Asparagus Pea Seeds

What does asparagus have to do with this plant? There may be two possibilities for the common name:
The young pods taste similar to asparagus,
or the vegetable is prepared in the same manner as asparagus, by steaming and covering with butter.
Another common name for Tetragonolobus purpurea is the Winged Pea because the pods that form have the appearance of having wings.
Useful gardening information
Start Asparagus Pea seeds directly outside in a prepared seedbed after the danger of frost is over. Cover the flower seeds with 1/4 inch of soil and keep them moist until germination occurs.
3526 Asparagus Pea ( Tetragonolobus purpureus )
Asparagus Pea seeds can grow one of the prettiest vegetables on the face of the earth! The Asparagus Pea is actually not related to either asparagus or peas. But it has a common name dating back to 1734 when a garden writer by the name of Phillip Miller mentions it in one of his articles.
Asparagus Pea goes with virtually any dish. Asparagus Pea can also be used in the flower border as attractive ground cover.
This charming little vine produces dark red blooms which are followed by edible winged pods. The flowers which are formed in pairs, and they can be used as an edible garnish in salads and other dishes. After pollination occurs, winged pods develop and can grow up to 3 1/2 inches long. Best eaten small (under one inch), they are excellent steamed or added to other vegetables. Saute whole in butter and they taste very much like asparagus. Thrives in poor soil and full sun.
 1.25g Package ( about 35-40 seeds ) $3.95

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