Artichoke Seeds

Useful gardening information

It is best to start seeds indoors in late winter, and transplant after danger of frost has passed. Artichokes perform best when grown in rich soil and given plenty of room.

The large flower buds are harvested just before they begin to open. These heads usually start to develop a reddish color when they are ready to be cut. Artichokes can be eaten raw, but are usually steamed for a half hour to 45 minutes, depending on size. The petals or "scales" will pull off easily when they have cooked enough. In addition to the artichoke heart (the base of the flower) the thickened flesh at the base of the larger scales may be scraped off and eaten. The scales get smaller and smaller the deeper you get into the center of the head. The small undeveloped petals are scraped off, leaving the heart.

Most varieties, such as Green Globe Improved, will not produce a crop the first season, and so must be wintered over. The plants will tolerate frozen soil if covered by a thick layer of mulch. Mice may be a problem, tunneling through the mulch to consume the plants during the winter. Overwintering this tender perennial is easier in areas with a mild winter. The flower buds are usually produced in late spring or early summer the second year.

Sowing Instructions

Start seeds in 4 inch pots in late January or early February. Transplant out 8 weeks later when the soil has warmed. Due to genetic make-up, about 20% of artichoke plants from seed will be useless, so cull (pick out) smaller and albino plants at the time of transplanting.

Sowing Outdoors
Direct sow in early spring when soil temperatures reach 55°F. Direct sown plants may not mature the first year in zones 6 and below. Fertilization Tips-Apply 1 cup of a blended organic fertilizer or a shovel full of chicken manure around each transplant to provide the nutrition necessary for optimum production.

Informative articles found on the web:

How to cook and eat an artichoke
20 great artichoke recipes
All about artichokes
Artichokes 101
How to grow artichokes
D9712 Artichoke: Green Globe
6 months. Large green heads with a purple tint. A very flavorful and fleshy variety. Plants grow 4-6’ tall and spread 6-8’. Each plant will yield about 15 buds. Start seed inside in February and transplant outside after the danger of frost is past. It is possible to overwinter artichoke in New England in a sheltered spot with protection.
  1.5g Package ( about 25-30 seeds ) $2.95
  250 seeds $8.95
IP233 Tavor
Fast to mature, cropping in the first year from planting is not unusual, with 8 or more globes per plant in following years not being unusual. This will produce an abundance of artichokes over it's lifetime.
Harvest when immature for pickling or allow to grow to their usual 4" diameter.
Another benefit of Tavor is its improved cold tolerance over the Winter months when the crowns of other varieties can be killed off by prolonged hard frost.
An improved Imperial Star-type for low-input systems that features minimal spines for easier harvesting. The 2–3' plants have an open habit and produce an average of 1–2 primary buds per plant averaging about 3–4" in diameter. Secondary buds average 5–7 per plant at 1 1/2–2" in diameter. Perennial in Zone 7 and warmer; otherwise treat as an annual.
 800mg pack ( about 17-18 seeds ) $4.95