close up when touched and at night. Zones 6-9.
  Package of 5 seeds $2.95
  Package of 25 seeds $7.95
Chinese Houses ( Collinsia heterophylla )
SF324 Chinese Houses ( Collinsia heterophylla )
Snapdragon-like flowers in tiers resembling pagodas give this lavender-white West Coast American native its name. Great for cutting. A charming wildflower that is not as well known as it should be. A native of California, it produces lovely purple and white spires, one stacked on top of the other. Chinese Houses seeds are quite easy to establish, and can be planted in both sun or shade. The Chinese Houses plant is a good choice for a wild life or butterfly garden as the Checkerspot Butterfly will use it as a host plant for its larva. An annual for almost all zones.
  80mg Package ( about 70 seeds )$2.95
Tithonia Fiesta del Sol
SF347 Tithonia Fiesta del Sol
2000 AAS Flower Winner. Butterflies, bees and hummingbirds love these plants! The first dwarf Mexican sunflower, Fiesta Del Sol thrives on summer heat and humidity, attaining a mature height of 2-3 feet. The single, orange daisy flowers are 2-3 inches across, excellent cut flowers and may attract butterflies. There is an abundance of daisy flowers so that you can cut many for informal bouquets and numerous flowers will remain on the plant for the wildlife. Basically, pest-free, not even deer find the hairy leaves of Tithonia rotundifolia worth eating. Easy-to-grow from seed or plants, Fiesta Del Sol is carefree in the garden or in patio containers. You’ll find the best performance in full sun. 70 days.
 150mg Package ( about 20-25 seeds ) $2.95
JB126 Giant Teddy Bear
One of our favorite sunflowers that produces cuttings for vases, and attracts bees, birds and butterflies. These plants bloom heavily with large 8 inches wide, fluffy fully double blooms, resembling golden-yellow pompoms. Borne in clusters on stiff, course stems, the unusual flower heads continue over a long season and last a long time in a vase.
Although much taller than other garden plants, this multi-branching plant is not too tall to add to the back of a bed or border in a cottage, informal, cutting, or wildlife garden, where the flowers beckon to bees, butterflies, and beneficial insects, and the tasty seeds bring the birds flocking.
A favorite of florists for their unique texture, Tall Teddy Bear Sunflowers are a big hit with gardeners as well! Easy to grow, these fluffy headed beauties will reach nearly 6 feet tall! Be sure to cut sunflowers in the early morning to encourage longer-lasting blooms.
  800mg pack ( about 30 seeds ) $3.95
Desert Willow ( Chilopsis linearis )
Image: By Stan Shebs
3643 Desert Willow ( Chilopsis linearis )
Desert willow, Chilopsis linearis is a large deciduous shrub or small tree. Hummingbirds love this plant when in bloom and will hang around it most of the summer. Its willow like, long, narrow leaves and growth along desert washes give the desert willow its name.
The Penstemon like flowers are fragrant, pink to lavender. They appear in May and keep coming until September or frost. Likes moderate water and sun. Does best inland and in desert.
This is a great plant for a bird garden, rock garden, xeriscape or lawn specimen. Best suited for zones 6-10.
 50mg pack ( about 10 or more seeds ) $2.95
 100 seeds $7.95
Purple Tansy ( Phacelia tanacetifolia )
1A426 Purple Tansy ( Phacelia tanacetifolia )
Produces an abundant quantity of nectar which butterflies and bees find hard to resist, this is an excellent flower for planting alongside vegetable gardens to attract bees and benificial insects .A hardy annual, native to California but has naturalized throughout the western United States. The flowering portion of the stalk is curled, slowly unwinding to reveal lavender colored flowers at maturity. The stamens radiate outward, twice as long as the petals, giving the plant an unusual appearance. Prefers full sun in various soils.

Seedman Basic Info:
Grows about 12 to 24 inches tall, will germinate in about 15-60 days depending on soil and weather conditions, germinates best if soil temperature is in the 60-70°F range.
Cover seeds about 1/16" deep, blooms from April to July.

 7g pack ( over 1,000 seeds ) $4.95
Geisha Girl Calendula
IP025 Geisha Girl Calendula ( Calendula Officinalis )
Sow this beautiful flower seed and forget! It's easy and rewarding to establish in any garden. Notable for its striking double rich orange-red flowers. It has curved petals similar to some chrysanthemum. Geisha Girl has oval foliage that is light green. A common name for Calendula is Pot Marigold.
Calendula flower seed produces a hardy plant. It is happy in most soil conditions. It requires well-drained soil, preferring full sun to semi-shade. Calendula is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds. An annual plant growing to about 20 inches tall. For outside flower beds in zones 4-10. Deer resistant as well.
 175mg pack ( about 25 seeds )$2.95
Sunset Buff Calendula
JF879 Sunset Buff
A soft apricot buff bloom with crimson petal backs. This is an excellent variety for borders and make a stunning cut flower growing about 24 inches tall that will attract bees and butterflies.
 174mg ( about 25 seeds ) seeds $2.95
Creeping Daisy ( Chrysanthemum Paludosum )
JB169 Creeping Daisy ( Chrysanthemum Paludosum )
Easy to grow from flower seeds and quick to flower with a spreading habit, these little Creeping Daisies are a great filler for garden beds, rock gardens, containers, and window boxes. Chrysanthemum Paludosum seeds produce a compact, low growing flowering plant that has 1 1/2 inch flowers. Deadheading and pinching help maintain the compact growth. Creeping Daisy plants typically only grow about 6 - 12 inches tall, but they will spread to 15 inches in no time. Chrysanthemum Paludosum does not waste anytime. After being sown from flower seeds, it blooms in about 12 weeks! Creeping Daisy ground cover is perfect for sunny sites and it's usually resistant to deer.
Butterflies love to visit these sweet little flowers! Chrysanthemums can be liberal self-sowers, and Creeping Daisy will drop its own flower seeds giving you brand new Creeping Daisy plants the following year. Creeping Daisy is technically a perennial, but only in frost free zones 9 and 10.
Creeping Daisy seeds can be sown directly outside in the spring after frost season is over. In a prepared seedbed that is weed free, so the flower seeds about 12 inches apart and press the Chrysanthemum seeds into the soil. Keep the seeds moist until germination occurs. Creeping Daisy care includes an application of all purpose fertilizer each month throughout the growing season and pinching back spent flowers to encourage continued blooming.
  500mg pack ( about 800-900 seeds ) $4.95
  1/4 ounce pack ( enough to cover 125 square feet ) $12.95
1A458 Shasta Daisy ( Chrysanthemum maximum )
Start seeds to grow this old-fashioned favorite! Chrysanthemum Maximum Shasta Daisy is a mainstay in the perennial flower garden with its large white blooms and yellow centers. Shasta Daisy is a very popular wild flower that will grow in all regions of North America. Chrysanthemums are very easy to establish from flower seeds, and Shasta Daisy flowers are great for cutting and the butterflies love them. Chrysanthemum likes to grow in full sun and well-drained soils. To prolong the bloom pick off flowers as soon as they fade. To prevent overcrowding, divide Shasta Daisy plants after three or four years of flowering.
Shasta Daisy plants are ideal for a wild flower garden's edge or are attractive in butterfly gardens or combined with other perennials or annuals. For cooler climates with short growing seasons, start the Chrysanthemum Daisy seeds indoor 6 - 8 weeks before frost season is over. For warmer climates, sow the Shasta Daisy seeds directly outdoors into prepared beds in the spring after danger of frost has passed. Sow the wild flower seed on the surface and keep moist. Shasta Daisy flowers will not bloom the first year, but grow slowly to get established. It will then be a prolific bloomer in successive years. Shastas are one of the best daisies to grow from wild flower seed! Grows about 32 inches tall. A perennial for zones 3-9.
  12g Pack ( about 10,000 seeds, covers 100 sq. ft. ) 5.95
Miss Aroma Dianthus
SF165 Miss Aroma ( Dianthus caryophyllus )
A fragrant carnation that is compact, and the beautiful double flowers have an absolutely exquisite scent, spread out 6" pots of these in bloom and create a fragrant sensation, grows only 8" tall, annual or perennial to zone 4.
 65mg pack ( about 35 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $9.95
Teasel ( Dipsacus sativus )
IP021 Teasel ( Dipsacus sativus )
A very dramatic plant to have in the back border as it can reach a height of 72 inches. Sometimes called Indian Teasel or Fuller's Teasel, it has comb-like flower heads that were used in the wool industry to bring up the nap in woolen cloth. It is also an excellent cut flower for drying. It is widely used in floral arrangements and crafts.
Teasel plants will perform well in sunny areas with well-drained soil. Once established they need very little care and are fairly drought tolerant. Deer do not bother the Fuller's Teasel plant. The Teasel flowers are very popular with bees, birds and hummingbirds who love the flowers and seeds.
Teasels are considered a biennial. The first year they will not produce a bloom, but the second year, tall spikes will form with flower heads that are 4 inches, cylindrical-shaped and made up of a mass of tiny flowers. The flowers are usually a lavender color and bloom in a band from the bottom of the flower head to the top, lasting about a month.
To keep a patch of Teasel plants in the garden, let a few of the flower heads go to seed. The Teasel flower seeds will drop and self-sow.
 50mg pack ( about 20 seeds )$2.95
 250 seeds $7.95
Mosquito Plant
GO72 Mosquito Plant ( Agastache cana )
This hardy perennial will provide you with sweetly scented foliage and large 1" rosy- purple flowers. It attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The crushed foliage rubbed on the skin is said to repel mosquitoes. Will flower first year if grown as an annual, but best flowering is in second year in zones 7-10.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
 60mg pack ( about 100 seeds ) $12.95
HR145 Hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis )
The Hyssop herb is an aromatic plant, and the young leaves are somewhat bitter and minty in flavor. A widely used culinary herb, both the flowers and leaves are used in salads although the leaves are much stronger in flavor. It is also used to flavor pork, chicken, soups, teas and stuffing.
Hyssop is also considered to be a medicinal herb, with the oil obtained from the leaves used to make herbal baths and facials.
Hyssop is an excellent bee plant. Legend has it that beekeepers rubbed their hives with hyssop and other herbs to encourage bees to stay. Hyssop also attracts hummingbirds and butterflies; claims that it keeps cabbage butterflies away from crops or repels flea beetles have not been substantiated.
A perennial hardy in zones 3 to 10.
 100mg package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
 1g package ( about 500 seeds ) $7.95
Lavender Hyssop
TPF173 Lavender Hyssop ( Agastache foeniculum )
Attractive honey plant; produces abundant nectar which yields a light fragrant honey.
Strongly anise-scented, it is delightful for tea or as culinary seasoning.
Deer cannot stand the aromatic foliage.Beautiful, fragrant purple flowers growing 12-36" tall. Perennial. Zone 4-7.
Seed packs will contain many dormant seeds that may take until second second season to germinate, in addition to seeds that will germinate the first seaon, so be patient with them.
 35mg package ( about 100 seeds ) $2.95
HR370 Borage ( Borage officinalis )
Borage herb seeds produces beautiful star-shaped white flowers and textured leaves. Borage benefits include beauty in the garden, attraction for bees and a great addition to summer drinks. Borage Bianca is compact, later flowering and sturdier than standard borage. Excellent in pots.
Plant this unusual 24 inch annual herb for its pure ornamental value, to attract much-coveted bees to your garden, and to harvest for teas and other summer drinks. When young, the cucumber flavored leaves may be added to salads. The flowers (which are excellent for cutting and have a long vase-life) are used as garnishes (in cold drinks like ice tea and lemonade) or added to salads. Cut sprays of Borage all summer long to garnish and add flavor to cold drinks and salads! Borage plants are also considered to be a great companion plant for vegetable gardens and orchards because of the attraction of bees to the blue flowers. Plant Borage seeds where pollination is needed! Borage is sometimes called Starflower or Bee Bread.
Borage is a hardy annual which means that the seeds can be sown outside in the early spring, or even in the fall and overwintered in the soil ready to come up at the first signs of spring.
Borage seeds need complete darkness to germinate. Plants grow 2-3 feet tall.
 1g Package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
 10g Package ( about 500 seeds ) $9.95
Boneset ( Eupatorium perfoliatum )
IP175 Boneset ( Eupatorium perfoliatum )
This remarkable flower is native to the Southern and Eastern United States. Boneset is large and showy, bearing masses of long-lived, white flowers which are truly unique. The butterflies and bees cannot leave these flowers alone!
They make a lovely addition to the wild flower garden or to the back of the perennial garden as they can reach 48 inches in height.
Historically, the Boneset plant was commonly used by some North American Indian tribes and lay herbal doctors for its properties as a febrifuge, laxative, stimulant, and diaphoretic. The Boneset herb was often used to treat flu epidemics, and still today, some use the dried leaves and flowering tops to make Boneset tea or tincture to treat colds and flu. Hardy to zone 3.
  6mg pack ( about 40-50 seeds ) $2.95
  60mg pack ( about 400-500 seeds ) $9.95
Lemon Balm
HR105 Lemon Balm ( Melissa officinalis )
Lemon scented leaves and sprigs used to make teas and cool drinks. Good for potpourri and the flowers attract bees.
  35mg pack ( about 40-50 seeds ) $2.95
  350mg pack ( about 400-500 seeds ) $7.95
Medico Alfalfa
1A009 Medico Alfalfa ( Medicago sativa )
Alfalfa produces a large amount of nectar, which is highly attractive to many species of bees, and from which honey bees produce excellent crops of high quality honey. This strain of alfalfa can be made into a tea by placing two teaspoons of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water and soaking for 15 minutes. This tea is used to treat arthritis, boils, digestive disorders, urinary tract infections and bowel disorders. The chlorophyll in this brew will also dispatch of bad breath. Eating the sprouts in salads is also very beneficial.
 4g pack ( hundreds of seeds) $2.95
 4 ounce pack $7.95
Red Clover
1A008 Red Clover ( Trifolium pratense )
Clover is highly attractive to bees, which visit it avidly for nectar and pollen. Red Clover has long had a reputation as a cancer fighter. The plant contains large amounts of tocopherol, a potent antioxidant form of vitamin E that has been shown to prevent tumor formation in animal studies. It may also provide effective relief for menopausal symptoms as elements of the plant behave like estrogen. A tea can be made by boiling three teaspoons of dried flower tops per cup of water and steeping 15 minutes. Drink 3 cups a day.
  9g pack ( several hundred seeds ) $2.95
 8SER40 1 Pound $12.95
English Thyme
HR229 English Thyme ( Thymus vulgaris )
Plant thyme in your herb garden, at the edge of a walk, along a short garden wall, or in containers. As a special garden treat, put a few along a walkway and between steps, and your footsteps will release its aroma.
It even makes a pretty patch of small ground cover. Growing thyme provides an anchor in an herb garden in areas where it is evergreen in winter. Thyme is also perfect for containers, either alone or in combination with plants that won't shade it out.
It is not only attractive in the perennial border or herb garden, but it also attracts birds, bees and butterflies to the garden as well. It is also commonly referred to as Garden Thyme or English Thyme.
This variety is often planted near vegetables to help control flea beetles and several cabbage pests.
A perennial for zones 4-9.
  75mg package ( 75-100 seeds ) $2.95
  1/4 Ounce package ( about 25,000 seeds ) $9.95
3221 Orange Buttterfly Milkweed ( Asclepias tuberosa )
Butterfly weed is a native perennial with flat-topped, orange or yellow flower clusters at the ends of its stems or in its leaf axils. From midsummer to autumn, it produces clusters of brightly colored flowers that attract insects, followed by fruit and showy seed. Plant in a border, meadow, butterfly garden, or wildflower garden.
Very bright orange or yellow flowers. U.S. native. This plant's milky white sap may irritate skin. Its stiff, thick branches may act as treillage to support weaker neighboring plants. Attracts bees and butterflies. At any given time you may see species of Monarch, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Cabbage White, Gray Hairstreak, Western Swallowtail, and many other butterfly varieties feeding on this plant.

Perennial for zones 3-9, grows about 28 inches tall. Cannot ship to HI

  40mg pack ( about 15 seeds ) $2.95
  125 seeds $7.95 
Rose Butterfly Plant
IP311 Rose Butterfly Plant ( Asclepias incarnata )
Also commonly called Red Milkweed, Marsh Milkweed, or Swamp Milkweed. That lovely vanilla fragrance you detect coming from large rosy pink flowers possibly hosting several Monarch or Swallowtail butterflies is Rose Milkweed. This deer-resistant plant grows best in moist but will tolerate average soils, and blooms for about a month mid-summer. Later, large pods form which will break open to reveal seeds that will float away in the wind.
If growing Rose Milkweed from seed, try fall planting, or if planting in spring be sure to first moist-cold stratify the seeds for a month. Large numbers of Rose Milkweed can often be seen growing in wetland settings.
Plants grow about 48 inches tall, hardy for zones 3-9. Cannot ship to HI
  180mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
  250 seeds $12.95
Sage ( Salvia officinalis )
HR195 Sage ( Salvia officinalis )
Here's an easy-to-grow from herb seeds addition to the garden! The Sage herb has fragrant gray-green leaves and attractive mauve flower spikes in early summer. It is highly attractive to birds, bees and butterflies. Sage has a long history of medicinal and culinary uses.
It is also a very attractive, evergreen perennial that produces mauve colored flowers during the blooming season. It is an excellent ground cover for edging sidewalks or garden pathways where its attractive foliage and flowers can be appreciated. Many people also dry sage for creating aromatic wreaths and dried flower arrangements. It's such a versatile plant, growing in a rock garden or bordering an herb garden and so easy to start from seeds.

Containing naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals, the herb sage is best known as a culinary spice that adds flavor to poultry dishes. However, sage has been used for hundreds of years in folk medicine to treat a variety of different ailments. Most commonly drunk as a tea, sage herb is good for the nerves, digestive system and for balancing estrogen levels in women.
 410mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
 4.1g pack ( about 500 seeds ) $7.95
Ellagance Ice Lavender
SF280 Ellagance Ice ( Lavandula angustifolium )
Also called Ellagance Snow. Grown readily from Lavender seeds, this white flowering herb plant is a stunning variety of English Lavender! Ellagance Snow Lavender plants measures 12 inches in height and will spread not quite as wide. This white Lavender has a dense, compact habit and loves a position in full sun and in well-draining soil.
If you have a sunny spot, this little white Lavender herb will not disappoint! Both the silvery green foliage and the delicate white blooms have a wonderful fragrance. It is irresistible to bees and butterflies, and just wait until the scent catches on the summer breezes! With a long bloom season, and a pretty display, this is a great addition. hardy to zone 4.
 28mg pack ( about 30 seed ) $3.95
Munstead Lavender
2713 Munstead ( Lavandula munstead )
The violet English Lavender has been a mainstay of herb gardens for many years. Despite its common name, it is not in fact native to England, but comes primarily from the Mediterranean region.
It was reportedly named English lavender because of its ability to grow well in the English climate.
This "true lavender" is commercially planted for harvesting its oils for use in perfumes.
It also grown for cutflowers, and it's atrraction for bees and butterflies. Cleaned seed, treated for fast, uniform germination, grows 16 inches tall, hardy to zone 4.
 25mg pack ( about 25-30 seeds )$2.95
 250 seeds $7.95
Lemon Mint
HR167 Lemon Mint ( Monarda citriodora )
A wonderful annual that attracts beneficial insects. Monarda Citriodora is commonly called Lemon Bee Balm, Lemon Mint, and Purple Horsemint. As the name suggests, it is an herb in the mint family. Lavender-to-pink, tuft-like, whorled flower heads attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The Lemon Mint herb plant blooms from spring into late summer. Often late in the season the scent is described as resembling oregano more than lemon. Plants will grow about 36" tall.
  20mg Package ( about 35 seeds ) $2.95
 250 seeds $5.95
Black Locust, False Acacia ( Robinia pseudoacacia )
Image: By H. Zell [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
D1711 Black Locust, False Acacia ( Robinia pseudoacacia )
Beautiful ornamental tree loaded with white fragrant flowers. Flowering occurs in the spring, when showy, fragrant, white to yellow flowers develop in 8 inch long clusters that bees and hummingbirds love.
An excellent shade tree with acacia type foliage that will mature at about 50 feet tall and 25 feet wide. Normally has thorny stickers. The fragrant flowers can be smelled for hundreds of feet in spring. This is a tree that grows well in poor soil and can be an aggressive grower in good soil, so probably best suited for areas you want to dress up or hide, and do not mind the suckering growth.
The bruised foliage mixed with sugar will attract and kill flies, a useful attribute.
Cannot ship to New York state. Grows well in zones 3-9.
 100 seeds $5.95
W184 Chilean Glory Vine ( Eccremocarpus tresco mix )
If you want hummingbirds in your garden, start Chilean Glory Vine plants! Chilean Glory Flower or Glory Vine is a fast-growing, evergreen climbing vine. The Glory Vine has tubular flowers that grow in clusters and are in colors of orange, yellow, pink, and shades of red. A long bloomer, Chilean Glory Flower has flowers from spring to autumn. The leaves are light green, small, oval-shaped and boldly veined. This climbing vine will quickly cover a trellis or arbor and makes a wonderful display in the landscape.
This is the perfect flowering plant for hummingbirds, and they visit it all day long. Chilean Glory Vine looks delicate, but it is vigorous and easy to grow and is considered a perennial in USDA Zones 9 - 10, but it will grow like an annual in colder zones. For areas with a long growing season, start the Eccremocarpus Scaber seeds directly outdoors in a prepared seedbed. In colder zones, start the flower seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the end of frost season.
 15mg pack ( about 40-50 seeds ) $5.95
Russells Mix Lupine
TPF278 Russells Mix Lupine ( Lupinus Polyphyllus )
For years, gardeners have been growing these perennials for a great source of vibrant late-spring to early summer color. The Russell lupine plants are vigorous with a spread of 12 - 16 inches wide, creating a bushy mat of bright green foliage beneath the bloom spikes. The mix includes shades of reds, pinks, blues, yellows, and whites in both solids and bi-colors. The flowers will attract attention from butterflies, hummingbirds and your neighbors! The plants prefer cooler climates. Where weather is hotter, provide some afternoon shade. Russell Lupine care is simply deadheading the faded flower spikes. They will self-sow if not trimmed back. Perennial for zones 4-8, grows 36-48 inches tall.
  3.5g pack ( about 175 seeds ) $3.95
JB229 Scotch Gypsy Broom ( Cytisus )
This makes an ideal hedge for poor soils. Very fragrant shrublike plant, teeming with small flowers, yellow to pink shades. Bees and butterflies love these plants! A very quick and easy plant to raise from seed in a beautiful mixture of colors. Wonderful as specimen plants or for covering large areas quickly and inexpensively. Grows 2-3 feet tall. Hardy in zones 5-9. Prefers full sun.
 180mg Package ( about 20 seeds ) $3.95
TWT270 White Linen ( Eschscholzia californica )
White Linen is a stunning variety that is as unusual as it is beautiful. An excellent self-seeder, it puts on quite a show of delicate paper-like petals, especially when planted in abundance.
White Linen California Poppy will produce creamy white flowers that measure 2 or 3 inches wide in diameter. The plants will grow to a mature height of roughly 12 to 18 inches tall.
Grown as a tender perennial, they attract an array of beneficial insects to the garden, such as butterflies, bumblebees, honeybees and more.
 1.8g package ( over 1,000 seeds sows 50 sq. ft. ) $5.95
JB135 Double Mix ( Papaver somniferum )
Fully double blooms make fabulous cut flowers, that is if you can bear to cut them. Tall-growing annual with large double blooms is an excellent pollinator attractor, as bees and butterflies love the multi-colored summer blooms. Long flowering season, tall sturdy stems and extra large double blooms make this one of the most popular poppy flowers available.
Grows about 30-32 inches tall, usually grown as an annual, will re-seed itself.
600mg pack ( about 750 seeds ) $3.95
Prunella Light Blue
JB197 Chinese Foxglove ( Rehmannia elata )
Winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Commonly called Chinese foxglove because the tubular flowers bear a resemblance to digitalis ( foxglove ). Pollinators love the trumpet-shaped flowers, which are a lovely shade of rose-pink with speckled yellow throats. The blooms dangle from slender stems that rise above a basal rosette of scalloped gray-green foliage. The airy and delicate blossoms of combine grace and color with a long season of bloom.
Easy to grow, it is a perennial but might not survive above zone 7 so grow it there as an annual. Blooms prolifically first year from seed if sown the previous fall. No garden should be without this lovely plant, it looks both dainty and really exotic.
Although Chinese foxglove is not as hardy as its lookalike, digitalis, it is more versatile, growing well in shade and is even fairly drought-tolerant. Mature Height: 24-36", Spacing: 12-18". Zones 7-10.
  15mg Package ( about 200 seeds ) $4.95
TWT304 Peach Cobbler Zinnia Mix
An excellent flower mix for butterflies, borders and backgrounds. The Peach Cobbler Zinnia Mix is composed of our ‘Canary Bird’, ‘Coral Beauty’, ‘Luminosa’ and ‘Orange King’ Zinnia varieties, creating a warm and refreshing color combination.
2g pack ( about 200 seeds ) $2.95
Monarch Butterfly Garden Mix
DCM015 Monarch Butterfly Garden Mix
If you love Monarch butterflies, then plant this mix in your garden to attract and nourish them. Consistent with the latest research about the declining Monarch population, this mix includes a wide range of bloom times, including spring and fall flowering varieties to accommodate butterflies that are no longer following traditional migration patterns.

The beautiful orange and black Monarch butterfly is one of the best known threatened butterfly species in North America. According to some of the latest surveys over 90% of the population has disappeared in the last decade mostly due to loss of habitat. Sprawling urban developments and intensive farming techniques mean fewer uncultivated margins where the milkweed species can thrive and provide habitat for the Monarch during its egg and larvae/caterpillar stages.
When the females cannot find suitable habitat to lay eggs, the life cycle is interrupted and the overall population decreases. While scientists have been aware for several years of the Monarch butterfly's life threatening situation and possible extinction, promoting public, government and industry awareness of the plight of this beautiful insect is probably the only thing that can lead to saving it.

This mix provides five species of milkweed (Asclepias) as well as a Butterfly Mixture that provides a variety of nectar-producing flowers that supply food for adult butterflies. Milkweed (Asclepias species) is the only food source for Monarchs in their caterpillar state, and any garden devoted to butterflies will have Milkweed in abundance. This mix offers a bit of it as well, but it supplements with greater percentages of many other nectar sources (often more difficult for Monarchs to find) for spring, summer, and fall.

This mix contains: Bishop's Flower, Black-Eyed Susan, Butterfly Milkweed, California Poppy, Candytuft, Cornflower, Dwarf Cosmos, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Dwarf Godetia, Indian Blanket, New England Aster, Plains Coreopsis, Gayfeather, Purple Coneflower, Perennial Lupine, Purpletop, Shasta Daisy, Siberian Wallflower, Sweet Alyssum, and Sweet William Pinks.
2 ounce package of seeds will cover 300 square ft.

  2 ounce Package $9.95
Butterfly/Hummingbird Mix
BB100 Butterfly/Hummingbird Mix
An excellent mixture of flowers for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies.
Contains: Coneflower, Arroy Lupine, Mallow, Four-O'Clock, Nasturtium, Zinnia 'Pumila Mix', Bird's Eyes, Rocket Larkspur, Sweet William Pinks, Spurred Snapdragon, Corn Poppy, Scarlet Sage, Catchfly, Balsam, Dwarf Columbine, Foxglove, Maltese Cross, Lemon Mint and Rocky Mountain Penstemon.
Sow seeds in February in South, April in the North.
18g package of seeds will cover 100 square ft.
  18 Package $7.95